The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 2772: Spirit of Jianmu

Facing this strange face, Fang Chuan couldn't help but frown. The power emanating from Jianmu's spiritual sense threatened him greatly.

However, he did not move like a mountain, looking at each other lightly.

"Are you the seedling of the tree of gods back then?" Fang Chuan asked lightly.


The Spirit of Jianmu nodded: "In three thousand years, I have already begun to be able to nurture life. Give me another ten thousand years, and I will be able to nurture the lowest-level gods."

He said again: "But you have become my biggest obstacle."



The tone of Jianmu Spirit suddenly changed, and the last few words came out as if a storm was set off.

The terrible sound oscillated in the entire space, as if to destroy the entire space.

With strong anger and fierce will!

"Ha ha."

Fang Chuan still just smiled and looked at Jianmu Spirit faintly: "If it weren't for me, you would have been taken away by Baixiao Xianzun. If that were the case, you would be even more miserable instead of using me like me. The power of the original immortal venerable will irrigate you and save you from death."

He said indifferently: "If there is nothing wrong, it is because of the power of my original immortal venerable that your Jianmu spirit is not so pure and contaminated with the breath of my human race. Therefore, the creatures you bred will carry our human race. Faces."

He smiled and said: "Even if you give you another hundred thousand years, you will not be able to breed pure gods, and you will no longer be the gods of the trees. If you must give you an identity, you can only be the spirits of Jianmu."

"Since you know that, you are still so bold, do you think you are still the pill King Xianzun back then?"

Boom, boom...

The violent voice of Jianmu Spirit sounded in Fang Chuan's ears like thunder, but Fang Chuan's expression was indifferent.

As if not affected at all!

Fang Chuan looked at Jianmu Spirit’s face: “Since you have come to see me with the face of a human being, it means that you have accepted this identity. Since you have accepted it, you cannot kill me for it.”

His gaze flickered: "Moreover, you are just Jianmu, not a free person like me. If you want to go to a more high-dimensional world in the future, you still need my help. You should be able to feel that in this life, I Will surpass the previous life and reach the level of an unprecedented immortal emperor."

That strong sense of confidence exudes, as if he is already an immortal emperor at the moment.

Jian Mu Zhiling's face was much calmer.

"You are worthy of being the King of Pill Immortal Venerable. Although you are no longer who you were back then, you still have that potential!"

Jianmu Spirit nodded: "Actually, when you appeared in front of my tribe, I already knew that you were coming, and I already knew your plan and your thoughts!"

"Originally, I was unwilling to hand over this world that is very suitable for me to grow up, but sooner or later I will leave here, so I can give you a chance."

"As long as you can help me accomplish one thing, I will immediately merge with you, just like three thousand, 100 million years ago!"

Jianmu Spirit said lightly.

Fang Chuan raised his eyebrows. Even though the fairy world was very strong back then, they were always facing the threat of the gods, so they risked a life and death crisis to enter this ancient relic that was very dangerous to their immortals.

It is to find the seedling of this legendary **** tree, refine and fuse this seedling, and have the ability to resist the gods.

Moreover, fusion with this unparalleled vitality plant is also of great benefit to their cultivation.

Of course, if the opponent is a seedling, the success rate is extremely high. Once it is allowed to grow, the difficulty will rise to an almost impossible level.

Fang Chuan is now fused with Jianmu, his body will immediately be promoted to the Immortal Tool level, and the magic weapon that is fused in the body will also immediately rise to a level.

The toughness of his physical body will reach a perverted point.

He breathed out and absorbed the current world and the aura of a certain dimension outside the world.

His instinct will be more endless.

His lifespan will also be significantly improved, and in the future breakthroughs, it will bring more benefits.

After merging with Jianmu, he has the capital to truly compete with extraterrestrial organisms.

However, fusion with a Jianmu spirit who has possessed three thousand years of spiritual knowledge is also a great threat to him.

The only thing that is better for him is that in the ancient ruins, he used the power of his original immortal to water the spirit of Jianmu.

This spirit of Jianmu has already left his mark, this is a place that can be used.

"What can I do for you?" Fang Chuan asked while looking at Jianmu Spirit.

"At my core, there is a melting pot, which was caused by your blood and the power of your original immortal. Its existence makes me very painful. It constantly devours my spiritual power and devours mine. will!"

Jianmu Spirit said angrily: "If it weren't for this thing, I wouldn't have been promoted to this level now, and this kind of pain caused me to suffer."

He looked at Fang Chuan: "Since it's your thing, I hope you can take it away. If you can do it, I will completely integrate with you!"

"If not, I will let you all die here!"

Speaking of the last time, Jianmu Spirit broke out with a terrifying murderous intent, which made Fang Chuan feel Jianmu Spirit's unpredictable personality and emotions.

It seems to have schizophrenia!


Fang Chuan nodded. Although the melting pot was created because of his blood and the power of his original Immortal Venerable, it has gone through three thousand years of evolution and may have developed in an unpredictable direction.

What's more, Fang Chuan is no longer the Immortal Venerable of the previous life.

The danger is great!

However, if the operation is done well, its benefits are also great.

Fang Chuan is not someone who gives the initiative to others. He needs to merge with Jianmu Spirit, but he won't really wait for him to merge.

Preemptive strikes, and later strikes control others.

"As long as you do it, I will definitely merge with you. In fact, I have been waiting for you all these years, and I hope to fight alongside you!"

Jianmu Zhiling's tone softened, as if he had changed.

Fang Chuan felt that Jianmu Spirit might be schizophrenic because of being tortured by that furnace.

"Pass me over."

Fang Chuan nodded, and said, "The three people who came with me are my friends. I hope they will be fine."

"Don't worry about it!"

Jianmu Spirit suddenly became indifferent again, and said: "I hope you don't die there, go!"

With a bang, Jianmu Spirit's face turned into a green torrent, which swept across Fang Chuan's body.

Following that, Fang Chuan's eyes changed, and he came to an extremely hot space!

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