The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 2782: The lion has a big mouth

King Dan Zong has reached a peak state under Fang Chuan's hands, but he has no patience to continue.

He still has a lot to do. Dan Wangzong is just a sect he founded casually, and it is impossible to imprison him because of this.

He does not need too much burden.

His only requirement is that all the disciples of King Danzong worship his gods and provide him with a steady stream of faith power.

Li Xing knew about it before, so he didn't say anything.

Because he also knew that King Danzong would only drag down the sovereign, after all, most people or forces in this world could not keep up with the progress of Shangchuan River.

Fang Chuan left sooner or later.

Even he left the earth sooner or later.

He understood that the Sect Master stayed on Earth, firstly because he had not found a suitable opportunity, and secondly, because of a responsibility to China.

After the problem of the extraterrestrial creature is resolved, he will leave immediately.

"Let's go."

Fang Chuan is also very much looking forward to this. After his visit to the underworld, he should truly face off-terrestrial creatures, which are powerful enemies from other parts of the moral world.

Of course, he has one more important thing, and that is to find the remaining third of the pieces.

The celestial seal fragment of merit must be on the earth.

After calculating, he felt that the powerful sword clan he was going to face this time might have some fragments of the Heaven Seal of Merit.

After he has obtained all the fragments, he will be able to go back to the secret realm of the moral door, and perhaps learn more about the moral world there.


Returning to the earth, he found that the science and technology on the earth had also made great breakthroughs. The current aircraft is about ten times faster than before.

Moreover, flying machines have begun to spread, and everyone in Yizhou City is using them.

On the aircraft, Fang Chuan's consciousness can scan a range of thousands of kilometers, and he can even spot human warriors in the wild with beasts at any time.

Now more and more people have joined the martial arts, and there are more and more ways for humans to obtain resources, and the breakthroughs of human beings themselves are also very fast.

It has almost reached the realm of national cultivation.

This time the world has changed, not only allowing the strength of mankind to advance by leaps and bounds, but also allowing all beasts and monster races to evolve.

This also means that humans have better access to resources.

Opportunities and challenges coexist. Everyone who wants to get a better life and break through the current state must face greater difficulties and crises.

Fang Chuan likes this state very much.

In a short while, they had reached a majestic mountain that no one could imagine before the world had changed.

This big mountain, if ordinary people are in it, I am afraid that they will not be able to get out of it for a lifetime, and even think that this world is so big.

In the air, Fang Chuan had a feeling of endlessness.

A strong sword intent radiated from the mountain.

Around the mountain, there is an aerial fortress, which is a battleship purchased by King Dan from various technology companies and governments with resources.

These warships are super-version aircraft, which are extremely helpful for large-scale battles.

In every sky fortress, there are many strong people in King Danzong.

With these warships, they can be said to be invincible in the battle against the creatures of the ancient secret realm.

It was only when I arrived at the Sword Clan that I encountered the greatest crisis. More than a dozen people had died, and many were injured.

Fang Chuan had learned about the situation on the road, and the effect of the training was gone, and it was possible to find the fragments of the Heaven Seal of Merit, so he came directly.


"The Sect Master is here!"

Everyone saw their aircraft and hurriedly came to the deck. Fang Chuan gave a big gift, and Fang Chuan was very respectful.

With a sigh, Fang Chuan teleported and left the aircraft, standing in front of the crowd, overlooking the group of disciples who had been tempered and possessed powerful strength and iron-blooded temperament.

King Dan Zong can have these disciples, and he will naturally shine in the future, which relieves him a lot.


Fang Chuan waved his hand: "You have done a good job. Although there are sacrifices, sacrifices are inevitable, because our cultivation is fighting against heaven and fate. We are walking step by step on piles of bones. To the top!"

"In the future, you will face more lives and deaths, and you will see more deaths. Therefore, don't affect your hearts because of today's events!"

"Otherwise, the inner demon will defeat all your efforts!"

His voice rang in everyone's ears, and everyone had some influence in their hearts, but in his words, they suddenly found a kind of power.

At that moment, everyone's eyes were different, they became more determined, and they had a new sense of life and death.

Fang Chuan was very satisfied with their performance and nodded: "As for the Sword Clan, just leave it to me to deal with it, and you will be watching."

"Yes, Sovereign!"

"Thank you patriarch for his advice!"

The voice of admiration and gratitude sounded again, and they had more respect for Fang Chuan, just like facing their own life mentor.

Fang Chuan's eyes turned to the mountain where the sword clan was.

A series of vigilant gazes have been projected from the majestic mountain, and a powerful aura permeates, seeming to be a warning.

However, they obviously already knew that there was an invincible power coming.

"Come out, let me see what you guys have!" Fang Chuan's voice passed out.

All the people in the mountain could hear his voice clearly.

"Is a master!"

"I thought that our sword clan would be able to do whatever they wanted when we saw the sun again, but I didn't expect that there is still such a powerful existence among human beings!"

"Everyone, be careful!"


The people of the sword clan talked a lot, and a series of sword lights rushed out of the mountains, turning into a dozen men in plain clothes, carrying long swords, and even their eyes were extremely sharp.

Their overall feeling is very similar to the Shushan Sword Sect, but their strength definitely far exceeds the Shushan Sword Sect.

They are humans from ancient times. They have survived for thousands of years in a special environment, and have reproduced for thousands of years. They have been different from human beings in their mentality and physiology.

These differences make them disagree with the current human beings at all.

The head of the person, his cultivation level was half a step out of the Aperture Realm, which was fortunate that he did not make a move, otherwise, the disciples of King Dan Zong might not survive much.

His eyes dazzled, up and down, looking at Fang Chuan carefully.

The breath of this person in front of him is just a cultivator of the Ninth Layer of the Golden Core Realm, but why does it give him such a strong sense of crisis?

He frowned.

"The Sword Clan needs a territory of 100,000 kilometers, and 100,000 kilometers away is your territory, otherwise, there will be no mercy!"

He said coldly, the same is the lion's big mouth, one mouth will cost 100,000 kilometers!

"You think too much."

Fang Chuan shook his head. This is impossible. Although the world has changed, 100,000 kilometers is not a particularly large site. However, at the speed of human reproduction, the 100,000-kilometer site cannot be allowed!

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