The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 2779: Return to earth

"Mr. Fang, I must go back to Shennong, and I will find you afterwards!" Shennong Ziji said quickly.

"Yes, I also want to go back to the Xuanyuan clan." Emperor Xuanyuan also said quickly.

"it is good."

Fang Chuan nodded. He knew that under such a changing situation, a clan might be destroyed.

With a wave of his hand, the order of God flashed light, teleporting them to a heaven.

"Let's go too."

Fang Chuan said faintly, and then took Sun Sheng and Nightmare Wutian, a flash of light, and disappeared in the area that was about to collapse.


Xia Di suddenly felt very lonely, and his hard work over the years seemed to have disappeared.

When Fang Chuan left, he didn't even look at him directly. He was like an ant, and Fang Chuan ignored him.


He was thinking, suddenly the space shook, and a force of force came out and blasted on Emperor Xia.

Emperor Xia let out a scream, and after that, the whole person turned into powder and dissipated in this world.

At the next moment, Fang Chuan and others arrived at Hao Di Mountain, and under his order, the rest of the people were all working hard to attack Tian Zhu.

This is a towering pillar, towering and huge.

"Mr. Fang, you are really amazing, and you have done the Jianmu World!"

"Tianzhu has cracks!"

Zhenyuan Taoist and others, as well as Yao Wuyue and the others, all looked at Fang Chuan quickly, feeling incredible.

Fang Chuan is too good!

Finished what they thought was impossible!


Luo Yao and Xuanyuan Yourong also came to his side, their eyes full of pride.

This is their man!

"Let's come together!"

Fang Chuan nodded, then waved his hand, and said: "By the way, Auntie, you can go back to your Yao ethnic group, you are even more needed there."

"it is good."

Yao Wuyue thought for a while and nodded quickly. She also knew that in the near future, the realm of God was about to collapse and fall.

At that time, their Yao people were also very dangerous.

After she finished speaking, Fang Chuan waved his hand and used God's order to directly teleport her to the first heaven.

His hand also made people feel shocked.

It was impossible for Vast Sky Great Emperor to use God's Order in this way before, but Fang Chuan's current power had completely surpassed Vast Sky Great Emperor.

"Go ahead, I have been here long enough!"

Fang Chuan said lightly, and then turned into a phantom, rushing to Tianzhu, punching out a terrifying punch.

Every punch is full of powerful force, penetrates the past, and explodes.

Heaven and earth martial arts contains the power of thunder robbery, which can be said to be terrifying.

Each of his punches can be regarded as ten attacks by others, and its terrifying power can also be imagined.

Boom, boom——

Tianzhu was ruthlessly hit by Fang Chuan and the others, and cracks grew more and more.

But it is really strong. If it weren't for the departure of Jianmu World to make this space unstable, this Tianzhu might be even stronger.

The horrible crackling sound has been transmitted throughout the world.

one day one Night!

A whole day and night passed!

Tianzhu was already crumbling, and there was only one point in the center to support it. Everyone stopped and looked at Fang Chuan.

They took a deep breath and waited for this new era to come.

"Mr. Fang, we are going to succeed!" Taoist Zhenyuan said quickly, with a hint of excitement.

"Master, the last attack will be handed over to you." Nightmare Wutian took a deep breath, finished speaking, and stepped back behind Fang Chuan.

All of them focused on Fang Chuan.

"it is good."

Fang Chuan's mouth twitched, and then suddenly raised his hand, with a crash, he punched it.

His fist seemed to brew the power of the entire world, turned into a supreme shadow of the fist, and blasted on the sky pillar.


The deafening crackling sounded!

At that moment, it seemed that the world was about to collapse!

At that moment, there was only this sound left in the entire world.

A black crack appeared from the last support point of the Tianzhu, and then collapsed suddenly.

At the moment when the Tianzhu collapsed, cracks appeared in the sky one by one. This is the space crack in the realm of heaven!

The realm of God has persisted for so many years, but finally it is about to collapse.

The mood of everyone present was very mixed.

Looking forward to it, but not giving up!

Just like demolition, he knew that a better life awaited him after the demolition, but he was still reluctant to live in this place for a long time.

However, the collapse of the realm of God is inevitable.

Boom, boom——

The entire realm of heaven began to fall.

The passage where Fang Chuan and the others came before expanded infinitely, and then a huge crack appeared.

A huge world is projected above the earth.

"He succeeded!"

"My God, this time the battle is bigger than the last time!"

"This world is big enough. After the fusion of the realm of God, what changes will happen to the earth?"

"My strength is growing!"

People all over the world have already known this scene. The world is getting bigger and bigger, and people are getting farther apart.

However, because human beings are very advanced in science and technology, they communicate more frequently on the Internet.

Therefore, during the period of Fang Chuan's departure, his trip to the realm of the heavens had already caused a sensation on the Internet.

Everyone is waiting for this moment!

When the great moment comes, everyone thinks differently.

At the moment when the realm of God fell, the spiritual energy on the earth became more and more surging, and the mountains and rivers expanded again.

Some mysterious secret realms also began to appear.

The law of heaven and earth is also getting stronger and stronger, and some people who were originally shackled by the realm suddenly broke through at this moment.

In the world, people who had already reached the nine-layer bottleneck of the foundation building realm suddenly broke through to the first layer of the golden core realm!

Heavenly Tribulation is also constantly landing.

At that moment, the whole world seemed crazy.


The sky seemed to have a hole, but Fang Chuan appeared between the sky and the earth with a group of people shining brightly.

In the eyes of everyone, they are like gods.

Standing above the sky, Fang Chuan looked down at the world that was expanding at a speed visible to the naked eye, and smiled.

At this moment, he waited for a long time.

The ancient world finally recovered in his hands.

The law of heaven and earth is finally perfected!

This world is more advanced than the immortal world where he lived in his previous life, but the area they are in is on the edge, so there is no deep experience.

However, when the realm of God was completely integrated, the true face of this world finally manifested.

In time, the earth can at least match the realm of cultivation.

Even more than the realm of cultivation.

Boom, boom——

One by one, ancient auras also passed from some mysterious secret realms along with the fall of the realm of God.

"I, Sun Sheng, finally came out!"

"The White Snake Clan, free!"

"The wild world reappears, I am about to dominate this world!"

Rows of arrogant voices also came from those secret realms. This world has changed drastically again!

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