Boom boom boom...

Just as Fang Chuan and the others entered the sphere of light, and the wormhole began to shrink toward the position of the sphere of light like rays, the void creatures moved.

They went crazy, and rushed towards the fading light ball.

Void energy in the sky bombarded the past!

Between the heaven and the earth, there appeared a series of void lightning, void fire, and some low-level void creatures were controlled by the high-level void creatures, suicidally impacting the ball of light.

The explosion keeps on!

In that scene, all the void creatures were like crazy.


The ancestor Mo Xu looked at everything in front of him and sighed. The power of these void creatures far exceeded his expectations.

Especially those void creatures that are as large as a planet, constantly controlling low-level void creatures to attack the light ball.

He shook his head, such a powerful void creature, he may not be able to completely kill.

Moreover, such a powerful void creature attack, leaving Fang Chuan and the others not much time.


The flow rate in the Ruins of Time is different, one day outside, one year inside, I don’t know how long this sphere of light can support.

If it lasts for a day, maybe it's okay.

But, I am afraid it is impossible!

At that time, the ancestors of Mo Xu and the others will rush to kill at the moment the light ball bursts and the exit of the time ruins appears, repel the void creatures, bring these arrogances back to the light ball, and then return to the overlord world.

This is not an easy task.

It's no wonder that Jiuyue Holy Land issued a warning and asked all their forces to send powerful guardians over!

Hh hh...

Fang Chuan and the others didn't know what was going on outside, there was a sound of strong wind coming from their ears, and then their eyes changed drastically.

It's like walking through a wormhole again and descending from the heavens to the world.

Of course, this is an illusion.

Strictly speaking, the power level in the world of the Ruins of Time is not lower than outside, or even stronger.

However, he just had this feeling, just like the process of the gods descending to the world that he watched on TV when he was a child.

At this time, he had to admire those human imaginations.


Finally, they fell to the ground.


Wei Rufeng breathed a sigh of relief: "Actually, it was very dangerous before, and it will be very dangerous later. Now, we are the safest."

He smiled and said to everyone: "Now, it's up to our chance."

He looked left and right, and looked up at the shining, **** sun, as if he could tell the direction.

He pointed in a direction and said: "We are on the periphery first, and we need to keep walking in that direction. You can understand that we are now on the previous Jiuyue Holy Land Square, and we are in the fan-shaped area where we are."

He added: "Our goal is to go to the beam of light area, which of course is also very large."

"And, only in that area can you see the barren tower."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Fang Chuan and said, "Junior Brother Fang Chuan, you are our team leader this time, what do you say?"

"lets go."

Fang Chuan waved his hand and said: "Our ultimate goal is to occupy more barren towers, but our goal now is to find opportunities."

He thought for a while and said: "While advancing and searching, neither side can relax, otherwise, we might be in danger this time."

As he said, he walked in the direction that Wei Rufeng said, and said: "Brother Wei, along the way, you tell us the basic situation here, as well as the situation of the barren tower, how can it be considered occupation? What's the point."

"it is good."

Wei Rufeng waved his hand, and the spear was already in his hand. He was also vigilant and said, "First, let's talk about the basic situation."

"In fact, there are many opportunities here, ancient ruins, some magical medicinal materials, and some monsters that are helpful to our cultivation."

"Of course, every opportunity contains great danger, especially the ruins. It can be said that if you are not careful, you will die."

"However, it depends on our luck, which is another matter."

"Let’s talk about the barren towers, the barren towers are in the ruins of time, the area of ​​the beam of light I call, where there are a lot of barren towers." "There are a total of 1,080, in each barren tower. , There is a guardian monster beast. The guardian monsters are very powerful. Before, they were generally between the first tribulation earth fairy to the second tier earth fairy.

give up. "

"After defeating the guardian monster, he will get his inner core, which is fused with our blood and placed on the top of the tower."

"The Barren Tower is ours."

"It is said that every time we occupy a barren tower, the sect we are in will have too much control over the ruins of time we are currently guarding."

"Junior Brother Fang Chuan, you have been to the Ruins of Time. Do you know the safe area inside. If there is no power transmitted from the barren tower, the safe area cannot be guarded."

"Secondly, the barren tower will also randomly give some benefits to the occupiers. The best thing is to infuse the fairy world law."

"This is a great opportunity for people to improve their strength."

"Of course, there are some other rewards. I don't know the specific rules, but there will be rewards."

"Finally, it is said that if we occupy all the barren towers, the ruins of this time will be stabilized."

"At that time, an entrance will be formed, and the guardians will pull the entrance out of the void."

As they walked, Wei Rufeng said, talking a lot in one breath, and finally he stopped and said: "I actually know this too. I participated only three times. This is the fourth time. It was too weak before. What kind of participation."

He smiled and said: "Anyway, this is an extremely dangerous place, and, I have the feeling that this place is more dangerous than the time market I participated in before, and the level is higher!"


Fang Chuan has already got the information he wants. Although the information is still lacking, it is already pretty good.

Better than they don’t know anything!

He walked and said: "What is the essence of the Ruins of Time? Is it because of the existence of the Ruins of Time that the Overlord World has so many powerful forces without falling apart?"

"Why does he appear once in ten years?"

"Why are there requirements for those who enter the Desolate Time Ruins?"

"It feels like an established program. Is someone controlling it?"

There was a question mark on his face, and at the same time, he thought of the mysterious life he had encountered in the Ruins of Time.

The life that left him a clone of the moral heavenly monarch.

"Forget it, don't think about it, hurry, if we can't break through, then the future is even more dangerous!"

Fang Chuan said, waving his hand, and under his leadership, their speed suddenly increased and they rushed towards the center area.

The other teams were similar to them, and they were rushing towards the center area.

"Hehe, this time, I hope he can gain something!"

In an ancient temple that Fang Chuan and Mo Xu didn't know about, a person wearing a black cloak, who could not see any face, had a crystal ball floating on his palm.

On this crystal ball, Fang Chuan's image was presented. His voice is hoarse to the extreme, and he doesn't know who he is referring to!

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