The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 2767: Stir the wind and rain?

The planet of Glory is in a collapsed state, the space becomes more and more unstable, and the air is filled with an apocalyptic aura of the collapse of the world and the earth.


When this disaster broke out, with Fang Chuan and their current strength, it was almost impossible to resist and change the status quo.

With a big wave of his hand, he led everyone to fly towards the exit without hesitation.

The speed is extremely fast.

However, the speed at which the world collapsed was not slow. When they reached the exit, a crack in the space had already expanded like a big mouth, devouring this space frantically.

Hu Hu Hu-

The sky is full of deafening winds, everyone can feel a strong suction, and they have to fight this suction with the fastest speed and the strongest force.

Everyone felt the extreme crisis, but fortunately the exit was right in front of them.

"You go."

Fang Chuan was originally in the front, suddenly stopped, and then waved his hand: "Wu Tian, ​​you take Xia Di away. He is an important chess piece. If he runs away, you come to see him."


Nightmare Wutian quickly agreed, and glanced at the Emperor Xia he was holding in his hand. He became a little more solemn, and then flew towards the gradually collapsing exit with the others.

The suction is getting stronger and stronger. Fang Chuan stayed because the space was collapsing too fast. If he didn't stay, everyone would die here.

"The world is sealed!"

The powerful suction force acts on them, and the speed of Nightmare Wutian and others are getting slower and slower, as if they are in the mud. Seeing the exit, it feels very uncomfortable that they can't step in.

Facing the mighty space devouring the torrent, Fang Chuan's eyes dazzled, and he hit a magic trick. Suddenly, the golden light of his whole body was surging, which turned into a special power and spread.

With a hum, under the seal of his heaven and earth, the heaven and the earth seemed to be sealed by ice, and even the power of space swallowing became much weaker.


At that moment, everyone finally felt the vitality, and quickly performed the most powerful escape technique, which turned into rays of light, and flew toward the exit.

At that moment, they finally had the opportunity to rush directly into the exit, breathing the fresh air from the outside world.


Fang Chuan's sealing technique has been exerted to the extreme, his whole body is sweat, and every moment is consuming his strength.

The true energy in his dantian surged out like a flood.


When the last person rushed into the exit of Yinghuo Star, finally, his sealing technique could not be sustained, and then he made a cracking sound.

The limit has been reached!


Fang Chuan knew that his mission had been completed, and a dazzling light quickly blasted toward the crack in the space.

With a bang, the cutting technique and the space crack blasted against each other, and were instantly swallowed by this unmatched terrifying force.

"Haha, close!"

When Fang Chuan turned around and stepped out with a teleportation, he hit a magic trick, and suddenly, a sharp spatial atmosphere was enveloped by him.

Then, he penetrated into the exit of Yingzhuxing.

At that moment, he breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, he has another element of gambling in it. Anyone who teleports under this kind of space collapse may enter a crack.

Once you enter it, you can only get lost in the cracks of space and be strangled by the space storm.

And he stayed, one is to help these people survive, because they are his important chess pieces and a powerful force.

Secondly, he also wanted to give it a try. In this case, based on his understanding of space, could he increase the power of his cutting technique and improve his control over teleport.

And he did it!

In extremely dangerous situations, he reached his goal.

"What will happen to him?"

Taoist Zhenyuan returned to the first heaven in the realm of God with everyone, and asked when he looked at the black hole that was about to burst.

Everyone understood what he meant.

If you survived the situation just now, that would be too great.

Of course, many people remained silent. After all, Fang Chuan chose to stay to save them.

"What do you mean?" Nightmare Wutian looked at Taoist Zhenyuan angrily.

"I don't mean anything, I just want to know the current situation of Mr. Fang, now the Emperor Vast Sky is dead."

While he was speaking, he looked at Shennong Ziji again. He knew very well the character of the four emperors and knew that Shennong Ziji was an ambitious person.

"Ha ha."

However, Shennong Ziji smiled and looked at Taoist Zhenyuan with a kind of disdain: "Your abacus is wrong."

His eyes dazzled: "Mr. Fang has the grace to recreate and know me. No matter what happens to him inside, I will wait for him here for a hundred years."

"As for you, especially you, Taoist Zhenyuan, since he gave his life to save you, but you are here to stir the wind and the rain, I will sacrifice you to him."

He looked at Taoist Zhenyuan murderously: "So, you better pray that Mr. Fang can come out of it!"

"The meaning of Emperor Ziwei is what I mean."

Emperor Xuanyuan looked at Taoist Zhenyuan with cold eyes, and the powerful aura spread, making everyone feel a terrifying sword intent.


Taoist Zhenyuan swallowed a sip of water, and he was also very surprised, why Shennong Ziji became different at this time.

"The same with us!"

"Taoist Zhenyuan, you made a mistake this time!"

The eyes of the Five Nightmare Wutian and Yao Wuyue also became extremely cold, expressing their thoughts with a brutal murderous aura.

At this moment, everyone almost knelt down.

This is the eight double masters of the Out of Aperture Realm, and they are exerting pressure at the same time.

Zhenyuan Taoist people are trembling!

"I hope he will die. Only when he dies can I regain my confidence." Xia Di coldly looked at the black hole passage that was about to burst.

He understood that at this time the black hole channel had not broken yet, just because of the time difference.

The inside of Yinghuo Star may have completely collapsed, and Fang Chuan is dead or alive, but he has already nailed it, it is only time to reveal the answer.

He was looking forward to Fang Chuan's death!

With a bang, suddenly, the black hole channel broke and collapsed, and a powerful impact surged out of it.

"not good!"


Everyone did not expect that the impact would be so terrifying, and they hurriedly exclaimed and withdrew hundreds of kilometers one by one.

Taoist Zhenyuan also wanted to take the opportunity to escape, however, Emperor Xuanyuan's sword intent shrouded him from time to time, giving him no chance to escape.

"Is he still alive?" Everyone couldn't help but look at the position of the black hole that had disappeared.

"Ha ha."

However, at this moment, laughter sounded from there, and a mighty figure appeared in the eyes of everyone.

Fang Chuan, still alive!

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