The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 2785: Sun Sheng, Yufu King

In Fang Chuan’s body now, in addition to the Shifang Yuxi, there are Shifang Tianlun, Shifang Ruyi, Shifang Golden Lotus, Shifang Dzi, Shifang Sacred Sword, Shifang Mirror, Shifang Tianyan, and Shifang Lei Ling.

This represents all-encompassing.

Each magic weapon of the Shifang series can be used alone, has its own function, and can also be used with Shifang Yuxi.

Fang Chuan glanced at the shattered altar and punched a seal. The next moment, Shi Fang Ruyi flew out, exuding golden light covering him.

Scenes emerged in the golden light one by one, this is his calculation.

His gaze flickered: "It's there!"

He had already calculated that one of the remaining ten magic treasures was actually in the place he had visited before-the deep abyss.

That place was the terrible monster he encountered for the first time in his life.

Now, once the realm of God has completely fallen, the tentacles will be completely released.

Originally, Fang Chuan planned to go to meet that tentacle monster for a while, but now that he has estimated that there is at least one ten magic weapon in that place, it is imperative.

At the beginning, the tentacle monster was just being sealed and it had already put him in great danger. Now, he is no longer the same.


Thinking of this, he had already made a plan, and then he turned into a ray of light, rushed directly out of the mountain and came to the sky.

The air was filled with the smell of death and blood.

Just after a fierce battle here, the mountain gate where the sword clan is located has been completely shattered.

The sword clan has been destroyed.

A corpse was scattered in the mountains, mostly members of the sword clan.

The core strength of the sword clan had been killed by Fang Chuan, and the remaining people had no room to fight back in front of the well-equipped disciples of King Pill.

"Sect Master, the Sword Clan has been destroyed."

Li Xing came to Fang Chuan's body, exuding a kind of suffocating aura from the battle.

Fang Chuan nodded. The world is so cruel, especially in the current environment, there is no way.

In ancient times, this situation was even more serious, unless it was able to form a peaceful and prosperous world as before.

Otherwise, there are only killing and being killed, and extinction and being destroyed.

The changes in the world have made this world no longer peaceful, presenting an alternative, chaotic world that does not exist in the history of China.

Heroes in troubled times are what many people expect.

"Let's go back."

Fang Chuan waved his hand and returned to the aircraft with Li Xing, while the rest of King Pill's disciples returned to the battleship.

They returned to King Danzong.

Everyone was celebrating. After the demise of the Sword Clan, the hundreds of thousands of miles around Yizhou City was a human territory.

They only need to expand step by step to reproduce the previous prosperity.

Now they can only shrink in the city, and then they can form more forms, such as towns, townships, and villages.

However, people's way of life can no longer go back.

The earth is no longer what it used to be. Human beings are the absolute hegemon, and human science and technology power and protective power cannot be everywhere.

Not all places are safe.

However, born in sorrow and dying in happiness, human beings need such an environment to be able to continuously evolve and make continuous breakthroughs.

A blink of an eye, another week passed.

Dan Wangzong and Yizhou City have been slowly digesting the recent results, and many people have begun to develop.

Some people established villages near Yizhou City and started a special life.

Of course, scientific and technological forces are constantly breaking through, because many materials can solve many technological bottlenecks.

Every day, news of technological breakthroughs can be heard.

Everything is moving in a good direction.

Cities and villages are in an ultra-modern state, not in a barbaric period, but there are some similarities in the way of survival.

The quality of human life has not been greatly affected.

In many western countries, some powerful leaders have also begun to appear. In the battle with beasts, monsters, and dark creatures, there have also been many epic heroic stories.

The world is gradually approaching a balance.

The realm of God has also completely fallen, the space of the earth has reached more than 10,000 times the previous one, and human resources are unprecedentedly rich.

However, many things on the earth are of little significance to Fang Chuan.

He stays on earth now, just for two things.

One, against extraterrestrial creatures, use them as a springboard to enter the heart of the galaxy and understand the real moral world.

Second, go to the underworld to find your parents.

Of course, it is also necessary to collect the last celestial seal fragments of merit, but it is only incidental.

When the realm of God completely returned to the earth, the seals in many secret realms around the world also burst.

One powerful existence finally appeared.

Among Huaxia, there are also some strong players, but Huaxia's preparations are also very sufficient, and there are basically no major problems.

Sun Sheng rushed out of the secret realm of India, and after fusing with the clone, he rushed to King Danzong.

Sun Sheng's terrifying breath made everyone feel fear.

This is a real big demon!

At the summit of Mount Tai that had expanded ten thousand times, a man holding a long sword felt the terrifying aura of Sun Sheng, his expression changed: "Who dares to invade China?"

In Huaxia Imperial Capital, a man wearing a dragon robe rose into the sky, standing on the imperial city, and casting his eyes on the place where Yizhou City was: "Is it him?"

In the East China Sea, a divine dragon poked its head and looked at Yizhou City where Fang Chuan was located: "It's also out!"

All of a sudden, powerful existences appeared.

They are all ancient creatures in the secret realm, some are humans, some are monsters, and some are ancient races.

Some of them have reached a consensus with the Chinese government, and even chose to stand on the side of the Chinese government to protect the entire Chinese land.

Even in Yizhou City where Fang Chuan was located, an ancient powerhouse-Yufu King appeared.

Their strength is basically around Nine Layers of Out of Aperture Stage.

However, a strong like Yufu King, and his subordinates, did not appear in the human field of vision and chose to dormant.

These strong players, even Fang Chuan, would not be opponents if they didn't show their hole cards.

"Brother Fang, I finally came out, I'll thank you!"

Sun Sheng was wearing a dazzling armor and carrying a big stick in the sky above the Danwangzong, just like the Monkey King in mythology, and his voice spread throughout the Danwangzong.


Fang Chuan smiled slightly, stepped out, and he was in front of Sun Sheng.

In the past, Sun Sheng's powerful aura was enough to make Fang Chuan die.

But now, Fang Chuan was able to look directly at him without appearing weak.

"Brother Sun, I finally saw your true body, please."

Fang Chuan waved his hand, his indifferent so that Sun Sheng had to admire.

"Haha, since Sun Sheng Monkey King is here, why didn't my Yufu King come, Fang Xiaoyou, would you mind?"

Following that, a rough laugh sounded.

The next moment, a man wearing a black royal robe appeared in the field of vision of Fang Chuan and others.

He is the Yufu King!

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