The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 3137: Control the enemy with one move!

"Master Huochuan?" Huo Yi's expression changed, you bet your life, and you can't bet on the reputation of Huo Xuan!

If this loses, how can Young Master Huo Hyun raise his head and behave?

"Ha ha!"

Without waiting for Fang Chuan to speak, Huo Xian sneered: "Why don't you dare to gamble? Are you guys in Huoxuan Mansion speaking so unbelievably?"

"Oh!" Huo Yi sighed, did not speak any more, it was already the case, and he had nothing to say.

The only hope is that Fang Chuan can defeat Huo Xian, but that hope is very slim.

Huoxian doesn't have a few brushes, can he provoke him?

Huoxian is a super power in the third stage realm, and there are probably only two or three people who can defeat him in the third stage realm of the city of war.

"All right!"

Huo Xian had obviously lost his patience and waved his hand: "Will you still bet or bet? If you don't have the courage, just say surrender. Later, when you see me outside, keep your head down and go far!"


"The people in Huoxuan Mansion are nothing more than that!"

Some of Huo Xian's followers began to yell loudly, their voices were loud, in fact, it was just to persecute Fang Chuan.


Fang Chuan looked at Huo Xian faintly, and sneered: "To defeat you, I only use one trick."


Huo Xian angrily retorted and laughed: "I think you are crazy. I am almost invincible at the third stage of Huoxian. I will be promoted to the fourth stage soon. I can also be a half-ranking official and a half-post when I rise to the fourth stage. Compared with me, why are you arrogant with me!"


The big knife in his hand also seemed to sense the master's anger, and began to tremble sharply, with the blades crisscrossing.

This knife is obviously also the top fairy weapon level.

Very powerful!

Huo Xian grabbed the knife and looked at Fang Chuan and said, "Look at me defeating you with a single knife, and let you know that my Huosha Mansion is amazing!"

With that said, he raised his knife and slashed towards Fang Chuan.

The blades are vertical and horizontal, dazzling.

The moment he shot, everyone was shocked, and the knife seemed to have taken their souls away.

Some people even have a desire to crawl on the ground.

If they face this knife, they may not have the thought of resistance at all, and they will be strangled to pieces by this knife in an instant.

Sure enough, Huoxian is no trivial matter, and it's not that he has gained a reputation.

"It's over!"

Huo Yi couldn't help sighing at this moment, because he found that Huo Xian's strength seemed to have improved again.

He is really a genius, and his understanding of combat has reached a very terrifying state.

At this time, Huo Yi looked at Fang Chuan stubbornly. If Fang Chuan was beheaded by this knife, it would be really over!

The people on Huoxian's side showed a triumphant smile. Before Huoxian came, they had already determined that the people in Huoxian Mansion would be out of luck this time!

Because Huoxian's strength has increased, and it won't take long for him to go further and become a powerhouse in the Fourth Stage!

They looked at Fang Chuan's eyes with a strong sneer.

"The strength is too weak. A few days ago, Three Swords defeated a third-grade person. His strength is still higher than that of you. What are you?"

Seeing Dao Mang slashed, Fang Chuan was still talking leisurely. As he said, his wrist shook, and the Ten Fang Sacred Sword moved.

Blurred rays of light emerged from the sacred sword of the ten directions, and a little light star contained the terrifying power of pill fire.

The light star appeared, and everyone immediately felt that the whole world seemed to be shrouded in flames.

However, these people have no chance to respond.

At that moment, the light star had already enveloped Huo Xian's knife light, and Huo Xian's knife light began to crack.

"not good!"

Huo Xian's face changed drastically. He felt a trace of ominousness and wanted to make another move, but it was too late.

Fang Chuan's speed is too fast!

Mars flew past little by little, and at the same time, the sword light had penetrated in front of Huo Xian.


There was a loud noise, deafening, and the imposing power oscillated above his top fairy sword, as if hitting a sky clock.


In just one click, Huoxian's internal organs had split instantly, and blood spattered from the internal organs with flames.

A little bit of light containing the power of pill fire went straight through Huo Xian's body, penetrated him little by little, and then blasted to the ground.

Boom boom boom...

The spot of light exploded on the ground, and huge pits appeared one by one, and the power of the burst was eye-catching.


The next moment, Huo Xian flew upside down and rolled on the ground for more than a dozen times before stopping. At this time, he was already full of blood and embarrassed.


As soon as Huo Xian wanted to speak, he vomited a mouthful of blood, his face was extremely pale, and he felt that his body was already very bad.

"you you……"

Huo Xian looked at Fang Chuan with a trembling whole body, both angry and scared. He was already almost invincible in the third stage realm.

Those who can defeat him will take a lot of effort to win.


This man defeated him so easily!

And he's Huo Hyun's younger brother!

"Ha ha!"

Fang Chuan smiled faintly at this time, then put away the ten-point holy sword in his hand, and his eyes swept across everyone.

All the people who had been seen by him shrank all over, then lowered their heads, including Huo Yi, they all showed embarrassment.

Fang Chuan won!

Moreover, it was so easy to win!

This was totally unexpected!

This is too powerful!

"Congratulations, Master Huochuan, defeat Master Huo Xian with one move!" Huo Yi suddenly roared, followed by a bunch of private soldiers.

The cheers, one after another, were endless, even outside Huo Xuan's house.

These private soldiers also knew about the situation and came to put Fang Chuan down. They didn't think that Fang Chuan could feel the defeat of Huo Xian.

It was really unexpected.

The faces of the people over Huo Xian were ugly. They lost, and they were defeated by a single move.

"All right."

Fang Chuan waved his hand and asked everyone to stop. He looked at Huo Xian faintly and said, "Huo Xian is right, the gambling appointment matter, you can figure it out. If you have a thick skin, you can leave Huoxian Mansion immediately, I don't care. "

He spoke casually, but how could it be possible that if Huo Xian really shamelessly broke the contract, then he would definitely be able to beat him violently and then spread the news.


He also understood that there was a high probability that Huoxian would break the contract, because he really knelt down and called his father, he would not be able to lift his head all his life.

"Master Huo Xian..." Everyone looked ashamed, trembling with anger, and they didn't know what Huo Xian would do.

However, this time Huosha Mansion's face was completely ashamed.


Huo Xian looked at Fang Chuan fiercely and said, "You can't beat me so easily. I want to compare it again!"

He swallowed blood, stood up and looked at Fang Chuan.

He is not convinced!

Not convinced!

Is the Ascendant so powerful? He definitely doesn't believe it!

"Ha ha!"

Fang Chuan laughed, and looked at Huo Xian and waved his hand: "You have already made a profit by asking you to be a father. Your father and my brother are in the same seniority. You don't lose money!"

He paused and looked at Huo Xian and said, "If you leave this place without any indication, I will kill you!"

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