The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 3108: Magic Way, Shrine

"Be careful." Dao Fengqing knew that what she said was useless, but she still exhorted.

This place is so dangerous!

With this person, it is also very dangerous!


Fang Chuan nodded, first used a hidden formation, then stepped on his feet and left directly from Ou Feizi.


He moved forward for about a few kilometers, and the terrifying aura coming from there made him breathe. The roar and roar of monsters swarmed, and the ground around him exploded.

His divine consciousness had already formed a wall of spiritual power, and these monsters had not cultivated spiritual power, and they had not targeted attacks, so he could barely move on.

Otherwise, some weak people would have been blown to death by the mental power contained in these roars before they even approached!

He advanced a few kilometers, but it took about half an hour, and the battle turned from fierce to weak.

However, even so, no other low-level monsters came out to pick them up, because the hierarchical system between monsters was very strict, and this was a kind of oppression from the soul.

The monster dare not, but Fang Chuan dare!

"Really powerful!"

He officially stepped into the war zone, and there was a terrifying heat wave on the ground, and some animal blood could directly burn people to death.

He had already used the great body protection technique, but the barriers of the great body protection technique were also eroded by the blood of these monsters, and he made a sneer.

Fortunately, his infuriating energy recovered extremely quickly, and Jianmu had grown a few points now, which did not increase his consumption.

Boom boom boom...

He got closer, and there were two monster beasts fighting tirelessly and fearlessly of life and death. One monster beast with horns on its head slammed into the other monster beast that looked like a tiger.

His horns are simply stronger than the power of a holy-level magic weapon. However, this tiger-type monster that is as tall as a mountain is extremely fast, and its claws are also very sharp, constantly moving, and slapped at the horned monster.

Every time the two terrifying monsters attacked, they contained extremely powerful lethality. Their powerful flesh was beaten to explode with blood and flesh and blood!

The roar continues, they have reached their limit.

Fang Chuan hid on the side, not daring to breathe, if he was trampled on, he would hang up directly, no doubt.

The gap is too big!

This is still the monster beast at the pinnacle of the seventh stage. He has offended a lot of powerhouses who crossed the Tribulation Realm in the Tianlong Star Territory. Can these people slap him to death with one light-year apart?

He thought for a while, and continued to pay attention to the battle. Under this powerful pressure, he felt that his soul was very active, and the frenzied fighting intent made him constantly suppress it. Otherwise, he would provoke a monster to come over. No doubt he will die.

This kind of pressure also had a great effect on his soul and spirit.

"Almost over!"

After another half an hour, it was finally over. With a bang, the horned monster found a chance to smash through the tiger's chest.

But the tiger monster took the opportunity to slap the horned monster beast's face, and after a huge explosion, the two monsters flew extremely far, hitting the ground, and both formed a violent shock.

Then, they fell silent, and didn't know if they were dead, Fang Chuan didn't dare to investigate with his spiritual sense, and the monster beasts at the peak of the seventh stage could not be investigated casually.

Therefore, he continued to move forward and went to the position where the horned monster beast was. The speed of this monster beast was relatively not as fast as that of the tiger monster. Moreover, he saw it clearly. The face of the horned monster beast.

This terrifying power was enough to shatter the head of the horned monster beast.

But even though the Tiger Monster Beast had its heart damaged, it didn't necessarily die immediately.

In fact, if the monsters reached this state, if they hadn't been fighting for so long and consumed a lot of money, they would not be easily shot to death.

Their vitality is very strong!

This also means that they are full of treasures. Fang Chuan felt that if he had so many corpses of the monster beasts present, he would not need to do the task. If he handed it over to the Taixuan Sect, he could have hundreds of thousands, or even millions. School contribution.


He didn't dare to act rashly, because these monsters wouldn't normally fight like this. At such a high level, who would be willing to fight to death easily?

He approached the horned monster beast, and saw the blood of the horned monster beast gurgling like spring water in a mountain stream.

The earth was quickly ignited by his fire-attribute blood, forming a sea of ​​fire, and fire cores began to condense below the earth. If this continues, a huge volcano will form here.

"not dead!"

Fang Chuan was only one kilometer away from the monster beast. He saw that the mountain-like monster beast was not dead, his nose flapped, and he kept breathing white air.

Every white gas, like a missile, made a hole in the ground and exploded continuously.

"Hehe, these two 7th-Rank peak monsters, and a few 7th-Rank middle-level monsters, it's a pity, the others are dead, these two lose both, it's not bad, it should be able to open the altar!"

Fang Chuan didn't do anything, and two very terrifying spirits swept over. Fortunately, his mental shielding was extraordinary, and he was not discovered.

Then, he saw two men with blood-colored long swords and black robes appearing above the two monsters.

These two people actually have the aura of the demons!

It's a demon monk!

Moreover, being a monk of the eighth rank demon way, although not necessarily comparable to the eternal sage, but the two together, the eternal sage may not be able to please!

With smiles on their faces, they said, and with a wave of their hands, their spiritual power emerged and turned into divine power, moving all the monsters present, including their bodies, into the air.

This scene is so magnificent, it's like a person lifted up a number of towering mountains.

Then, the two of them floated towards the distance, with them as the center, these monster beasts also floated.

"What a fortune is this!"

Fang Chuan took a sip of water, and such a strong pressure also greatly helped his cultivation.

Just for a while, he felt that his bottleneck was a little loose.

The ability to become stronger by death was verified in his previous life. As long as the person who does not die, who is crazy about death, can become stronger quickly!

So, he followed.

First, he wanted to use this terrible sense of crisis to increase his pressure and turn pressure into motivation.

Secondly, see if there is a chance to make a fortune.

Thirdly, he also wanted to know who these two people were. Could the altar mentioned by Mo Dao be the summoning altar of the Mozu?

If it is, the problem is serious!

The stronger the person, the stronger the demons summoned. If you really summon some half-step imperial demon races above Rank 7 or 8, they will be able to break through the space barriers!

The Tianlong Star Territory did not fully start the war, I am afraid this overlord world will begin!

After a while, his figure disappeared from the vision of Dao Fengqing and others, following a bunch of monsters and two eighth rank demon cultivators.

"He, did he follow?" Dao Fengqing couldn't help but swallowed a mouthful of saliva. How courageous this person is, can he protect the sky?

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