Originally, Luo Yao knew Fang Chuan's affection, so there was no problem with Xuanyuan Yourong.

But the situation is that Yao Wuyue is also in this place now.

However, Fang Chuan was only embarrassed for a moment, and he quickly recovered as before. After all, in his eyes, Xuanyuan Yourong could not be compared with Luo Yao.

He smiled faintly, and looked at Xuanyuan Yourong: "What do you mean by your grandfather or by you?"

"Naturally my grandfather meant it."

Xuanyuan Yourong wrinkled his nose and smiled again: "If Grandpa asked me to tell you, I wouldn't dare to say such a thing."

She said again: "Grandpa said, he has his request and needs you to talk to him in person, but before that, you have to meet with Emperor Ziwei."

"His request?"

Fang Chuan frowned, Emperor Xuanyuan was a very powerful character, although he was a little weaker than Emperor Vast Sky.

However, his sense of mystery is not inferior to that of Emperor Vast Sky, and even worse than that.

As for Emperor Xuanyuan's request, naturally it couldn't be so simple.

However, if Emperor Xuanyuan can be won, it would be a good thing. Perhaps, if Emperor Vast Sky is resolved at that time, the realm of God will return directly to the earth.

"it is good."

Fang Chuan nodded, then turned his gaze to Yao Wuyue: "Auntie, I'm going to meet Emperor Ziwei, you and Yang Tai and Brother Sun will go to see Taoist Zhenyuan, we will fight together and fight Haotian once."

"Understood." Yao Wuyue agreed, but said with a serious face: "It's nothing if you go to see Emperor Xuanyuan. Although Emperor Xuanyuan is majestic, he is also a gentleman, but it is Emperor Ziwei. You must be careful. He is not uploaded by your earth. In point

Emperor Ziwei, there is a big difference between the two. "

She said again: "Don't be fooled, be careful of everything."


Fang Chuan smiled and said to Luo Yao: "Sister Luo Yao, I'm going to do errands, you are in the Yaochi realm, don't go anywhere, I will be back soon."

"it is good."

Luo Yao is not an ordinary weak woman, although she does not want to be separated from Fang Chuan, she is also a person who takes care of the overall situation.

Fang Chuan and Xuanyuan Yourong left the Yaochi realm and headed to the area where Emperor Ziwei was located. The place where Emperor Ziwei was located was covered with a purple air, with a look of emperor.

At this point, Emperor Vast Sky is not as good as him.

Xuanyuan Yourong and Fang Chuan were also striving for it, but since she had the signboard of Emperor Xuanyuan, Fang Chuan would not be too harsh.

The two of them walked side by side, one step hundreds of kilometers, extremely fast.

Fang Chuan glanced at Xuanyuan Yourong and couldn't help crying or laughing. He remembered that Xuanyuan Yourong had a few last words with Luo Yao before they left the Yaochi realm.

Although the two people seem to be harmonious, in fact, even the stone monkey Sun Sheng can hear it, a kind of faint hostility and competition between the two people.

As long as Xuanyuan has room to harm Luo Yao, Fang Chuan wouldn't care about these trivial matters.

Xuanyuan Yourong saw Fang Chuan's gaze, he also looked at Fang Chuan, and then smiled, "Do you think of Luo Yao when you look at me like this?"

"It can be said that it is." Fang Chuan nodded.

"You don't shy away at all."

A trace of disappointment appeared on Xuanyuan Yourong's face: "I know that in your heart, I can't compare to Luo Yao's hair, but you can also try to lie to me. I still have a certain effect."

"If you think that our Fang Chuan will use women for victory, then you are quite wrong, and even if it is Emperor Vast Sky, I am not too concerned."

Fang Chuan shook his head, and the momentum on his body made Xuanyuan Yourong show his admiration.

This is a kind of pride!

Xuanyuan Yourong sighed, "Okay, but that's it, shouldn't you lie to me, what is going on between us, what am I to you?"

"My woman."

Fang Chuan’s tone was domineering, looking at Xuanyuan Yourong: "You are different from Luo Yao, almost all of you are different from Luo Yao, but you are my woman, I will be responsible for you, I Will protect you forever."

He said again: "The Ziji Bamboo Sea is here, you follow me behind, don't say anything."

"Understand." Xuanyuan Yourong nodded.

Soon, they came to the entrance of the Ziji Bamboo Sea, which was a huge portal with a purple breath.

From a distance, one can see patches of purple bamboo sea. The bamboo sea contains a powerful aura and strong laws.

In front of the gateway to the Ziji Bamboo Sea, there is a purple giant, which seems to be woven from bamboo vines.

But their aura is unmatched, they are just a gatekeeper, and they are all half-step out of the Aperture Realm.

This also saw some powerful methods of the Great Emperor Ziwei.


One of the crape myrtle puppets held a purple war knife, and brushed it and blocked them in front of Fang Chuan.

Its gaze swept across Fang Chuan's body: "Who dares to venture into the Ziji Bamboo Sea!"

"I'm Fang Chuan, come to see Emperor Ziwei." Fang Chuan said lightly.

"You are the closed disciple that the emperor is about to receive, haha."

This crape myrtle puppet couldn't help showing a disdainful smile, and the other crape myrtle puppets also laughed. They seemed to know that Emperor Ziwei did not really want to take Fang Chuan as a disciple.

This playful smile made Fang Chuan's face sink.

"You get out of the way, I know you have your own spiritual wisdom, and cultivation is not easy, and it is even more difficult to cultivate spiritual wisdom from plants."

Fang Chuan shook his head: "I want to see Emperor Ziwei, I don't want to say it again."


The crape myrtle puppet couldn't help laughing, and the sword glowed with purple light, and shook his head: "The emperor has ordered that without his handwriting, you can't be allowed in."

"Of course, if you have to go in, you can, it depends on whether you understand the rules." Another Ziwei puppet said.

They have their own intelligence and need resources for cultivation, but because of their humble origins, they can hardly get very good resources.

Moreover, to put it bluntly, it is a watchdog of Zijizhuhai. Finally, I found an opportunity to obtain some resources from Fangchuan. How could I let it go?

They were heard from the people who came back from the extremity. Fang Chuan had gotten many treasures, and any treasure could greatly increase their strength.

If they break through to the current state and reach the exit state, they can completely get rid of the restraint of the watchdog.

"Ha ha."

Fang Chuan listened, but the corner of his mouth twitched, looking at these crape myrtle puppets: "Are you trying to blackmail me?"

"You can say that."

The Ziwei puppet sneered, but his face was full of cat-and-mouse jokes. After all, they were powerful.

And Fang Chuan was just a disciple who the Great Emperor Ziwei didn't really want to accept.

Squeezing him to death is like squeezing an ant to death.

"Okay." Fang Chuan's mouth ticked: "Then, you guys... go to hell!"

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