The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 3145: Old City Lord's Mansion!

"I can't look back now, I hope we can go smoothly!"

Huo Xuan and Fang Chuan have arrived in front of an ordinary compound, which is located in the corner of the middle area. It is difficult to tell that this is a strong living here.

Huo Xuan stood at the door and sighed. He escaped from Huofeng Mansion, but there was no turning back.

If Old City Lord doesn't work in this place, I'm afraid he will really be over.

At that time, Nan Yuzhu might not protect him.

He looked at Fang Chuan and said, "Now, it's up to you."

"Don't worry."

Fang Chuan waved his hand and said, "As long as the Old City Lord wants to recover and break through the realm, he will give us a chance."

"it is good."

Huo Xuan nodded, glanced at the Old City Lord's Mansion, and then said, "Go straight in, or make a formal visit?"

"go in."

Fang Chuan smiled and said, "The Old City Lord's Mansion may not be without the eyes of others. Maybe we were caught as soon as we appeared, and we didn't even see the Old City Lord's face."

"However, I don't know where the old city lord is, or whether the old city lord is at home today." Huo Xuan sighed.


Fang Chuan shrugged, but there is no other way. Apart from luck, is there any better way?


Afterwards, Fang Chuan set up a high-level hidden formation on his body and moved to the Old City Lord's Mansion with Huo Xuan.

Fortunately, the land area of ​​the Old City Lord's Mansion was much smaller than that of the Fire Phoenix Mansion, which reduced the difficulty for them to find the Old City Lord.


The strong in the Old City Lord’s Mansion far surpassed the Fire Phoenix Mansion, and the strong in the fourth and fifth ranks were everywhere, and there were also the sixth rank.

In fact, this is normal, just like Huo-hyun, who formally entered the job and obtained a lot of resources.

However, these people do not join the city of war, but follow a strong man like the old city master, which is equivalent to the old city master's doorstep.

If the old city owner is rich in resources, their income is not necessarily better than those of Huo Xuan.

However, if they are strong, it is not impossible to compete for positions.

In this world, all people are vying for resources, with different approaches, but the goals are the same.

The same goes for Fang Chuan. He is not here for resources, but for opportunities!

"must be careful!"

Huo Xuan's heartbeat speeds up, there is no way, there are too many strong people here, if you are not careful, these people may find him, and even kill him in the first place.

He has long heard of the masters of the Old City Lord's Mansion Ruyun, but now that he has felt it personally, he has a feeling like this!


Fang Chuan nodded, he didn't expect that an old city master, a ninth-rank powerhouse, might be about the same strength as Liu Ning.

There are so many strong men under his sect.

He smiled and said: "I feel the breath of the old city lord, right in front, let's pass!"

Fang Chuan's magical powers are infinite, far beyond these people's ability to compare, so he soon discovered a special breath without these masters.

Nine-Rank Strong!

Moreover, there is a hint of mental obscurity.

This kind of obscurity is impossible for others to discover, but he can fully appreciate it, this is the bottom line!

They quickly walked towards the central building. There were many formations around the central building. When they came closer, it was a tall tower.

The tower exudes a special atmosphere, as if it has the effect of warming up the spirit.

When Fang Chuan and the others walked here, they could feel their mental energy being touched, as if someone was massaging their mental energy.

"This should be a treasure of spiritual restoration. It seems that the old city owner wants to restore and break through the current realm!"

Fang Chuan said as he walked.


Huo Xuan smiled and said: "Just for a while, I feel my spirit is much more comfortable, although I haven't gotten the essential repair yet!"

As they spoke, they had already passed through layers of formations.

These formations are so profound that Huo Xuan can only follow Fang Chuan's footsteps. He is more surprised as he goes, this guy is too powerful!

For Fang Chuan, this powerful formation didn't even stop him. He didn't even stop to think about it.

As if...

These formations do not exist!

It's too fierce!

"There are no guards here, as I thought!"

Soon, they passed through all the formations and came to the front of the tower, which exudes a faint brilliance.

Huo Xuan only felt that his spirit was very comfortable.

Fang Chuan also felt that this was of great help to his cultivation.


At this moment, a cold snort suddenly passed from the tower.


Then, a big hand came. For a moment, Fang Chuan and the others only felt that their scalp was numb, and there was no possibility of escape at all.

Don't talk about them, they are 8th or 9th rank people, I'm afraid there is no way to escape.

With a loud noise, when Fang Chuan and the others felt desperate, their high-level concealment was shattered.

Cracks appeared in the earth.

There was a thunderous sound in their ears.



The two were greatly impacted, and they vomited blood.


Fang Chuan heaved a sigh of relief. The other party just taught them a lesson, it was a casual blow, and it was just to break their hidden formation.

Otherwise, with that palm hit, the two of them were directly shattered.

Nine deaths!


At the next moment, a huge spiritually transformed idol, gleaming in gold, appeared in front of Fang Chuan.

"this is……"

Huo Xuan was so frightened that his spirit could transform idols, which was beyond his imagination. He can only do it in Ascension Realm!

In other words, this person may not be the Old City Lord!


Huo Hyun knelt on the ground.

He hurriedly said: "It turned out to be the ancestor of Huo Ji, his subordinate Huo Xuan, and his younger brother Huo Chuan, came to see Lord Old City Lord!"

"Huo Hyun?"

The idol sneered: "This is how you ask for a meeting?"

"Brother, let them in!"

At this time, another old voice came.


The ancestor Huoji snorted coldly, looked at Fang Chuan and both, shook his head and said, "Go in, if you can't make it clear, you will die."

After speaking, his idol disappeared.


Fang Chuan breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. It was really dangerous just now. They were not killed in the first time, and they might be shot to death by the ancestor Huo Ji at any time.

Fortunately, the Old City Lord spoke.

They glanced at each other. At this moment, the tower creaked and opened a door, and then the two of them walked in.

The first floor of the tower is very large, with a gem the size of a human head floating on it, exuding a breath of spirit.

The ancestors of Huoji and Huosui of Laocheng float in space.

Old City Lord Huosui couldn't see the joy and anger, and looked at Fang Chuan and said: "Explain what you are coming for, otherwise, there will be a dead end."

Boom boom boom...

While speaking, the whole space echoed with the sound of thunder!

Although this Huosui didn't reach the ascension stage, it was also the best among the nine ranks, definitely stronger than Liu Ning!

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