The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 3281: Sixth level of Mahayana, breakthrough!

One year later in the market of time.


Fang Chuan floated cross-legged on a suspended island, and then his eyes suddenly opened. Suddenly, his breath rose wildly.

The entire world, formed a vortex, surrounding him.

He broke!

Six Mahayana Realm!

Pieces of heaven, material and earth treasures on his body were melted by him, turned into pure energy, and merged into Fang Chuan's body.

His true energy is constantly changing, and his strength is growing at an extremely fast rate.

This process lasted about an hour.

Then he stopped.


Fang Chuan smiled, then looked at his hands with satisfaction, no matter whether it was physical body, true energy or spiritual power, he had made a leap.

His current strength can be said to be able to easily defeat most of the Six Tribulations Earth Immortals.

"That's not enough. I heard that among those old geniuses, there are Seven Tribulations Earth Immortals!"

Fang Chuan was not satisfied. During the year, he continued to participate in the show and went to the Palace of Spiritual Pressure to exercise.

Anyway, these things are all free for him, so he uses them unscrupulously.

Because they are the heroes of the Supreme Profound Sect, when they want to use it, other people, even if they have a higher seniority, will let them.

"It's just a pity, I can't enter the fairy world, otherwise, I should be able to break through faster!"

Afterwards, Fang Chuan closed his eyes again, running the Pill Fire Secret Art, and at the same time, separated a strand of God Sense and stationed it in the Inheritance Hall.

His pill fire art is getting stronger and stronger.

Now, his most powerful elemental power is still the power of thunder and lightning, because he has the blessing of the ten directions of thunder.

The second most powerful is Pill Fire.

When he becomes stronger, he can try to fuse the power of the Immortal Venerable Furnace. At that time, the power of thunder and fire merges, and a powerful force erupts. That is truly powerful.


Another month passed.

Fang Chuan had never left on this floating island. This was also his privilege. He simply lived on this combat island.

No one would bother him, even Wei Rufeng and the others would not come to use the actual combat island.

Because they knew that if their realm wanted to break through, they needed more subcultivation, and Fang Chuan was different from them.

Moreover, Fang Chuan's breakthrough is good for them, so they are all willing to let Fang Chuan use it.

"Huh! The sixth stage of the Mahayana Stage is at its peak."

After a month of hard cultivation, Fang Chuan finally reached the peak, and the more time he practiced later, it took a few days or ten days to reach the peak before.

However, it is different now, it will take a month.

I am afraid it will be longer in the future.


For other people, this speed is no small thing. Well, from breakthrough to peak, good people have accumulated in one or several years.

This is mainly because Fang Chuan's physique is different, his absorption capacity is fast, and his dantian world is strong.

Moreover, he has enough resources!

The reason why many people are slow to reach the top is the lack of resources.

I don't know how slow it is just to absorb the aura in the world to break through.

"Go and fight the Six Tribulations Earth Puppets first!"

Fang Chuan broke through to the peak and planned to change the environment. He couldn't keep practicing so hard, and it would be a waste of time to cultivate so hard.


The next moment, he arrived in front of the immortal puppet of Six Tribulations.

Hh hh...

Once the Six Tribulations puppet was activated, immediately, a series of terrifying sword auras containing the power of the Six Tribulations were killed.

Moreover, every move is very subtle and full of lethality.

At the same time, the purple thunder and lightning in the sky were continuously summoned by the Six Tribulations Puppets.


Fang Chuan stood still on the spot, motionless, and then with his thoughts, the ten-pointed heavenly wheels penetrated and the Great Shattering technique became more powerful.


In an instant, the ten-pointed sky wheel penetrated the puppet, and the puppet burst suddenly.

Then, the sky was silent, and the lightning disappeared.


Fang Chuan shook his head, and his current strength against these Six Tribulations puppets was simply meaningless.

He had been tortured by this puppet before. He was bruised and bruised several times and almost died.

This time, it was also for revenge.

"Next, Seven Tribulations Puppet!"

Fang Chuan knew that the next path to find abuse had opened. He could now kill the Six Tribulations Puppets in seconds, but in front of the Seven Tribulations Puppets, he might only be able to resist one move for the time being.

With a thought, he moved to the island where the Seven Tribulations Puppet was located.

"start up!"

Fang Chuan now has the puppet's control magic weapon in his hands, so he only needs to control the puppet with mental power to control the puppet's attack and stop.

In this way, it is of great help to his exercise.


As soon as he activated, the Seven Tribulations puppet had already sealed, and then a thunder and lightning penetrated through it.

With a bang, Fang Chuan was hit by a terrifying thunder and lightning, and his whole body was paralyzed and painful, and even his bodyguard's true energy burst instantly.

His body has a feeling of breaking down.

"Oh shit!"

He cursed, and then his divine sense quickly stopped the puppet's continued attack. He felt that if there was another thunder and lightning, he could be killed!

The gap between the Seven Tribulations Puppet and the Six Tribulations Puppet is simply a huge difference.

"Resume first."

He lay motionless on the ground, and then used atmospheric therapy to continuously repair his body and meridians.

After about half an hour.

He jumped up.

"Come again!"

Fang Chuan's thoughts moved, and immediately, the Seven Tribulations puppet attacked him again, and a thunder and lightning struck him again.

Ten directions magic mirror!

Shi Fang Lei Ling!


Fang Chuan used the magic weapon on his body to resist the first attack, and then he rushed to the Seven Tribulation Puppet.


His ten directions holy sword slashed, and the terrifying Thunder Yin sword aura penetrated.

With a snap, the puppet waved his hand, condensing a shield, and the Da Lei Yin sword aura suddenly turned into nothingness.


Then, the puppet grabbed Void, and a large Void hand immediately grabbed Fang Chuan in the middle of the big hand, cracking, and the terrifying force almost crushed Fang Chuan.


When Fang Chuan thought, the power of the puppet disappeared again, and Fang Chuan fell to the ground, letting a sigh of relief.

Continue to recover.

Above the sky.

"The reason why Fang Chuan was able to far surpass his contemporaries and able to make continuous breakthroughs is that in addition to his own talent and surprise, there is also his terrible willpower!"

It was a white-haired Taoist who was talking, and beside him stood the ancestor Jin You and Jin Xuanning.

Fang Chuan didn't feel anything at all when the three of them arrived.

Because they are strong in the ascension realm.

This white-haired Taoist priest is the Supreme Elder, who has turned the clouds over.

Lang Fanyun used one hand of swordsmanship before, but now he has reached the eight-fold invincible level of the Ascension Realm, and instead began to use magic and supernatural powers.

"Elder, Fang Chuan is indeed a person worth training. This expedition requires him to be the vanguard."

Jin Xuanning nodded and said. The ancestor Jin You snorted coldly: "Being a pioneer is to face the enemy alone. What if something happens to him?"

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