"Emperor, take care."

Fang Chuan stood in front of the whirlpool and looked at Emperor Xuanyuan. In fact, he also understood that Emperor Xuanyuan's trip was extremely dangerous.

A living person in the underworld is full of crises.

Moreover, although his cultivation is not too bad, it is still weak for some strong people in the underworld.

Of course, it all depends on Emperor Xuanyuan himself.

"Don't worry, I will try my best."

Emperor Xuanyuan smiled, with a calm and unhurried face on his face, and then he rushed into the whirlpool leading to the world of the Sixth Hall and disappeared.

"Your friend is really interesting. If he can survive, he may have some achievements in the future." Sun Sheng smiled.

Fang Chuan shook his head.

He waved: "Let's go."

Without saying hello to King Qin Guang, they also went straight into the vortex leading to the world of the Seventh Hall, hummed and disappeared.

"My lord, do you just forget it?" the judge asked Fang Chuan in the direction they were leaving.

"Forget it?"

King Qin Guang said with a sneer: "It's just a slow strategy. I have notified King Biancheng of the sixth hall and King Taishan of the seventh hall. None of them will run away."

He waved his hand: "At that time, our ten temples, Yan Jun, will take action at the same time to completely suppress them, put them in the eighteenth hell, and imprison them for a thousand years, so that they will die!"

The judge couldn't help but shudder.

Thinking of the scene where the ten great Yan Jun shot at the same time, he was a little scared and a little expectant.

The scenery in front of Fang Chuan and the others changed, and they soon came to an ancient town through a teleportation channel similar to a space wormhole.

The style of the building here is somewhat similar to that of the Song Dynasty, with a darker style, and every building has a little black.

There is no breath of death in the air.

The atmosphere here is completely different from the world of the first hall. It is not ghostly, but presents a unique vitality of the underworld.

of course--

Fang Chuan can understand, because this is equivalent to a planet with a different environment. When the dead are born, they are another form of creature.

They live here, live and work here, practice here, and gain strength here, just like human beings on earth.

Fang Chuan was just a little excited. He went to Sun Luo City and found his parents. What should he say in the first sentence?

Although he is different now, his thoughts about his parents have not changed in the slightest.

"Our whereabouts may have been passed on by King Qin Guang, and there may be a time delay, but we must find my parents as soon as possible."

Fang Chuan looked at Sun Sheng: "Let’s pretend to be in disguise so as not to stun the snake and sprout branches.

"You have the final say." Sun Sheng smiled slightly.

He is very happy to be able to work with Fang Chuan again, although his clone was with Fang Chuan the entire last time.

However, he knew that Fang Chuan could hardly go wrong.


Fang Chuan immediately punched a seal, and suddenly, their bodies were filled with a unique atmosphere.

The breath of living people on the earth dissipated.

The underworld people who had rushed from a distance suddenly lost their target, stopped, looked at them without any doubt, and then went to another place.

The underworld town quickly recovered its calm.

Fang Chuan and Fang Chuan have also arrived in front of the teleportation formation in this small town.

"Where are you going?"

A local man guarding in front of the teleportation formation looked at Fang Chuan and the others up and down, and after making sure that their aura was okay, he asked calmly.

"Siluo City." Fang Chuan said calmly.

"Five coins per person," the person said.

Pluto coins are naturally not the coins burned by the people of the earth to commemorate their deceased relatives, but a kind of currency forged from the pluton stones that are a specialty of the underworld.

"No coins, do you want Mingshi?"

Fang Chuan had already learned something about the underworld from Sun Sheng, and the Mingshi was the last time he collected it in the underworld.

When there is a spirit stone, the dark stone is basically useless, so it is always on his body.

At this moment, it came in handy.

In his hand, there is a very pure underworld stone, which comes from the graveyard of the past dynasties.

"High-grade Mingshi?"

The person guarding the teleportation array couldn't help but his eyes widened, showing an envy.

Like the earth's currency, Ming coins can buy almost everything they want, including the resources that enhance their power.

The dark stones are generally held in the official treasure house.

The top grade Mingshi is a precious treasure that they have hardly seen.

"Yes, of course."

The person guarding the teleportation array nodded quickly, and then sighed: "However, I can't find change at all. You can go to the coin shop to exchange it."

He wanted it very much, but he could also see that these two men were not so easy to mess with.

The law of survival in the underworld is very simple, strength is respect, know how to respect and humble.

He dared not offend these two men.

Fang Chuan smiled faintly. In his mustard space, the worst is this kind of dark stone, and there are better quality dark stones, and there are many.

He threw it over: "Give me all the coins on your body, and then send us over. This stone is yours."

"Yes, yes, thank you sir!"

This person suddenly felt like he had been smashed to the head by luck. He was overjoyed, and he didn't have the slightest hidden personalities. He directly gave Fang Chuan all of his body, a total of more than 1,500 coins.

Of course, he is making a lot of money.

The exchange ratio of low-grade Mingshi to Mingcoin is one to one hundred.

The exchange ratio of low-grade Mingshi to medium-grade Mingshi is also one to one hundred.

The same is true for the ratio of medium-grade Mingshi to high-grade Mingshi.

It is equivalent to Fang Chuan directly used 1 million Ming coins to exchange more than 1,500 Ming coins on his body.

He felt that all this was so unreal.

However, he didn't know that for Fang Chuan, there was nothing to care about.

He robbed the entire ancient underworld. Although the underworld is far from the underworld, it is still an ancient mystery after all.

Therefore, he can be said to be an extremely rich man in the underworld.


Fang Chuan entered the teleportation formation after finishing the transaction with this person, and by the way, he asked for a map of the Seventh Temple world and a map of Sun Luo City.

He had to sigh, the teleportation array is really convenient.

However, a lot of energy is needed.

For the earth, it is not enough to promote, which is indeed a pity.

However, he also planned to establish several teleportation arrays in several major cities after returning to Earth.

Perhaps, this can also leave a fortune for King Dan.

Sun Luocheng is here.

The teleportation formation of Senluo City is much more magnificent than the previous town, and the guards are much stronger.

Outside the teleportation array, there is an endless stream of people coming and going.

Fang Chuan suddenly had a feeling of returning to the realm of cultivation.

"Go, go, don't stay here!"

Fang Chuan looked at them for a moment, and the people behind immediately urged them, and they had no choice but to follow the people who left and exit the archway where the teleportation formation was located.

There was a crowd of people outside.

"Carriage, carriage!"

"Is there a place to stay?"

"Recruited, recruited, including food and housing, thirty coins a month!"

Fang Chuan had a dumbfounding amidst the voices. This is just outside the train station of a human world...

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