The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 3171: Eight-Rank Monster Race?

"It's this valley, the man should be in it just now!"

Fang Chuan was absorbing the essence of the beast, a few voices came from outside the valley, and at the same time, a few powerful auras rushed here.


After he heard it, he couldn't help but frowned. It was so good, why did he attract others?


The opponent is approaching at a very fast speed, and he has no time to deduct the deduction. He waved his hand hurriedly, put away the remaining beasts, and then put on a hidden formation.

In a moment, he disappeared into the valley.

Boom boom boom...

Sure enough, the formation outside the valley was quickly destroyed by people. Amid the roar, several strong monsters walked in.

The leader is a yellow-haired 8-Rank realm peak powerhouse.

The other three monster races are also the pinnacle of the seventh rank.

This lineup was already very luxurious, but Fang Chuan was relieved.

"What about people?"

Fang Chuan's current cultivation base, the hidden formations laid out, were not easy to destroy.

When they broke the formation, they walked in expectantly, but didn't see Fang Chuan, they couldn't help looking around immediately.

"Prince, will he have gone?"

One of the monster clan asked the eighth-rank realm powerhouse.

The eighth-rank realm powerhouse shook his head and said: "It shouldn't be, I can feel him nearby!"

"Is he just the one to look for as soon as the beast king goes crazy?"

The Yaozu asked again before.


The Eighth Stage Demon Race replied, suddenly staring in one direction with a torch, and then blasted out a punch.


A tearing explosion sounded, followed by a powerful punch, carrying a terrifying thunder and lightning power, flying from the center of the explosion.

"Sure enough, here!"

The Eighth Stage Realm expert roared and then smashed out another punch.


In the blink of an eye, Fang Chuan's punch hit him.

With a blast, the eighth-rank realm powerhouse directly retreated a dozen steps, and the magic weapon on his body had cracked.


His three men were shocked. Their prince was beaten back by a punch and was seriously injured in a blink of an eye. They felt incredible.

Their prince is a genius among geniuses!

Fighting power in the eight-rank realm, is also the strong one among the strong.

"Are you the one to be hunted down by the Beast King?"

The prince looked at Fang Chuan coldly and asked.

"who are you?"

Fang Chuan looked indifferent, his eyes were full of murderous aura, and the power of thunder and lightning surrounded him, as if he was about to kill if he didn't agree with him.

"You came to our site, don't even know who we are?"

This Eight-Rank realm expert sneered and asked.

"You are too much nonsense, wasting my time!"

Fang Chuan shook his head, no longer intending to tell them more.

Because every minute of delay, the beast king will come one minute sooner.

He talked to these people just now, just to make calculations, and found that these people are useless at all and can only hinder him, so he does not intend to continue to waste time.


With a wave of his hand, a large thunder sound sword aura penetrated, and after a roar, accompanied by a miserable scream, a monster of the seventh-grade realm of the opponent exploded in an instant.



The face of the eighth-rank realm expert suddenly changed, and he suddenly closed, and a light flew out of his body, which turned out to be a flying knife.


In the blink of an eye, he flew to the front of Fang Chuan with powerful sword energy.

This flying knife contained a murderous aura and powerful mental fluctuations. It was a killer move that broke out from the fusion of mental power with the peerless fairy weapon.

Powerful and destructive!


Fang Chuan just snorted, and didn't carry it forward. Instead, he stepped on his feet and disappeared in a blink of an eye.


Almost in the blink of an eye, where he was, a shocking ditch was cut out by the opponent's knife.

"not good!"

As soon as the strong made a move, he knew if there was any. At that moment, the eighth-rank realm strong knew that he was probably not the opponent's opponent.


Almost instantly, he made a handprint, and under the control of his spirit, the exquisite fairy flying knife pierced back straight and pointed to the back of one of his men.


However, the flying knife has not yet returned, and Fang Chuan's voice has appeared.


Fang Chuan's consciousness turned into a sword aura that penetrated into his chest in a blink of an eye.

With a roar, the subordinates stepped in the footsteps of their companions, and the screams turned into ashes.


The 8th-Rank realm powerhouse and the remaining 7th-Rank Monster Race could not help but take a breath.


Almost at the same time, the flying saber of the Eighth-Rank Monster Race blasted at the position before Fang Chuan.

Amid the explosion, Fang Chuan jumped again, beheading the remaining Seventh-Rank Monster Race.

All this happened in a flash.


The remaining Eighth-Rank Monster Race couldn't help but shudder, regretting that they had caught up.

He looked at Fang Chuan in horror, and quickly said: "My father is the Raksha Demon King, and he is even stronger than the Beast King. If you let me go, not only will I not hold you accountable, but I can save your life by killing my men. !"

"Humph!" Fang Chuan snorted and looked at each other.

"I was serious!"

The Eighth Stage Monster Race quickly waved his hand and said, "You have no retreat at all. Let me tell you the truth. The Beast King is not only chasing you, but also ventilating with various Monster Race forces. They want to chase and intercept you. It’s hard to fly with wings!"


Fang Chuan frowned. He was very confident in his deduction. The person in front of him really couldn't help him.

But this person's words, he had to take it to heart.

Otherwise, if you kill the Beast King Xu, I am afraid that you will not be able to escape.


Thinking of this, his eyes lit up suddenly, and he deduced that this person could not help him alive.

But if he dies, there may be a chance!

And now that wasted time, there was no way to completely absorb the essence of the eighth-grade beast.

He needs to find a safe place!

"You believe what I said now, right?" Eight-Rank Monster Race looked at Fang Chuan seriously and asked.

There was a sneer in his heart.

If this kid agrees and arrives at his site, it is not just letting him go!

At that time, he will use various methods to let this kid know the fate of offending him!

"Ha ha."

Fang Chuan smiled, then looked at each other, suddenly frowned.

Sure enough, the time that the Beast King gave him was running out.

There is no way to break the boat, and it must be done!

Can't drag anymore!


Just when he was smiling, he suddenly started to move.

The mental power tore out and turned into a terrifying thunder and lightning.

The thunder and lightning were mixed with the sword aura of the ten-point holy sword.



This Eighth-Rank Monster Race made a scream, and was still thinking about how to deal with Fang Chuan before, but at this moment regretted it to the extreme.

But there is no chance to regret it!

The next moment his spirit collapsed, his soul collapsed, and his body turned into ashes.


And almost at the same time, the breath of Xu Beast King has also passed.

"Fight to the death!"

Fang Chuan's eyes dazzled, then he waved his hand, and a clone appeared not far away.

At the same time, his breath and body began to change drastically.

Almost instantly, he became the previous 8-Rank Monster Race!

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