"Huh, almost something went wrong!"

Fang Chuan exhaled heavily, then held his breath and concentrated his mind and will highly concentrated. If he hadn't visualized the statue of the Immortal Venerable just now, it might have been invaded by the will of the Demon Race.

The consequences are unimaginable!

He is now visualizing the immortal statue, while operating the secret technique, manipulating the light of merit, illuminating his spiritual consciousness.

From a distance, his Sea of ​​Consciousness is like being protected by a layer of divine light. The dark will of the Demon Race keeps invading, causing the light to tremble continuously, causing layers of ripples.

Unfortunately, I still can't enter!

At the same time, Fang Chuan's mouth was meditating on the "Gulan Curse" he had accidentally obtained in the previous life, making his will stronger.

Continue to move forward step by step, although every step he takes makes him feel like a mountain is pressed down, but as his spiritual will is constantly tempered, it has become easier to resist the will of the demons.

This is like a long-distance running. It may be completely unbearable at a certain threshold, but once the line is crossed, people are relaxed.

Fang Chuan is like this now.


ninety five……


With a sigh of relief, he walked to the 98th step, the last step, and the shocking feeling came again.

He took a deep breath, then stepped out.


At that moment, Fang Chuan seemed to see the gods and demons in the sky, with a ferocious expression, he charged over with a murderous look.

The surrounding corpse mountain and the sea of ​​blood even submerged him completely, the ground shook and the mountains shook, and the roar of infinite demons could be heard.

Ten thousand **** hands stretched out from the ground and grabbed him, as if to pull him into the endless abyss.

The influence on the mind made him have an inexplicable and uncontrollable fear, and almost made him lose the confidence to resist.

"I, Fang Chuan, is the Immortal Venerable! I want to surpass the existence of the Immortal Venerable. How can you allow your demons to invade?"

Suddenly, in Fang Chuan's spiritual consciousness, the visualized immortal statue let out an earth-shaking roar.

Spiritual ripples spread, like a winter sun, shining on the sky, endless black evil will.

The aura of Xianzun, coupled with the majesty of Xianzun, completely broke out at that moment.


Suddenly there was a shock in Fang Chuan's body, and then, his mind seemed to be wiped away by something, and he felt a sense of insight.

At this moment, he felt that his soul had been sublimated.

There was a great breakthrough in spiritual consciousness.

The most powerful will of the demon clan emanating from the demon core of the Nine Tribulations Earth Immortal level suddenly collapsed at this moment.

Fang Chuan opened his eyes suddenly, his eyes were as bright as a beacon in the dark, and he smiled.


He took the last step, escaped the influence of the will of the demons, and came to the entrance of a magnificent palace.

With a whirr, he floated in the air and sat cross-legged.


Following that, Shifang Tianxin gleamed with light, and three golden circles of light appeared in his mind, like three flowers gathering on top.

The Pill Fire Secret Art ran wildly, and the flames on his body seemed to be condensed with a certain powerful force, brewing an extraordinary life.

Huh, huh...

The projection of his dantian world appeared behind him, and the five elements derived from the holy objects of the five elements, such as the Houtu sacred stele and the Jianmu, glowed with endless vitality.

In fact, after he broke through to the Mahayana realm, his dantian world has reached the real realm.

The laws of time and space are condensing.

The power of the five elements is gestating.

His world has been fully embodied, and the next step is to brew life, and then form a complete and independent world.

As soon as he practiced, the world of his dantian was projected onto this world, absorbing the laws of space and time of this world.

Absorb the laws of heaven and earth.

Absorb the breath of heaven.


The King of Siam, who had finally recovered, was taking the fifty-sixth step, and then he saw Fang Chuan sitting cross-legged and majestic.

He saw that this person might be breaking through!

Although Fang Chuan didn't have much impact on him even though the breakthrough, he was still shocked!

This kind of dangerous place, this kind of crisis moment, this person has the opportunity to directly break through, far beyond his imagination.

Fang Chuan is worthy of being a genius, he is worthy of being someone who can kill even the eternal saint!

"No matter how good you are, you must die!"

The King of Siam was a little afraid of Fang Chuan at this time, he felt the oppression that came from Fang Chuan.

This sense of oppression made him a little weak.

He always felt that he could be overtaken by such evildoers anytime and anywhere, and he would be very miserable at that time.


But at this moment, just as his thinking had a problem, a terrifying will came to his mind.


The King of Siam was startled at the first moment by the demons who had transformed into the sea of ​​his knowledge, and then he used his mental power to resist with all his strength.

He regretted patronizing Fang Chuan's situation, but forgot his dangerous situation.

Boom boom boom...

However, he is not a vegetarian either. Although his mental power quality is not as good as Fang Chuan, his quantity far exceeds Fang Chuan by many times.

Therefore, he immediately launched a counterattack, and he was upset in the sea of ​​knowledge.

For a while, both of them stopped, one frantically consumed the resources previously obtained from Huosui and the others for cultivation, and the other desperately fought against the will of the demons in the sea of ​​knowledge.

In fact, the entire square was very quiet, only the sound of Fang Chuan’s invigorating Qi and blood.

"A breakthrough!"

Fang Chuan couldn't help being overjoyed. This is the benefit of coming out to practice. If he retreats and cultivates hard, he may not be able to break through so quickly.

And just now, after going through the crisis, I honed my will, honed my spirit, and tempered my spirit.

Therefore, it unexpectedly touched the opportunity of breakthrough.

Then, he is now frantically consuming resources, burning energy, constantly refining his physical body, forging true energy, and polishing his spirit.

Time went by little by little.


About an hour later, the King of Siam looked embarrassed and walked out from the ninety-ninth step with a pale face.

His body is swaying and his spirit is not as good as before. In addition, he has been physically traumatized by the previous ladder level. He is now physically and mentally exhausted and seriously injured.

However, he looked at Fang Chuan, who was still in the critical moment of cultivation, grinned and said: "This is fate, you are faster than me, but in order to break through the realm, stop and wait for me to master the ruins, even if you break through again, you must Die in my hands!"

The King of Siam smiled, stepped into the gate of his palace, and entered the next level.

He overtook Fang Chuan.


However, just as he stepped into the palace gate, Fang Chuan suddenly heard a huge shock and opened his eyes with Fang Chuan.

His aura suddenly climbed!

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