The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 3155: The five-fold combined state and the six-fold combined state!

Boom, boom...

Between heaven and earth, the breath reverberated, Fang Chuan felt that the bottleneck was broken, and the five levels of fusion state were reached instantly!

At the same time, the cracks in his wound healed.

His spiritual consciousness has broken through the limit, undergoing transformation, has become more tenacious, and his overall quality has also improved by leaps and bounds.


Fang Chuan's breakthrough was completed in an instant, and it seemed like it happened naturally, as if he broke through after a sleep.

However, he did not end.

At this moment, Huosui was also on the verge of breaking through, constantly using various methods, and constantly brewing.

The spiritual coercion from Huosui was very chaotic. Even if Fang Chuan's strength increased and his spiritual knowledge rose greatly, the pressure was still huge.

"Not bad!" Huoxi saw him, but he couldn't help but smile.

"His brain nucleus is actually fused with the strange treasure?" King Huo Jing also exclaimed. He can be said to be knowledgeable, but this is beyond his imagination.

Huo Qu frowned, but did not speak.


And the most angry person was naturally Huoji. He felt Fang Chuan's powerful aura and the fluctuation of that breakthrough.

He was furious!

Before, he was just upset with Fang Chuan. Now, he can say that he hates Fang Chuan. Fang Chuan broke through, just gouging his flesh.


Huo Huo on the side glanced at Huo Lao, then sighed secretly, what could he compare with others?





Had it not been for Huo Kuo to be his young master, he would have wanted to slap Huo Kuo with a slap in the face. He was **** and would not allow others to be excellent?

"Awesome, I am not his opponent after breaking through!"

Huo Xuan was also excited when he saw it, as if he had broken through, and he also sensed the strength of Fang Chuan's aura.

At this moment, he understood that Fang Chuan had already surpassed him.

What a genius!

Only such an evildoer can continuously break through and surpass him in such a short time!

Soon, he frowned and looked at Fang Chuan muttering to himself: "But, why don't you come down after a breakthrough? It's dangerous if Master Huosui breaks through!"

He has this doubt, and the others are the same!

They all looked at Fang Chuan in surprise.

Could it...can break through?

This is impossible!

"Ha ha."

Fang Chuan didn't pay attention to the other people's thoughts, but continued to operate the Pill Fire Art at the limit speed.

He has to break through!

Anyway, he has enough resources now, and the core of the fairy beast is enough to cultivate to the peak of the Ninth Stage.

And now, he is mainly relying on Huosui's mental pressure and the breath that is transmitted between heaven and earth when he breaks through, and then he breaks through directly.

After all, he has just merged with Shifang Tianxin, and now his spiritual consciousness has been substantially improved.

The ten treasures, the ten square jade seals are the most mysterious, with a fate and fate, but they are not the core.

The real core is Shifang Tianxin!

Because no matter how powerful the Shifang Yuxi is, it is only a foreign object.

Only the id is the core of this world.

Now that the Shifang Tianxin merged with Fang Chuan, the Ten Method Treasures became a part of his body, and even the magic beads that had previously merged in his body had completely dissipated and turned into the most essential law, fusing with him.

The power of the nine candles is no longer needed, it already exists.

Moreover, as his physical body becomes stronger, it will continue to strengthen!

The Nine Yin Demon Orb now seemed to be not a powerful magic weapon, not even a fairy weapon, but a sudden change occurred in Fang Chuan's body.

Fang Chuan distilled the law, thus completely integrated.

As for the other Ten Treasures, although they cannot be integrated, they continue to absorb the light of merit from a certain dimension and integrate them into his body.

In this way, he has a steady flow of merits in his body, the inner saint and the outer king, this is a great time for him to make rapid progress, so how could he give up.

"carry on!"

His divine consciousness roared and transformed into a jade seal, sun wheel, ruyi, golden lotus, dzi, holy sword, divine mirror, Tianyan, Thunder Ling, Tianxu...

These are the images of the Ten Treasures, lifelike, reflecting each other, comparable to the sun and the moon.

These illusions, rotating around him, absorbed the light of merit from another dimension, filling Fang Chuan's body.

Then, his divine consciousness continued to fight against Huosui's mental pressure.

His body rose a distance, then cracks began to appear.

Divine consciousness is also almost collapsed.

The body continuously absorbs other dimensions of spiritual energy and the light of merit, and the body absorbs the energy of the core of the fairy beast.

His strength is constantly improving.

The first entry into the five-fold integration realm, Xiaocheng, Dacheng, and pinnacle!

Before and after, in just ten minutes, he had reached the peak state of the fifth level of the Combination Realm!

"Continue to break through!"

Fang Chuan roared, bearing a huge danger, causing his consciousness to be constantly beating, the danger was huge!

However, the potential is constantly being stimulated!

"This person is terrible!" King Huo Jing exclaimed. Fang Chuan's courage and potential shocked him.

Huo Ji also looked solemn!

Before, he only thought that Fang Chuan had some abilities, but now it is different. Fang Chuan is a person with potential!

He may not be long before he can reach the ascension state.

Or maybe, it won't take long for him to surpass all of them!

Huo Ji suddenly felt complicated!

"Huochuan, you continue to break through, remember, I can only suppress a quarter of an hour at most, after a quarter of an hour, you must leave!"

Fang Chuan's whole body was shining, and when he was breaking through his cultivation, Huosui's voice suddenly came from his ear.

Huosui also gave birth to the love of talent!

Although they are not the same ethnic group as Fang Chuan, Fang Chuan helped him, and he felt that he needed to help Fang Chuan.

"Thank you!"

Fang Chuan reacted. It turned out that Huosui was about to break through. Fortunately, Huosui told him in advance, otherwise, he would be in big trouble!

In this way, the friendship between him and Huosui was cleared.


When Huosui reminded him, he woke up, but suddenly blessed his soul, with a loud roar, and broke through!

The Sixth Floor of the Combined Realm!

There was a loud noise!

His divine consciousness has once again improved, and the quality of his true energy has also been greatly improved!

He didn't have time to enjoy the pleasant feeling of this kind of power enhancement, but hurriedly operated his divine consciousness, controlling the ten methods treasure, Jianmu and the core of the monster, madly running the pill fire art, madly absorbing energy.

five minutes later.

The sixth level of the combined state, the peak!

He has reached the limit this time, the absorption speed is amazing, and it makes people sweat for him.

Because this is very likely to explode and die.

Without enough experience, Fang Chuan may be dead. Fortunately, he has already experienced it in his previous life!

"He wants to break through?"

When Fang Chuan broke through the sixth layer, Huo's expression was ugly, a little desperate, and he felt the gap.

At this time, Fang Chuan didn't even have the intention to leave, and he went up a distance. Everyone took a breath for him!

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