The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 3206: Seek a breakthrough in actual combat

Boom boom boom...

In the actual combat island, Fang Chuan faced a three-caliber immortal puppet, and exploded with infinite thundery and sword aura.

The island they were on was already devastated.

The appearance of the immortal puppet of the Three Tribulations Land is no different from that of human beings, except that it has no vitality, but the attack is fierce and the opponent Chuan is very fierce.

His speed is very fast, and every hit has a three-caliber earthly elementary level.

Under the continuous blows, Fang Chuan's Da Lei Yin sword aura burst continuously, and then he was continuously beaten into flight.

Mouthful blood spurted out.

Fang Chuan displayed a profound and mysterious step, constantly running the Da Lei Yin Sword Qi to fight the puppet.

This is already his tenth challenge to the junior puppet of the Three Tribulations Earth Immortal in the past few days.

Every time, he was wounded all over his body, and for the first time he was almost killed alive, which made him understand that although he was close to the strength of the Three Tribulations Earth Immortal.

However, if he really tried hard, he couldn't defeat the Three Tribulations Earth Immortal.

Up to now, his combat effectiveness is growing, and his physical ability to resist is also growing, so he can hold on to this time.

Even if he kept being beaten up and vomiting blood, he did not give up at the moment.

"This kid is too abnormal!"

Above the actual combat island where Fang Chuan was located, there were two figures floating, one was the old man in charge of exchange matters, and the other was the Purple Sword King.

This old man took over the management of the actual combat island after the King of Siam left.

And when he knew that Fang Chuan's chosen puppet was the Three Tribulations Earth Immortal, he paid special attention to Fang Chuan's practice.

Later, the Purple Sword King also joined his team.

Cultivation is boring, and occasionally there are geniuses like Fang Chuan who cultivate, and they are also very interested to take a look.

The old man sighed and said: "He lasted for 18 rounds for the first time and almost died, but he was able to terminate his cultivation in time."

"The second time, he persisted for twenty-five rounds."

"Now, he has persisted for more than three hundred rounds. It can be said that his progress is desperate."

The old man felt the gap between him and Fang Chuan in the same realm, as well as the gap in talent.

This gap is not just about the speed of cultivation and the realm of cultivation, but an ability to understand combat.

Cultivators, cultivation is important, but to settle down and fight against the sky, fighting is also the most important thing.

"He is really perverted."

The Purple Sword King was even more unhappy and said: "When I saw him more than three years ago, I was just a little disciple of the Third Stage. I came back half a year ago and I felt he was not easy."

"This kid, the last time he was going to use the actual combat island, but was later made things difficult by the King of Siam, he even gave up using the actual combat island, I thought he was trying to hide his power and bide his time."

Just as the Purple Sword King spoke, the old man shouted: "Be cautious in your words and deeds! I have suppressed the Emperor Star Fighting several times, and you can easily grab the handle for the Emperor Star Fighting!"


The Purple Sword King nodded hurriedly and changed the subject: "I think it won't be long before he can easily defeat me."

"Stop talking about you."

The old man sighed, looked at the Purple Sword King at the Peak of Three Tribulations Earth Immortal, and smiled: "As long as you give him a few years, I might not be his opponent."

"No way!" The Purple Sword King's eyes drenched.

However, he quickly smiled and said, "You said yes. By the way, Star Douhuang has made it clear that he will be suppressed this time, and Dan Wang Douhuang doesn't know why he didn't come, brother, what do you say?"

It turned out that this old man was the brother of the Purple Sword King, the King of Longevity.

Wang Wanshou glanced at the Purple Sword King and said: "I have guarded the Ruins of Time for thousands of years. This place, I can call the shots. I don't let go. The Emperor Star Dou will never want to touch Fang Chuan's hair."


The Purple Sword King sighed: "The Supreme Profound Sect headmaster will soon undergo the ninth terrible calamity. At that time, he may be appointed as the headmaster."

"So what?" Wang Wanshou sneered: "He is not a teacher for a day, so he can't point fingers at me for a day."

He said again: "As long as Fang Chuan wants to cultivate here, I can protect him!"

Afterwards, he waved his hand: "Don't talk about this, look at this kid, it's already close to four hundred rounds, does he want to defeat this immortal puppet of Three Tribulations this time?"

"No way?"

The Purple Sword King raised his brows, he looked down in disbelief, and shook his head. He deeply knew the gap before each realm.

Four hundred rounds, it looks like a lot, but you can really fight, sometimes tens of thousands of rounds are possible.

He sighed: "If you want to defeat the immortal puppet of the Three Tribulations, unless this kid breaks through..."

"Don't tell me..."

Wang Wanshou said suddenly: "He challenged ten times in a row. Every time he was bruised and bruised, he recovered after half a day's rest. It seems that he has abundant resources."

"Furthermore, he gets stronger as he fights, and to break through the bottleneck with actual combat is also a way to find a breakthrough opportunity."

"I'm afraid he really wants to break through in battle!"

After he finished speaking, the face of the Purple Sword King changed. How long did this kid break through? It took less than three years to break through like a rocket.

What else does he want?

Is he so easy to break through?

Think about him, the Purple Sword King, who was also a generation of genius back then. He has gone through many hardships, life and death, and cultivated for more than two thousand years before he reached the point he is today.

He has been in the Three Tribulations Earth Immortal for nearly a hundred years!

"Monster, evil spirit!"

The Purple Sword King took a deep breath and spit out, but he looked at Fang Chuan motionlessly, for fear of missing something.

"Always a little bit worse."

During the battle, Fang Chuan frowned. The aura of Star Dou Emperor appeared once on Actual Combat Island, but the opponent did not come in to prevent him from practicing.

This shows that someone helped him down.

The only one who can stop the Star Fighting Emperor is definitely the old man, but Fang Chuan understands that others can shelter him for a while, not the first life.

Therefore, he is anxious to break through.

After he breaks through this time, he will leave the Ruins of Time. After all, the Star Dou Emperor will not let it go.

He couldn't always make the old man embarrassed.

The most important thing is that after several battles, he felt the opportunity to break through, otherwise, he wouldn't risk it.

Now, he is fighting frantically with this puppet, fighting with his life, wandering on the edge of life and death, just to seize that little chance.

Dangerous, but he believes in himself.


It was always a little too close, and the bottleneck of the Mahayana realm's second stage was vaguely caught by him.

"It's not enough, but more fierce battles are needed, all defenses, offenses, and constant offenses are needed!"

After fighting against the puppet for more than ten consecutive rounds, Fang Chuan was beaten into a violent retreat. If it weren't for the Saint Grade body, he would have died.

However, the more he fought, the more fierce he was, the ten-point holy sword was fully deployed, and the Great Thunder Yin sword aura burst out one after another.

He really abandoned the defense and completely turned into an offense.

At that moment, he was filled with a spirit of indomitable spirit.

Boom boom boom...

He cut out a series of terrifying Da Leiyin sword aura, but after all, the opponent was an immortal puppet of the Three Tribulations Land, and his sword aura kept breaking.

And he was beaten even more bloody, and the wounds were more hideous.


Seeing this scene, the Purple Sword King swallowed, and quickly said: "Is this kid crazy, is he in such a hurry?"

"The evildoer has high demands on himself."

Wang Wanshou sighed and glanced at the Purple Sword King and said, "If you were as brave as him, you might have broken through."

"No." The Purple Sword King shook his head and said, "I may be dead."

"Haha." Wang Wanshou smiled. The Purple Sword King hurriedly said, "Look, this kid's momentum has changed!"

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