A tragic roar, as if passing through seventeen or eight bends, passed through Fang Chuan and their ears.

Deep and dense.

The gate of Fengdu Wangcheng is huge, as wide as ten lanes.

Dozens of ghosts, wearing weapons, looked at the undead coming by with awe-inspiring eyes.

Every moment, there are dead spirits coming here.

Some were crying, some looked calm, some looked around with curiosity, and some were full of fear.

"Some of these people are in vain, some are reluctant to die in the world, some have a clear conscience, and some have ghosts in their hearts. As long as they stay here for a long time, they can see through the world."

Heiwuchang said again.

Sun Sheng waved his hand impatiently: "We are here to do business, not to discuss the philosophy of life with you!"


Hei Wuchang reacted and smiled awkwardly. The nature of his usual work made him a bit ridiculous.

He quickly led them, unimpeded, and walked into the capital city of Fengdu.

A huge square, with more than a dozen lanes, lead to halls of ghostly spirits.

Every hall, more or less, can hear howling ghosts and wolves.

There was only one hall in the center, with the Hall of Reception written on it, and the voice from inside was quite majestic.

"Thousands of years ago, I remember that the first hall was still the hall of Yan Luo, now why is it the hall of reception for King Qin Guang?"

Sun Sheng frowned and looked at the black impermanence.

Hei Wuchang smiled and said: "The King Yama has already gone to the underworld to manage the nine underworld worlds. Lord Qin Guang will stay here to manage the reception."

"That's it."

Sun Sheng sighed: "Since King Qin Guang is in charge of the reception hall, he can find out where all the dead spirits have gone, right?"

"Yes, yes!" Hei Wuchang nodded hurriedly.

Afterwards, they entered the Hall of Reception, and there was a majestic man sitting in the Hall of Reception, wearing an ancient imperial costume.

This person is King Qin Guang.

Under the hall, there are powerful ghost officials, ghost chasers, ghost soldiers, and ghost generals, and a powerful atmosphere envelopes the entire hall.

A necromancer who had just been brought in was kneeling down, awaiting judgment.

Fang Chuan and the others came and stood aside. Sun Sheng wanted to directly interrupt the sentence that was meaningless to him, but Fang Chuan stopped.

He is observing the sentence of this man.

"To sum up, send the seventh palace to the underground palace, born as a scattered person!" After a trial, the judge made a verdict.

Subsequently, a ghost officer took the dead spirit away.

Next, another necromancer was sent up.

Fang Chuan watched the trial of five people in a row, and he also understood that there are many unknown rules in this world.

Human beings are doing it, and heaven is recording.

It was recorded by Heaven, and then fed back to others by means of destiny, underworld, etc., forming the destiny of a person's life.

After death, there will be different experiences.

Most of the undead will first accept the torture of a certain level of hell, be released after serving their sentence, and then be reborn in a certain underworld.

Rebirth as a dead spirit, and the record of alive, get a different initial condition.

Then, started a new life.

"Judge, stop."

After Qin Guang tried several dead spirits, he waved his hand to prevent the judge from passing on the next dead spirit, but turned his eyes to Fang Chuan and the others.

He had discovered Fang Chuan and them long ago.

He also discovered Sun Sheng.

He had dealt with Sun Sheng before and knew that Sun Sheng was a violent temper, but Sun Sheng was dissuaded by a seemingly ordinary person, which shows that this person is extraordinary.

Therefore, he deliberately tried a few more dead spirits to test one or two.

He was surprised to find that this seemingly ordinary young man could make Sun Sheng silent.

He smiled and said: "The visit of old friends is really exciting, and if you miss it, please forgive me, Mr. Sun and the two distinguished guests!"

While he was speaking, other people looked over quickly, all showing a look of surprise.

Their eyes fell on Fang Chuan's trio.

The human breath makes them very uncomfortable.

But the strong aura of the other party made them feel like they had met King Qin Guang, making them afraid to mess around easily.

"King Qin Guang, who is an old friend with you?"

Sun Sheng sneered, and strode to the hall, looking at King Qin Guang: "You haven't seen you for thousands of years, you are still so hypocritical."

"Ha ha."

King Qin Guang shook his head: "Mr. Sun has not changed for thousands of years. I heard that Mr. Sun has been sealed for thousands of years, and now he has escaped, so why come to our underworld again?"

"I have something to do, so I can tell you about the past by the way!" Sun Sheng said with a sneer.

Fang Chuan stood up and interrupted the tit-for-tat confrontation between the two men.

"Mr. Qin Guangwang, I am Fang Chuan in Yizhou City, China. I came to the prefecture to find my parents who died in a car accident three years ago."

Fang Chuan exuded a powerful aura and looked at King Qin Guang: "If Mr. Qin Guangwang can help, I would naturally thank him."

King Qin Guang's expression changed, and he glanced at Impermanence.

Heiwuchang's whole body shuddered.

He didn't understand the meaning of King Qin Guang's eyes, but he felt that he might be out of luck.

But he was also helpless.

This self-proclaimed good-tempered person, at this time, seems to have a bad temper!

At this time, he could only admit that he was unlucky.

"Since people are dead, they have nothing to do with the world. You have violated the way of heaven by looking for them."

King Qin Guang shook his head: "If I help you, I'm afraid I will also be punished by heaven."

"What did you say?" Sun Sheng asked angrily with a wink in his eyes.

King Qin Guang frowned. Eighteen of them had finally beaten this guy away. After thousands of years, their strength has improved.

But this guy doesn't know how to cultivate.

Moreover, the young man he brought does not seem to be an easy mess.

Fang Chuan waved his hand and said with a smile: "Mr. Qin Guangwang, I know the way of heaven better than you, what I do is not against the way of heaven."

He said again: "Furthermore, even if it is against the way of heaven, the way of heaven will only be counted on me, you can rest assured."

He paused and looked at King Qin Guang: "If you are unwilling to cooperate, sir, then I can only borrow your life and death book to see what happened!"

"What?" King Qin Guang's expression changed drastically.

The rest of the ghosts, ghost officials, etc. all looked at Fang Chuan with hostile eyes, as if they had suffered a great shame.

The judge has quietly taken out his token and passed the message.

Everything was under Fang Chuan's nose, but he was fearless.


His body shook, and the powerful celestial aura exuded, making everyone stunned and feeling the pressure like a mountain.

"Forget it."

Fang Chuan shook his head: "It seems to give you enough respect for the sake of judging the dead, but now, I think this idea is very bad!"


He flew into the air at once, and thunder flashed across his body, his eyes stunned: "Give you three breaths to consider, otherwise, stepping down to the hall!"

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