The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 2762: Mental showdown

Fang Chuan's world of consciousness was full of a powerful sense of oppression, causing the Huanghuang who had just rushed into a crisis.

With a hum, a huge body appeared in front of Huang Huang.

"You wanted to seize my physical body before, and you still want to know my secret?"

Fang Chuan took big steps and walked out of the void step by step. With every step he took, his body became solidified.

He clicked the corner of his mouth, with a strong confidence, looked at the frowning Huang Huang, and smiled: "Actually, your strength is very good. When I don't use my trump card, you can't May defeat you."

He paused and shook his head: "However, I didn't intend to use my hole cards at all. Since you want to take the house, then I will let you come to my site and let you take a look at the secret in my mind. ."

"Ha ha!"

Huang Huang recovered his composure. He had seen through Fang Chuan's plan and shook his head: "Do you want to defeat me in the world of consciousness?"

He sneered: "It's really ridiculous. You don't even know what my most powerful power is. Have you forgotten that I am the existence of the last reincarnation? I was bred from the statue of the desert emperor in the last reincarnation. s life!"

"Do you know the origin of these ghosts in Yingzhuxing?"

"My spiritual will is too surging, beyond the tolerance of the statue, and the will that I released is condensed!"

"You have to compare your will with me, haha, you are looking for death!"


While Huang Huang was talking, his mental consciousness suddenly grew suddenly, as if it had flooded this piece of heaven and earth in an instant, forming a huge statue.

At that moment, he appeared majestic and majestic, with a dazzling light gleaming on his body, as if he was king of the world, controlling everything.

Waves surging out, it seemed that Fang Chuan formed a kind of suppression.

His spiritual will is indeed not trivial, it is a condensed existence for many years.


His carrier capacity is limited, and his upper limit is limited. For other monks, it is indeed an invincible spiritual will.

For Fang Chuan, it can only be said to be a powerful enemy.


Just as Huang Huang spurred a wave of spiritual will to suppress Fang Chuan, Fang Chuan's consciousness suddenly increased.

Rays of light shone from his body, not only with the aura of an immortal venerable, but the ten Fang Yuxi also appeared beside him.


There were dozens of golden dragons of merit, coiling around his body, and the golden light radiating out, once contacted with the ripples emitted by the Huanghuang emperor, they immediately made a sneer.


Huang Huang suddenly felt the pressure, and a kind of pain occurred. He never expected that Fang Chuan's spiritual will was like this.

His eyes widened: "What kind of breath is that, what are you, are you also the monster of the last reincarnation?"

"Spiritual Touch!"

He roared, and blasted out a series of terrifying tentacles at Fang Chuan, trying to entangle Fang Chuan, but Fang Chuan sneered and hit a magic trick.

With a bang, the thunder shook, and the whole spiritual world produced a group of terrifying clouds, which stirred out waves of thunder, like rain, pouring toward the Huanghuang body.

Huang Huang suddenly roared, and the terrifying thunder hit him, making him very uncomfortable.

He hurriedly waved the giant sword in his hand, and his powerful moves exploded, spurring a fan-shaped sword energy to fight Fang Chuan's thunder.

The bursting sound came out one after another.

He exploded with powerful combat power, even if it was just a kind of spiritual struggle, it also showed the powerful methods he experienced in the last cycle.

The ancient swordsmanship bloomed in his hands, and the terrifying sword aura continuously slashed towards Fang Chuan's Jie Yun, making Fang Chuan's Jie Yun almost to pieces.

"I said let you know my secret, then I won't hide it."

Fang Chuan said, a magic formula was played out, and in an instant, a majestic aura emerged from the sky and the ground.

And at the next moment, a majestic and huge, as if occupying the entire world, as if a huge figure flying from outside the sky appeared.

The will of Pill King Xianzun is many times stronger than before, and it is lifelike, and has suppressed Huang Huang from the level of life.

The advantage that Huang Huang occupies is that he thinks he lives long enough, possesses knowledge and methods that other people don't have, and he thinks he is superhuman.

It's a pity that when the King of Pill Xianzun came out, he fully understood that he was fooled by Fang Chuan, and he also underestimated Fang Chuan.


"It's absolutely impossible!"

"Even if it was the last reincarnation, such a powerful existence could not fall into this barren starry sky!"

Huang Huang let out a shout, you know, the statue of Pill King Xianzun today is getting stronger with Fang Chuan's growth.

The kind of immortal venerable aura he exudes, I don't know how much it has improved.

It was a kind of oppression from life. Under this kind of breath, Huang Huang's huge body had already appeared cracks.

He finally understood why Fang Chuan has so much confidence!

Boom, boom——

The statue of King Dan Xianzun appeared, shining with colorful light, and the colorful colors made him look even more extraordinary.

One of his big hands formed a special handprint, and then slowly pressed it down, causing Huang Huang's body to shrink more and more.

Wrapped in a big hand, Huang Huang's spiritual will showed signs of disappearance in the unwilling roar of Huang Huang.

The strands of spiritual power were stripped from Huang Huang's spirit, as if a severe punishment was being imposed on him, as if it were Ling Chi.

The mental pain caused Huang Huang's pain to the extreme.

"What on earth are you, do you want to defeat my spiritual will just like this? This is impossible. I am Huanghuang, and my spiritual will is indelible!"

Huang Huang was still struggling fiercely, although his spiritual power was constantly peeling off, his body was almost completely wrapped by the big hand of the god.

However, he was still trying his best to resist, holding a big sword and continuously playing a series of incredible, powerful swordsmanship, wanting to cut the spirit and will of King Pill Immortal.

However, the will of Pill King Xianzun was fully demonstrated at this moment. His sword aura slashed on the big hand of Pill King Xianzun, but there were bright rays and traces of light.


Finally, Pill King Xianzun's big hand was closed, and Pill Fire and Thunder flashed out of his palm, causing Huang Huang's will to let out a scream.

However, Huang Huang was controlled after all.


Fang Chuan breathed a sigh of relief. The stronger the statue of Pill King Xianzun, the greater his consumption, not to mention Huang Huang's continued resistance.

His spiritual will has almost reached its limit.


Fang Chuan's eyes drenched, he sensed that Huang Huang's breath was still there, and his will was still there. If Huang Huang was left in his consciousness world, given time, he would definitely come back. So, he made a crazy decision!

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