
Fang Chuan threw Aloda directly on the ground, Aloda looked at him with a hateful look.

He smiled faintly and said: "You only have one chance to speak, yes or no!"

Bang bang bang...

At that moment, Aloda had never felt such a fast heartbeat. She had no dignity in front of this man.

Everyone looked at her.

In a moment, she raised her head, nodded and said: "I promise you!"


Fang Chuan said indifferently, "Kneel down."


Aloda hardly thought, just like everyone else, knelt on the ground.

Weng Buzz...

Then Fang Chuan's mental power emerged and enveloped these people, and then a golden core was condensed, attached to their hearts.

At that moment, they felt that life no longer belonged to them.

They seemed to completely become Fang Chuan's puppets.


The next moment, Fang Chuan waved his hand, his breath enveloped everyone, and then a big move technique disappeared.


As soon as they left with their front feet, the door burst open and a group of people rushed in.

"There is no one here?"

"Where did Miss Aroda go?"

The people who came in were the senior members of the Yaozu. They had already discovered the doubts, and thought they would find them here, but obviously they had missed the opportunity.

"Little San appeared here, find it out for me, and find it by digging three feet!"

Xuyan Beast King also appeared in this hall, with a strong anger.

When the others saw him, they all showed horror.

The angry beast king is an extremely terrifying existence, and no one dares to touch the mold.


Everyone quickly agreed. In fact, even if the beast had never appeared, they were worried about Aloda's safety.

What a bad luck!

The crowd was depressed for a while, and now not only the beast was lost, but Aloda also disappeared.

Lord Kui Mu and Xuyan Beast King broke out at the same time, no one can bear it.


In a moment, these lingering monsters fled quickly and began to search more intensely.

The chaos once again escalated throughout the central floating island.

Now all the monster races are moving in full swing.


The next moment, Fang Chuan and others appeared in a corner of the Xuyan Palace.

"so close!"

Fang Chuan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. He had discovered the danger just now, and it was only a short distance before he escaped.

Otherwise, once he is discovered, it is almost impossible for him to escape.

This is simply taking chestnuts from the fire!

Not only him, but other people also admire his courage.

Under this circumstance, he even dared to come to the palace for a while, and the idea of ​​fighting a beast was really bold.

But at this time, no one would say much, except for Shufeng, everyone else was eager for Fang Chuan to be caught.

"There are too many guards now, and there is only one chance to do it. These people act as bait to influence the judgment of other guards, and then I take the opportunity to move!  "

Fang Chuan was observing the situation with his spiritual consciousness while thinking.

In fact, Suan Palace is also very dangerous now, there are ten masters in the Eighth Stage Realm.

If he couldn't succeed with a single blow, Fang Chuan couldn't count the kill instantly.

Once the opponent is given a chance, the Beast King will take the opportunity to return and catch him.

Therefore, his face is very heavy at the moment.

"Now you are running away from each of the ten directions, and I won't have a chance to attack you at that time!  "

Fang Chuan said coldly looking at Aloda and the others.

When Shufeng heard this, he couldn't help feeling horrified. Although he knew that Fang Chuan was going to do something, his heartbeat could not help speeding up at this moment.


Aloda and others nodded quickly, and they also believed that Fang Chuan would not have time to deal with them in such a crisis.

This is their chance to escape!


Fang Chuan knew that he didn't have much time, so he didn't delay. With a wave of his hand, a wave of power was acting on Aloda and the others.

Boom boom boom...

None of these people reacted, they were thrown out by Fang Chuan.


"Don't be killed by mistake!"

Aloda and the others changed their faces, and they were busy running their evil spirits, casting defensive spells to protect themselves.

Then they used the mysterious body technique and ran towards different directions.

"Someone invaded!"


"The Beastmaster has orders, but no mercy to kill!"

The moment these people rushed out, the people from the palace suddenly found them, and burst out a murderous roar.

Boom boom boom...

At that moment, a terrifying force penetrated towards Aloda and others.

The popping sound keeps coming!

Screams again and again!

Some of Aroda's weaker subordinates had no time to resist, so they were bombarded and killed.

But the stronger ones ran towards the distance at the same time, leading away many guards.

"Do it!"

It was at this moment that Fang Chuan started.

He rushed directly to the beast, there are two beasts here.

Seven products on one head and eight products on the other.

When the riots outside, they were also full of worries and were very vigilant.

Xiao San's disappearance made them understand that even if it is in the palace, it is not 100% safe.

But now, a stranger appeared in front of them, and they attacked in the first place.

Boom boom boom...

Rays of golden lightning shot out from their horns.

The roar kept sounding, and their lightning power was so powerful that even Fang Chuan did not dare to underestimate it.


Fang Chuan's face was solemn, and he stretched out his hand, and a golden light blocked him.

In the fierce roar, his defensive spells resisted the attack of the beast.

"Send to me!"

Then he roared, and the sealing technique exploded.

The two beasts hadn't reacted yet, they were completely frozen and lost the power to resist.


Fang Chuan was overjoyed, it was only after his breakthrough that he had such an ability.

Otherwise, even in the face of an eight-rank beast, he might be powerless.


The two beasts were instantly taken into his sleeve.


Almost at the same time, a thunder and lightning that was completely indistinguishable from the attack sent by the beast before, turned into a huge palm and snapped it down.

At that moment, Fang Chuan was completely enveloped, as if his whole body was imprisoned.

"It's over!"

Shufeng was also enveloped, and a terrifying electric current blasted on him.

Almost instantly, he was reduced to ashes.

"Time is frozen!"

At the same time, Fang Chuan activated the secret technique, and time stood still.


The huge body of the Beast King Xu appeared in the sky, but was directly imprisoned by Fang Chuan's secret technique, and he was shocked.


Afterwards, Fang Chuan made a big move, which was dangerous and dangerous, escaped from the thunder and lightning storm and appeared near the central floating island.

"Death to me!" The Beast King was furious, and between the roars, a lightning bolt turned into a palm, piercing through hundreds of miles, and slammed towards Fang Chuan, the electric current was terrifying.

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