The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 3133: The so-called Protoss?

"Did you fly up? Where did you fly up from?" Fang Chuan thought for a while and asked quickly.

After all, this is just the human world, why can anyone soar up?

Is there a lower dimension than the human world?

However, he soon thought of something.

"I came from Zonglu Xing. I broke the void back then and came to this world. This is the place of our ascension!"

Huo Xuan said quickly.

"Break the void and come to this place?" Fang Chuan raised his brow.

Then, he asked a few more questions, and followed him to understand something, Huo-hyun's so-called ascension is different from the so-called ascension.

What they are talking about is to enter another higher dimension, such as the fairy world!

This place has more different laws of heaven and earth, and they have great control over the laws of low latitudes.

The time they have is different from the time in the human world.

Their understanding of space is different.

Any immortal who arrives in the human world has the ability to create the world.

When they arrive in a world, they can use the human world's laws of time, space, and life to change everything in the human world, and even directly create a brand new world.

Immortals can be called gods, gods, gods, and people in the ascending realm and below have only superpowers but no creative ability.

This is the difference between immortals and people.

Huo Xuan's so-called ascension is like Fang Chuan, from the earth directly to the Overlord Continent, or to the Sky Dragon Star.

It's just from a low power level world to a high power level world.

For example, on the earth, the power of an ordinary person is more than one hundred catties, and the most powerful person, except Fang Chuan, is also divided into the gods.

In the low-level power world like the Earth, all the energy added up can at most not exceed the total energy of a strong person in the combined realm.

As for the Overlord Continent, as soon as a person was born, he already possessed the power of a fit level.

This is the difference!

Although the world that Huo Xuan came from was much stronger than the earth, their ordinary people were born in the Qi refining period, and everyone has a foundation for cultivation.

However, they are at most a volume that crosses the tribulation realm.

Huo Xuan broke the void, also at the nine-fold peak of the Mahayana realm. After the void, a passage appeared, and then he reached the Ruins of Time.

This is what they call the ascending place.

As for the specific situation, Huo-hyun didn’t know, he only knew that after he ascended to the Ascension Land, he joined Huo Lie Nation.

In Huo Lie Country, everyone’s surnames are changed to Huo, which is equivalent to starting all over again.

He has been soaring for some years, and now the fifth-rank realm is regarded as a middle-level in Huo Lie Nation, with certain power and influence.

"If it's not because your breath is different from ours, I can really take you to our Fire Country!"

Huo Xuan sighed. He didn't like to owe people, but today he was saved by this person again, so he wanted to find a chance to pay it back.

"Ha ha."

Fang Chuan smiled and said, "It's very simple, just change your breath. Actually, I already know how your breath is different from ours!"

As he said, his thoughts moved, and his aura turned out to be very similar to Huo Xuan.

This is one of his secret techniques.

As the Immortal Venerable in the previous life, there must be a lot of things.

However, even if he was well-informed, he had never seen the situation of Ascended Land, and he also learned from Huo Xuan that their souls and spiritual power were not affected by the spiritual power in the air at all.

In other words, the influence of mental power may actually be the law of this world repelling them.

In other words, Huo Xuan and the others are recognized by this world, but they are not.

This makes him more curious.

"So amazing?"

Huo Xuan raised his brows, and in the blink of an eye, Fang Chuan changed his breath. If he hadn't known the origins of Fang Chuan, he might have been deceived.

"Normally, people at a higher level may be able to see through."

Fang Chuan waved his hand, indeed, because he found that even if he changed to a similar aura to Huo Hyun, the law of heaven and earth still rejected him greatly.

This shows that he has not changed in essence.

Since the law of heaven and earth can discover him, then perhaps a more powerful existence can also be discovered.

"Then I formally invite you to our Huo Lie Country, and be a guest in our War City!" Huo Xuan said with a smile.

"City of War?" Fang Chuan looked at Huoxuan in surprise.

"The City of War and Fire is a city in Huo Lie Nation. Apart from King City, Huo Lie Nation is the most powerful city in Huo Lie Nation!"

Huo Xuan said again: "Our Huo Lie Country, with a total of 24 cities, is powerful!"

"Apart from Huo Lie Nation, there are other countries?" Fang Chuan was taken aback. Although the world was huge, didn't it mean that it was basically the territory of the Monster Race, Protoss, and Demon Race?

Why does mankind have such a large territory?

and many more!

Fang Chuan was stunned for a moment. He might have been misled by the information. The Protoss and Demons mentioned by the Purple Sword King might have nothing to do with the Protoss and Demons he knew.

Or, they are just two different races.

Huo Xuan may belong to the Protoss!

Just like people on earth, if they have seen Huo-hyun, who claims to be a protoss, then no one will doubt it.

"Are you a Protoss?" Fang Chuan couldn't help asking.

"Yes, nor is it."

Huo Xuan smiled bitterly: "The Protoss is what you call us, and we also call ourselves the Humans! However, if you call us this way, we think the Protoss is also good, so we acquiesced."

"It's really messy."

Fang Chuan shook his head, but these are not important, he has ten years, he can slowly understand.

He waved his hand and said, "Then please lead the way."

"it is good!"

Huo Xuan nodded, leading Fang Chuan, surpassing the mountains and ridges at a very fast speed, about tens of thousands of kilometers.

On the way, he also saw a lot of monsters, and he found that Huo Xuan could communicate with these monsters.

At the same time, there are monsters here.

The so-called monster race is a race with a higher IQ and the ability to change into an adult type.

He learned from Huo Xuan that not only the Protoss and Demons have their own power, but the Demon Race also has their own power.

As for those occupying territory in the ancient forest, those are all orcs!

Although they are powerful, it is a pity that they do not have smart brains, can communicate simply, and cannot change their human form.

Therefore, most of them will be enslaved or treated as prey.

Of course, there are many strong men among the orcs.

However, the name of the Protoss sounds pretty good. In fact, in general, the population is sparse and the vitality is too weak. Although there are many means, it is the weakest.

There are also some human forces, but they are sporadic, and they are not even counted as a party by these big races.

This is why Huo Xuan is very angry, and why Human Race does not let them go to the Human Race world.


Not long after, they appeared outside an ancient, mottled, but extremely magnificent city. This is the city of war!

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