The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 3119: Wrath of Star Fighting Emperor


The arrival of Emperor Xingchen Douhuang and Fengtian Douhuang made everyone show solemnity, and Sage Wangu felt a trace of anxiety at this time.

Eternal Saint is the third on the list of Tianjiao, and he is also the proud disciple of the deputy head of Star Dou Huang, but in any case, he is not Dou Huang.

As long as it is not Dou Huang, there is no right to speak.

He also had to bow his head when he saw Xingchen Douhuang and Fengtian Douhuang.

"You all go down first!"

When Feng Tian Dou Huang waved his hand when he saw this, the others hurriedly responded, and after a while they all left the palace.

"Master, I'm sorry, this time I didn't expect that it would turn out to be like this!" Sage Wangu said with his head down.

He could feel the anger of Emperor Star Dou Huang.

Xingchen Douhuang glanced at the Eternal Sage coldly: "Old Sage, I have high hopes for you, you should understand!"

"Master, disciple understands." Wan Gu Sheng nodded hurriedly.

"This time, so many core disciples have an accident, what do you say?" Xingchen Douhuang asked lightly.

"First, create a conflict between them and Fang Chuan, let everyone know that they went out with Fang Chuan!"

"Second, create evidence that I did not meet with them!"

Saint Eternal had already thought of this for the first time. After he finished speaking, Fengtian Douhuang frowned. This was one way.

However, it is not something ordinary people can do to be seamless and convincing.

"If Fang Chuan is just an inner disciple, it would not be so troublesome, but he is a disciple of King Dan Dou Huang, you know how I was young with King Dan Dou Huang, and now I am in charge of the third disciple, and he is an independent Dan King Palace. , Unconstrained!"

"You know these things, and you must understand them!"

"Although I have no intention of being in charge of the emperor of Star Fighter, I am the deputy in charge of the Taixuan Sect. King Dan was also deliberately independent because of when he was young with me, and even his disciples were not on the list! "

Xingchen Douhuang said coldly, the anger in it made the sage of the ages feel a little frightened.

The strength of the Star Fighting Emperor is not something that the Eternal Sage can resist. Even if he has potential, the Star Fighting Emperor is not a weak person, but also a generation of geniuses!

He is improving, and Star Douhuang will also improve!

How many people are mediocre who can stand at the top of Taixuanmen?

Some strong people will not stop with age, some people can overwhelm you for a while, and some people can overwhelm you for the rest of your life.

No one can tell this!

Therefore, although Wan Gu Sheng is very confident in himself, he will never think that he will surpass these giants so quickly.

Even, they may not be able to surpass them for a lifetime.

When Xingchen Douhuang said this, he couldn't help but tremble, and quickly said, "Master, please mention it!"

"You are still too young to hold back!"

Xingchen Douhuang glanced at the eternal sage, shook his head and said: "This time, you can put some pressure on Fang Chuan, but don't be too persistent, you will soon have an extraterritorial dispute. This is the top priority. "

He thought about it, and then said: "As long as you can get a good ranking in the competition outside the territory, you are the hero of the Taixuan Sect!"

"We Taixuanmen also think that one day we can become the third holy place. This is the goal of all of our Taixuanmen!" He waved his hand and said, "I told you so much, just to make you understand, don't pay attention. For trivial matters, don’t have a low vision. Fang Chuan is actually a talent. Instead of suppressing it, it’s better to absorb. If one day you can control these people, you are too

The pillar of the next generation of Xuanmen! "

He sighed: "We won't be long, maybe we will start a war, an external war, at that time, it is also an opportunity for our Taixuanmen!"

"There are too many things to do next, so you should stop a little and practice hard. The inner door has Wei Rufeng and Xiang Bohu, and the outside has the geniuses of various sects, empires, and holy places!"

"Your enemies are many, your opponents are many, don't live up to my expectations!"

Xingchen Douhuang sighed and said a lot to Sage Wangu, Sage Wangu listened, and quickly nodded in agreement.

Eternal Sage also understood that this time he was disappointed by Xingchen Douhuang. Xingchen Douhuang said so much mainly to warn him.

The same is also to tell him that if there is no strength to compete with those people, he will be worthless.

From then on, although he was still the core disciple of the Taixuan Sect and also the disciple of the Star Dou Emperor, there was definitely not so much help or support.

The status of Eternal Saint is at stake.

At this point, these people have cultivated many chess pieces. Wei Rufeng is a direct disciple of the teacher, and Xiang Bohu is also a disciple of the teacher.

And his Eternal Saint is the disciple of the deputy head teacher, and Liu Ning is the disciple of King Dan Douhuang.

There are also some geniuses with the shadow of martial giants behind them.

Everyone is fighting!

"However, this time I can't make Fang Chuan feel better, you can handle it well, if you don't handle it well, hum!"

Xingchen Douhuang snorted coldly, and the eternal saint stunned.

"Yes!" Saint Wangu nodded hurriedly.

Xingchen Douhuang said again: "By the way, Liu Ning will definitely participate in the extraterritorial dispute this time. Among the ten places, he must have one. Xiang Bohu and Wei Rufeng will also show two, and you will definitely go. , This is already four places!"

"For the remaining six places, some of our people are fighting for it. I won't talk about it, but Fang Chuan must not enter!"

Star Dou Huang looked at the eternal sage and said coldly: "Fang Chuan is just a new disciple. If he enters, King Pill will be even more proud. This is not what I want to see, understand?"


Eternal Sage nodded, but didn't take it seriously. There was only Fang Chuan. If it weren't for the gate rules and the King of Pill Douhuang, he would kill him directly.

The person who can get a place in the competition outside the territory is at least half-step at the pinnacle of the seventh rank, and may even be at the lowest rank of the eighth rank.

Fang Chuan is still early!

Time, only more than half a month, he is not worthy!

"Don't underestimate that person, he is weird!" After Xingchen Douhuang finished speaking, he waved his hand and said to Fengtian Dou Huang: "Let's go, let's go to a meeting and meet the head teacher!"

After speaking, the two of them disappeared.


As soon as Saint Eternal waited for them to leave, his eyes showed anger, and he coldly snorted: "Fang Chuan, it is so arrogant before coming to the sect, you will definitely die!"

"Even if you can't kill you this time, you have to cancel your redemption discount. When I come back from outside the domain, you will definitely die!"

As he said, he threw himself up and left the palace.

For a time, the entire Taixuan Gate was surging and undercurrents surged. Fang Chuan sat cross-legged, cultivating with great concentration in his courtyard. This time he must break through, otherwise, he might be in trouble.

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