
Fang Chuan looked at the terrible appearance of the King of Siam, and couldn't help but feel sorry for him, and he also understood that maybe they had different trials.

He is a refined medium-grade holy pill.

And the King of Siam is fighting many puppets...

Although speaking, it is not low for him to refine the middle-grade sacred pill, but this is what he is good at, but it is not bad.

But the King of Siam is really miserable.


The King of Siam snorted coldly. Obviously he also thought that the test of the two is different. Otherwise, Fang Chuan could die a hundred times under that kind of puppet battle!

If he can't seize the ruins this time, he will lose a lot.

All his life-saving methods have been used!

"It's fate that you two can accept my test together. My cave collection is not too much, but there should be no problem for you to cultivate to the ascension..."

At this time, the old man lying on the hut spoke.

He said again: "Of course, the premise is that you can get it. In fact, I am just a projection. I don't know whether I am alive or dead now..."

"Of course, I don't know how many inheritors have passed over the years."

"I don't know whether there are loopholes in the formation, and if anyone has not passed the test, but still got the benefits."

He looked lazy and dangling, and he was very awkward.

However, Fang Chuan and the King of Siam obviously don't care about a projection.

Besides, they don't have that strength to care about.

"In fact, this so-called test was made by me on a whim. Ascending to the heavens, nothing in the world can be taken."

"Therefore, I left a cave mansion, and someone with destiny helped me pass on the Taoism. I don't want to force it."

"A person in the big world who can ascend to the heavens will not be born in a thousand years, and I don't expect to meet any of you in the heavens."

The old man continued talking, then sat up and watched Fang Chuan and the King of Siam say, "I am your last pass. Originally, if only one of you came to me, it would be considered as passing the test and you can get me. The cave mansion."

"Haha, interesting, both passed!"

He looked at the King of Siam again: "You are out of my expectation. You are lucky if you didn't let the ten puppets of the five-layer crossover realm be killed in a formation."

"I..." The King of Siam abruptly suppressed the idea of ​​cursing, gritted his teeth and admitted. At this time, the old man looked at Fang Chuan again and said: "Boy, you are quite interesting, Mahayana realm, there is such a strong combat power, such a high-quality spiritual knowledge, and such a strong willpower, superb formation skills. ,and also……

With such an amazing talent for alchemy, you are a monster. "

When the King of Siam heard this, his face turned green.

Listening to this, why is it not a taste?

Moreover, this kid is indeed abnormal enough!

"However, I especially hate evildoers..."

Just when the King of Siam thought he was out of play, the old man spoke again, saying that the King of Siam almost didn't jump up.

It turns out that there are people like him!

This is also true, not everyone is an evildoer, and people who are not evildoers naturally don't like evildoers much.

It seems that you have a play?

"But I don't like mediocrities, especially!"

Just as the King of Siam was exasperated, he heard the old man's words again, his face flushed immediately!

Are you sick?

"Senior, please tell me what the next test will be." The King of Siam couldn't help it, and stepped forward and said.

"Can't help it?"

The old man smiled faintly, and then said: "Don't look at me like this, I am proud of the world's treasure-class bodybuilding skills!"

"When I crossed the Tribulation Realm, the Heaven Tribulation was always one punch."

"When I was ascending to the realm, the catastrophe was blown abruptly."

"Only the Celestial Tribulation before ascending to the heavens, I am only 90% sure, after all, it is too difficult, I don't know if I can ascend!"

The old man said, not very embarrassed.

After all, he was just a projection left by the body, and he didn't participate in the following things, so he didn't know.

However, Fang Chuan's eyes lit up when he heard it.

Although he also had an extremely powerful bodybuilding technique, and even used his body as a magic weapon, he did not get a bodybuilding technique that was too defiant in his previous life.

Moreover, in the later stage, the magic weapon refining technique is not so powerful anymore.

This old man's physical training is so powerful, he can learn it.

"and so……"

The old man said a lot of things, and finally got back to the topic. Fang Chuan said, "My last level is to test your physical talent."

He stroked his beard and said, "Although I am not sure whether you will inherit my mantle, but I will set it up like this. If you are not satisfied, bite me."

"I fuck..." The King of Siam almost fisted him.

Fang Chuan also twitched the corners of his mouth.

Real Nima owes a beating!

However, he can also understand that this old man is already the strongest force in the human world anyway, and he doesn't know how many years have passed.

He's dead, he's gone, there's no way he can be beaten.

If he is alive, he must ascend to the heavens. People in the human world can't beat him if they want to.

"Well, I won't tease you anymore."

The old man waved his hand and buzzed, and a crystal pillar appeared in front of the thatched house, with a colorful crystal ball on the top of the pillar.

He pointed to the crystal ball and said: "This is a magic weapon to test your physical talent. Go and try it. If the purple color fails to reach, then you are not eligible to inherit."

"If it reaches purple or higher, whoever has a wide spread of light will be the successor!"

He said indifferently: "I have set the rules, not accept and beat me!"



Fang Chuan and the King of Siam are both painful and speechless at the moment, knowing that you are arrogant and arrogant, right? Don’t emphasize repeatedly, OK?

The old man glanced at Fang Chuan and pointed at the King of Siam: "Come on, I think you are in good health!"


When the King of Siam heard this, his spirits lifted up. After all, his physical body is indeed at the same level as a powerful one.

He raised his head, full of confidence, walked to the crystal ball, and stretched out his hand.


Then, the crystal ball Zimang masterpiece, burst out of six feet five.


The old man's eyes lit up, when the King of Siam saw this, he let go, and smiled: "Senior, you are ugly!"

"It seems that you are not that mediocre!" The old man nodded and said, "It's only a little worse than the big apprentice I received back then. He was six feet six feet old."

The King of Siam suddenly smiled, and then looked at Fang Chuan.

Isn't Fang Chuan very jumping before?

Didn’t you treat him specifically before?

What's wrong now?

They don't play cards according to the routine, and they don't decide the heirs according to the order.

"Ha ha."

The old man then looked at Fang Chuan and said, "You are good at deduction, formation, alchemy, and strong in spirit. It seems that you are not suitable for my cave this time."

There was a hint of teasing in his tone.

"is it?"

Fang Chuan smiled faintly, took a step forward, and asked, "Senior, how many feet did you have?"

"Five feet!" The old man said with a smile.

"Huh?" The King of Siam couldn't suppress his inner joy.

The old man added: "The golden light is five feet!"


Fang Chuan smiled and asked, "After the purple light, the golden light, what about after the golden light?"

"No more." The old man said, and added: "Within ten thousand years, I will be the only one in Jinguang Wuzhang, my master said."

"it is good!"

Fang Chuan nodded and smiled: "Then please look carefully at senior!" He said, stepping forward and pressing his hand on the crystal ball.

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