Fang Chuan's world at this moment has surpassed the world of all the powerhouses who are present.

Shilong had also discovered that Fang Chuan's aura became stronger after he obtained Shifang Tianxin, but he also knew that this was beyond his control.

"I'm going to do some things, and I will come to you when the time is right."

After Shilong gave Fang Chuan Shifang Tianxin, he still felt uncomfortable, and he was unwilling to continue talking to Fang Chuan.

After he finished speaking, it turned into a ray of light, which quickly disappeared into the horizon.

"Just let him go?" Sun Sheng frowned, "I think he concealed something, which will cause us a lot of trouble later."

"I know."

Fang Chuan raised his hand and waved his hand to indicate: "No matter how he calculates, in the face of absolute strength, it is ridiculous."


Sun Sheng suddenly reacted and said with a smile: "With your potential, even if he has any calculations, after you break through a few more times, he will not cause you much trouble."

He said again: "I really didn't expect that the scope of our trip to the universe would be so narrow, even if there is a star field like the Heavenly Dragon Empire in this world."

Fang Chuan smiled, shook his head and said, "Our current earth is already very big, but in the solar system, it is only a small spot."

He said again: "And our solar system is just a small remote galaxy in the Tianlong Star Territory. If they didn't touch the dragon, they wouldn't even come here. With that said, you should understand how small the Out of Aperture Realm is. It’s just that the spirit just got out of the earth."

"The world is so big, no wonder my ancestor Sun Dasheng is not willing to come back, I really want to go out and have a look." Sun Sheng said seriously.

"Me too." Emperor Xuanyuan nodded in agreement.

This time, he didn't help much, but it doesn't mean he didn't gain anything.

He has a strong heart of being a strong man. During this journey, he felt his own shortcomings, not only did not make him decadent, but made him firmer in his way.

"Come on, we will go to explore the universe together at that time!" Sun Sheng patted Emperor Xuanyuan on the shoulder.

In terms of age, he was much older than Emperor Xuanyuan.

"Yeah." Emperor Xuanyuan replied.

"Since the goal has been achieved, then we won't go back and go directly to the underworld. If I guess correctly, I already know where the entrance to the underworld is."

Fang Chuan changed the subject and looked at Sun Sheng and Emperor Xuanyuan.

Emperor Xuanyuan knew some information about the underworld, and Sun Sheng used to force his way through the underworld in order to pursue his ancestor's footsteps.

However, Fang Chuan had calculated the general situation of the underworld in the past period of time.

With some previous experience, he has already judged it.

There was a broken teleportation formation in the underground palace of Ancheng, which Fang Chuan thought was going to the realm of cultivation.

He originally planned that when the time was right, he would repair the teleportation array and return to the realm of cultivation.

But now it seems that there is no connection with the cultivation world at all.

The earth belongs to the great moral world, a world even higher than the fairy world.

Even in the second round, the strength has not returned to the peak of the year, and it is impossible to connect with the ordinary cultivation world.

And he calculated before that the entrance of the underground palace is near Ancheng.

Then, he has basically set the goal.

"Where?" Sun Sheng looked at Fang Chuan.

"Ancheng." Fang Chuan said calmly.

"Not bad."

Sun Sheng nodded: "Although I am from India and I am sealed in India, my main life is still in China. The underground palace in Ancheng is the entrance to the underground palace."

He said again: "The netherworld was a very special existence in the last reincarnation. He controlled the life and death of some people, and also controlled the reincarnation of some people."

"In this reincarnation, it lost the ability to reincarnate, life and death, and became the world after most undead died."

"From ancient times to the present, the dead spirits, especially the dead spirits of China, have gathered there. Are you ready to go?"

Sun Sheng looked at Fang Chuan: "Especially you!"


Fang Chuan nodded indifferently. Sun Sheng said it right, especially Fang Chuan, who lives in this era, has studied history for a few days, and has seen many modern people in film and television. If you go to the underworld, you will see some figures in history. , There will be a great shock.


Although Fang Chuan's main consciousness is Fang Chuan of the earth, he didn't know how many big scenes he had seen in his last life. How could he be frightened by these things?

"That's good, go!"

Sun Sheng slapped a finger that he had learned from the disciple of King Pill, then stepped on somersault clouds and flew out.

Fang Chuan glanced at each other and followed.

Ancheng was originally far away from Yizhou City, but now it has expanded ten thousand times. The distance is an astronomical figure for ordinary people.

It can be said that the distance between one city and another is impossible for ordinary people to surpass in a lifetime.

And Fang Chuan and the others only spent half an hour before they arrived in Ancheng.

Ancheng is different from before.

It is more prosperous than before, but it is also full of tension.

Obviously it is a modern, even a very high-tech city, but it gives people a kind of instability that an ancient city has.

This is the difference between peaceful and flourishing times and troubled times.

In peace and prosperity, crime, death, and killing are news.

In troubled times, death is common.

Fortunately, the Chinese government has been working hard to protect each city, and Danwang Wuguan and others have been working hard to protect the residents in the city.

Therefore, they can live relatively stable.

The style of martial arts and Taoism is very popular in cities.

Fang Chuan was walking in Ancheng, and some people with big swords, hammers, armor and scars were everywhere.

They carry a kind of iron-blooded evil spirit, they are warriors who have experienced life and death.

Ordinary people look at them with admiration.

In this era, but less than half a year after the drastic changes, iron-blooded heroes have become the mainstream aesthetic of this era.

Fang Chuan actually likes this atmosphere.

The underground palace is in a corner of Ancheng. When Fang Chuan and the others arrived, the underground palace already looked a little rugged.

In the dark night, apart from the sound of wind, no other voices can be heard.

The people who had been stationed here before have been deployed to other positions.

In times of peace, this is an important monument.

In this day and age, here is not so important anymore.

"I have felt the breath of the underworld, so familiar." Sun Sheng smiled slightly, his eyes could even glow with golden light in the dark night.

Emperor Xuanyuan couldn't restrain himself.

It has been a long time since he saw his beloved woman.

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