The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 3124: Too enchanting, the head teacher has a headache

"Ha ha."

After Fang Chuan finished speaking, he sneered in his heart, stupid!

He had been in retreat long ago, doing two things with one mind, and visualizing the image of Xin Yong and others in his mind as the King of Pill Immortal.

And the appearance of these four people, he has long forgotten.

This kind of method, in fact, has the opportunity to achieve it when it reaches the realm of crossing the catastrophe, when the use of the soul and the consciousness has reached the level of perfection.

But for Fang Chuan, there is no difficulty at all!

"Senior Brother Xingchen, enough."

When King Dan Douhuang saw this, he waved his hand, and the coercion covering Fang Chuan immediately dissipated.

He said indifferently: "You and I are both Tier 8 immortals. You can't tell if Fang Chuan lies. He hasn't even heard the names of Xin Yong and others, and he hasn't seen the appearance. How can he be judged to have killed him? of?"

He said again: "Furthermore, you were also present when Fang Chuan was fighting with Xi Shuojie, the number one disciple of the Inner Sect, when he defeated a disciple who took the violent pill at the nine-fold peak of the Mahayana realm and exhausted all his strength!"

"Even if he later breaks through because of this, can he defeat Xin Yong, the third-rank core disciple?"

"What's more, with Xin Yong at the time, there were two second-tier cores, one first-tier core, can he defeat it alone?"

King Dan Douhuang sneered: "I don't want the struggle between you and me to continue to my disciples. Even if it continues, I will use a proper way to let them compete head-on!"

He glanced at Fang Chuan, and then at the Eternal Sage Dao: "Eternal Sage is a genius. He has reached the eighth rank and half-step crossing the tribulation realm in less than a hundred years of cultivation, and is a seedling of crossing the tribulation realm!"

"However, my disciple, Liu Ning won't talk about it. It's about the same as Wangu Sage. It's nothing to be ahead for the time being!"

"And Fang Chuan, he was born with a special physique, low realm, high combat power, and easy to break through. This is his advantage. Whenever he can surpass the eternal sage and Liu Ning!"

"Furthermore, he is still a Ninth-Rank Alchemy Master. Not to mention the combat power, he is also making a great contribution to refining pills for the school!"

"Well, you guys want to suppress him blindly, and even send someone to assassinate him, hehe, disregarding the overall situation, is this the style of a leader?"

"On this point, Eternal Saint is not qualified!"

King Dan Douhuang hadn't said much before, but Star Douhuang was obviously beaten in the face at this moment, and Fang Chuan obviously didn't have much problem.

Jia Shangchuan already had capital, and when he said it this time, the faces of the master and apprentice of Emperor Xingchen Dou suddenly looked extremely ugly.

"Don't talk nonsense!"

Xingchen Douhuang immediately said angrily: "There is no evidence, to frame the ancient sage, this is the style of your Pill King Douhuang?"

"Ha ha."

King Dan Douhuang sneered: "People are doing, the sky is watching."



Jin Xuanning rubbed his temples. He had had enough of these two struggles for so many years. However, as the head teacher, he had to endure these people and reconcile them.

In fact, he had planned before, if Fang Chuan had a problem, he would severely punish and suppress it.

If Fang Chuan was okay, but killed at least four core disciples, even if it was a manslaughter, his privileges would have to be reduced.

But now...

Here comes the problem!

First, he is a victim!

Second, and the most important point, he already knew just now that this guy has broken through again, not only has he broken through, but also the Sanjian almost cut the third-rank core!

In addition, this person is a nine-rank alchemy master, and is the outstanding one among the nine-rank alchemy master, once this person is dissatisfied, he leaves the Taixuanmen, it is the loss of the Taixuanmen!

Once he hated the Taixuan Sect, a hundred years later, or even less than a hundred years later, when he cultivated to the Nine Tribulations Earth Immortal combat power, the Taixuan Sect could bear it.

And he has one characteristic, low realm and high combat power, no one can say, whether he will break through the limit, after nine calamities of earth immortals, can still stay in the human world.

By then, Taixuanmen is in danger, and Jin Xuanning is in danger!

However, if he was beheaded now, King Dan Douhuang would definitely fight him desperately, and then Taixuanmen would suffer even more losses!

Therefore, he also had a headache. He couldn't hate some evil geniuses before, but now, he really thinks this genius is too evil!

He waved his hand and said: "The matter is over, so don't pursue it anymore. Zhang Dingsheng and others were attacked and killed by the same door. This is retribution!"

"The life and death of Xin Yong's four core disciples is unknown, Feng Tian Dou Huang, you are responsible for investigating, you must see people when you live, and you must see your soul when you die!"

After he finished speaking, King Dan Douhuang smiled, Xingchen Douhuang's eyes were full of dissatisfaction, and Fengtian Douhuang quickly took his orders.

However, the head teacher has already made a decision, and his Xingchen Douhuang is not easy to refute face to face.

Jin Xuanning met and asked in a loud voice, "Who is not satisfied with my handling?"

Everyone did not speak.

He looked at Xingchen Dou Huang and asked, "Junior Brother Xingchen, what else do you want to add?"

"Nothing." Xingchen Douhuang was very direct and responded angrily. He couldn't refute it, but it didn't mean he had to cater with a smile.


Jin Xuanning is used to it. He nodded and said, "If that's the case, then let it go."

"Teacher, wait a minute."

At this moment, Fang Chuan suddenly yelled, and everyone looked at him, and it was very good for the people who killed the four core disciples to avoid punishment.

Do you have any dissatisfaction?

"Fang Chuan, what's the matter with you?" Jin Xuanning asked calmly.

"There are two things to report!" Fang Chuan said quickly.

"Is it after you left Baishouling?" Jin Xuanning obviously understands things behind Fangchuan.


Fang Chuan nodded and said: "The first thing, before the civil war between monsters in Baishouling, high-grade monsters died in the battle, I stole them all!"

"High-grade monster?" Everyone was taken aback.


Following that, Fang Chuan waved his hand, and the corpses of monster beasts bursting into the sky appeared in the main hall of the Cloud Palace.

"I go……"

"This is too fierce!"

Each of the Dou Huang present widened his eyes. In fact, the high-grade monster beasts of Baishouling were nothing, they were powerful, and it was easy to kill a high-grade monster.


There are also strong monsters among the monsters, and there are many monsters. The ninth-order monster protects all the monsters, so they dare not kill them casually!

Poaching one head occasionally is not bad.

Fang Chuan suddenly brought so many back, they were a little caught off guard!

But the people below Dou Huang showed shocked expressions, this courage is not ordinary!

"This contribution is good!"

Jin Xuanning's eyes also brightened, and then returned to normal. After all, he is the master of a sect and has seen the world.

Moreover, even if you are surprised, you can't be too obvious!

He looked at Fang Chuan again and said, "These monsters are of great help to the improvement of our sect's strength, turn back and let Junior King Dan make contributions to you!"

He then asked: "What about the second one?"

"I saw Demon Venerable Kui Sui and Demon Qing Yu, Demon Venerable Kui Sui refined a huge altar of demon clan..."

Fang Chuan then recounted what he had encountered.

As for those fourth-grade Demon Dao masters chasing and killing him, he directly ignored it, because he changed his memory and left secretly.

After hearing what he said, everyone was stunned, Dou Huang was stunned!

You are so courageous, and your life is so hard, this is not dead, is it God doesn't want to take it?

"You know how to form a formation above the Emperor rank?"

But what Jin Xuanning saw was different, and his eyes were full of joy. This is a treasure!

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