The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 3176: Underground palace

"Haha, there is no way out of heaven!"

Fang Chuan moved hundreds of times in one breath, tens of thousands of kilometers, while the Rakshasa Demon King was getting closer and closer. At this moment, he suddenly saw a huge and majestic city in front of him.

This is a city of demon race, filled with strong demon aura, and there seems to be a powerful demon race in it.

The city was surrounded by powerful formations, but fortunately Fang Chuan was able to find loopholes in the formations at a glance.

This is his chance!

Entering this city, he did not believe that the Rakshasa Demon King could refine the city.

Even if he wanted to do this, the strong in the city would not allow it.

"Into the city!"

At this time, Fang Chuan had no time to calculate. He could only take one step and count one step. He was also full of confusion about the future. Without the pursuit of the Raksha Demon King, he would not be able to enter the demon city at will.

Because this is also a very dangerous move, but in this case, he has no choice but to enter the city to save his life.

"If you have the ability, you can catch up!" Fang Chuan turned his head and said to the Raksha Demon King, compared with a middle finger, and then under the guidance of the divine sense, it turned into a light and penetrated into the city's guardian formation.

With a hum, he completely disappeared from the sight of the Raksha Demon King.

"Golden Tour City!"

The Demon King Raksha stopped, his expression ugly.

This Jinyoucheng is the territory of his old rival, Jinyou Demon King.

Once he forcibly enters the territory of the Golden Demon King, he will inevitably have a dispute with the Golden Demon King.

He wasn't afraid of the Golden Demon King, but once he fought with the Golden Demon King, this kid might take the opportunity to escape.

This was something he would never allow, and Tianyu's death made him absolutely unwilling to let Fang Chuan go.

"No, you must go in, otherwise this kid is likely to run away!"

Thinking of this, Raksha Demon King gritted his teeth and blasted his palm on the city's guardian formation.

With the deafening roar spreading through the wilds and wilds, many monster races in Jinyou City were violently shaken, and many monster races were injured as a result and uttered a tragic cry.


Almost instantly, a huge figure stood in front of the Raksha Demon King.

This person is the Demon King Jinyou, he is huge, and he is holding two halberds, murderous, looking at his old enemy.

"Raksha, are you crazy or what's wrong, you are making trouble in my Jinyou City?"

The Demon King Jinyou yelled unceremoniously, and the terrifying demon aura on his body continued to churn, as if in a demonstration.

"Today I owe you a favor. I have a mortal man who has entered your city. I must find it out and smash him into pieces!"

The Demon King Raksha gritted his teeth and said to the Demon King Jin You, being able to negotiate terms with the Demon King Jin You in this tone was already his maximum concession.

"Let you enter my city and search casually?"

Jinyou Demon King might as well sneered and said, "Then why don't you let me go to your city? Do you think I'm stupid?"


The Raksha Demon King turned pale with anger, followed by a murderous look on his body, wanting to turn the sky over and overshadowing the sun, and he felt like he would fight people if he didn't agree.

Upon seeing this, Jinyou Demon King couldn't help his face change.

In an instant, his breath also fully expanded, antagonizing the Raksha Demon King, and there seemed to be a kind of cracking between heaven and earth.

The confrontation between the two powerhouses has already made the scalp numb, and once someone stepped into it, it might immediately turn into powder.

But at this time, the two demon kings didn't even think about doing it.

Because they have reached their level, the two are evenly matched. Once they fight, there will be casualties.

So they are not willing to take risks at all.

"Are you serious?"

Jinyou Demon King looked at the Raksha Demon King coldly and asked.

Some of him believe in the Rakshasa Demon King, after all, the opponent is not a lunatic, so he will go to war with him inexplicably.

"Do you think I would lie to you?" Raksha Demon King snorted coldly, and said awe-inspiringly: "Don't delay my time, that little thief has a lot of tricks, once I let him run away, I will definitely fight with you!"

Having said that, his murderous aura has been condensed into substance.

When Jinyou Demon King saw him, his expression changed. He saw that the Rakshasa Demon King was indeed mad. I am afraid it made the so-called little thief mad.

The mold of a lunatic still can't provoke!

He thought for a while, and said coldly: "In that case, I will let you into my city, but give me ten golden pills!"

"Take it! Start the battle!"

The Rakshasa Demon King did not hesitate, and directly waved ten golden rays of light and fell in front of the Jinyou Demon King.

Jinyou Demon King stretched out his hand and grasped it, and his sense of consciousness felt that this was indeed ten superior golden pills.

This kind of golden pill is of great benefit to the cultivation of their monster race.

He was not polite, and directly pocketed the golden core.

Then he waved his hand and made several complicated handprints.

With a bang, a passage appeared in a corner of the powerful guardian formation.


As soon as he saw the passage, the Rakshasa Demon King stopped staying, entered the passage directly, disappeared in the blink of an eye, and entered the city.

"I have to hurry up and follow, otherwise he will make a big mess, which is not good for me!"

Upon seeing this, Jinyou Demon King hurriedly followed. In fact, he was also very curious about what kind of little thief it was that could make a big monster like Rakshasa Demon King go crazy!

"Good luck!"

When the two demon kings were confronting each other, Fang Chuan had already shuttled back and forth in the city several times, and already had a map of this huge city in his mind.

His divine consciousness is already controlling Shifang Ruyi, and he is calculating his vitality.

In fact, he is also very adventurous now, entering the city is equivalent to entering the urn.

Moreover, facing the two great demon kings, one of them will fall completely if they are not careful.

Moreover, the essence of the Ninth-Rank Suffering Beast King is dozens of times more difficult to absorb than the 8-Rank Suffering Beast.

So he didn't expect to break through, let alone fight back.

"found it!"

Soon, Fang Chuan's calculation was over, his eyes lit up, and then a big move came under the palace in the center of the city.

This place is densely arranged with many powerful formations, each of which is very dangerous.

Obviously, there must be a powerful creature sealed under this, or a very important treasure is hidden.

But no matter what kind, Fang Chuan knew that his chance of escape was here.

And because there are so many formations here, it is also a cover for his breath.

At this time, he had already set up a hidden formation on his body, and he believed that the Raksha Demon King could not find him in the first time.

Boom boom boom...

Soon, with his superb formation skills, he found loopholes in the formations, and then through many methods, cleverly avoided the terrible formations, and came to a palace underground in Jinyou City.

"here is……"

Fang Chuan looked at this huge and simple palace and sensed a powerful and mysterious atmosphere inside.

This kind of breath seems to come from a wild beast. This is about his chance to escape!

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