The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 2757: Fang Chuan's big hand

The place where Huanghuang is located seems to have become the center of this luminous planet, and every city is responsible for defending it.

The place Fang Chuan and them passed was a city with powerful monsters inside. They didn't avoid it, and there was no way to avoid it.

They have gained tremendously.

Huang Huang does not have a physical body, and his own strength is unknown, but his power must be limited, creating the most powerful existence, which is the pinnacle of the Out of Aperture Realm.

It's just that in each city, the number of monsters leaving the Aperture Realm is increasing.

However, these strong men are so weak in front of Fang Chuan.

More than one hundred cities were all destroyed in their hands, and Fang Chuan's mustard seed space contained many more rules for exiting the Aperture Realm, as well as the seven or eighty-nine levels of Yuanying Spirit in the Yuanying Realm.

Naturally, his gains are not trivial, and he even has an idea that he can't wait to return to the earth immediately and upgrade his Danwangzong.

Of course, he can't just leave now.

"The city in front is where Huang Huang is located."

Standing on a barren mountain, Fang Chuan looked at a city in the distance, with a look of expectation on his face.

The Great Emperor Ziwei and others stood behind him, and now they were more confident in Fang Chuan.

Behind them is the last city to be conquered.

The True Sun Scorching Sun Sword Formation has also been greatly tempered on this road, which has improved their overall combat effectiveness.

"I also felt a horrible breath."

Emperor Xuanyuan's gaze was also focused on the mysterious city far away: "Compared with the aura he felt last time, Huang Huang seems to be more real. You said before that he has a physical body, maybe it is true. "

"I know."

Fang Chuan nodded, and then smiled: "However, since it is so hasty, then their integration is naturally not very good, but we have to kill him before Vast Sky comes, otherwise, we will be under great pressure. ."

"I feel it will be a very difficult battle." The Great Emperor Ziwei sighed. He had already been mentally prepared, but at this time, he was still a little nervous.

"Wutian, what I told you before, you prepare, and the rest of the people are guarding outside, and the ones I picked will stay here."

After Fang Chuan finished speaking, Nightmare Wutian had already begun arrangements. In addition to the five of them, Emperor Ziwei, Emperor Xuanyuan, and Yao Wuyue stayed on this mountain.

The rest of the people, including the Taoist Zhenyuan, all reached their positions, sat cross-legged, and began to alert.

They naturally thought that Fang Chuan wanted to benefit these people who stayed behind, but they had no choice but to follow Fang Chuan's arrangements.


Rays of light soared into the sky, and then spread out, forming a huge barrier, covering all of them.

After that, another barrier appeared in Fang Chuan's place.

The powerful aura passed from above the barrier, making people feel how exquisite Fang Chuan's formation was.

Taoist Zhenyuan thought that he had a good level of formation, but in front of Fang Chuan, he was still a lot worse.

"Leaving you here is naturally to improve your cultivation. Except for your aunt, you have been in this state for too long."

Fang Chuan smiled faintly, and then said: "What you are missing is the completeness of the laws of heaven and earth, and your understanding of heaven and earth. It is as if you have never seen a mountain and do not understand what a mountain looks like. To know something."

"And, when I give you a VR projection, you will understand better."

"I have the comprehension and cognition you need, so you are ready to run the holy level exercises I give you, cooperate with my spiritual will, and seize this opportunity. Not everyone has this. opportunity."

After he finished speaking, with a wave of his hand, a humming sound was transmitted from the mustard space, floating out of the laws of the Aperture Realm.

He gained a lot this time, and he took out thirty-two rules at once, which was nothing to him.


"Want to upgrade our cultivation base?"

Emperor Ziwei and Emperor Xuanyuan looked at each other. If someone else said this, they would naturally not believe it.

But if Fang Chuan said this, it was different!

Maybe, there really is a chance?

They got excited.

"Concentrate and run your own practice!"

Fang Chuan let out a loud roar, and at the same time divine consciousness emerged, and then enveloped the human body present, forming a powerful aura.

Then, above their heads, there was a vast starry sky, some universal principles, and the colorful rays of light kept changing and flickering.

From the quantum realm to a more subtle realm, to the formation of heaven and earth, and then some unspeakable cosmic phenomena.

The laws of heaven and earth in their area also emerged, forming a gleaming and unidentified light, just like the stars in the sky.

In front of what Fang Chuan showed, a complete law was formed.

Boom, boom——

The aura of leaving the Aperture Realm exuding from these eight people, as well as the sound of the sound when they were running the holy level technique, pushed their power to the peak.

The eight people formed eight beams of light, rising into the sky, connecting with the sky and the earth, and the aura spread out, which is a scene that ordinary people cannot understand for a lifetime.

The fantasy is at its extreme.

Profound to the extreme!

"Really complete, a more advanced law of heaven and earth!"

"Through his own cognition, he has evolved directly, complementing the laws of heaven and earth!"

Emperor Xuanyuan and Emperor Ziwei both felt extremely unbelievable, and their bodies were constantly shaking.

But soon, they regained their composure, and then worked more attentively on the holy level technique.

Fang Chuan's previously released Aperture Realm Law also penetrated into these people's body bit by bit, and their breath suddenly began to climb wildly.

Fang Chuan's consciousness also continuously conveyed some principles of heaven and earth, and some previously understood content, which is equivalent to giving them a kind of inheritance.

Every one of them knows what a rare opportunity this is, and they all cherish it very much.

time flies.

Fang Chuan finished what he should do, soaring into the sky, reaching the sky above the eight of them, his divine consciousness exuded, and through the aura condensed by the eight of them, he began to comprehend the world.

The world in his dantian seemed to be changing too, the more solidified, the clearer the heaven and the earth.

The law gradually formed, and there was a breath of leaving the Aperture Realm.

And the next moment, he saw that the souls of the eight people seemed to have entered another dimension, as if opening up a piece of heaven and earth.

The breath of space also radiated from that dimension and entered their bodies.

At the same time, it also entered Fang Chuan's body.


Emperor Xuanyuan first received a shock, and then his aura suddenly rose, turning out to be the first person to break the limit.

He has finally reached the Second Level of the Out of Aperture Realm!

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