The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 2722: Mystery in mystery!

The Moon Blade quickly rushed past, and the opponent's whip shadow was instantly shattered, and the force of the past shocked back, causing the Warriors of the Sky Clan to retreat.

But this is not over yet!

Fang Chuan hit 18 punches one after another at the moment when the Sky Celestial Warrior was beaten back by the Moon Blade, the punches blasted out and turned into huge shadows.

Boom, boom...

The shadow of his fist was like a Void Thunder, exploding directly, forming a formation that directly blasted on the Warriors of the Sky Clan that day.

A terrible explosion sounded from the body of the Celestial Clan warrior, bursts of blood splashing, making the entire space full of a **** atmosphere.

The Celestial Clan warrior let out a painful howl, and his body had been beaten everywhere with wounds. Fang Chuan's true energy raged in his body, destroying this person's body with a force of destruction.

Pain and despair arose in the heart of this Celestial Warrior.


At the next moment, Fang Chuan, like a **** descending to the earth, had already reached the sky above the Celestial Clan warrior. With a bang, he slammed his foot on this person's chest.

The bursting sound resounded again, and the extremely hard floor tiles were shattered. They ran through the entire building directly from the current floor to the first floor.

The sky full of gold turned into powder, forming a piece of golden powder that was scattered throughout the world, so beautiful to the extreme.


At this time, the Celestial Warriors had lost the power to resist, and Fang Chuan had already used a seal technique the moment he fell.

The powerful sealing technique directly seals the person's power, no matter how hard he struggles, it will not help.

"Tell me where the treasure house is, otherwise, I will kill you immediately."

Fang Chuan's eyes dazzled, and his divine consciousness surged out. In fact, a spell with bewitching power had been formed, and it had entered the mind of this Celestial Warrior.

Although the Warriors of the Sky Clan are very fierce, they even die with the enemy regardless of their own life and death.

But no matter who they are, they have weaknesses. Their mental power is very strong, but when they encounter a stronger mental power, they will be controlled and more likely to be captured.


This is very well confirmed by this Celestial Clan warrior. After Fang Chuan's spiritual spell penetrated this person's mind, it far exceeded the pain, fear and despair that other people could bear, and appeared in his conscious world.

The powerful mental power made him more sensitive to Fang Chuan's spells, but he couldn't distinguish between reality and illusion in an instant.

There is endless despair and pain in the screams!

He is also a man of will. He persisted for ten minutes before he quickly raised his hands: "Let me go, don't torture me, kill me!"

"kill you?"

The corner of Fang Chuan's mouth twitched. The death or immortality of the Celestial Warrior has nothing to do with him. He only needs news from the Celestial Clan's treasure house.

He has been very sure that once he enters this treasure house, his strength will advance by leaps and bounds, even Emperor Yao will not be so afraid.

Yaojin, an invincible powerhouse, would be even more vulnerable to him!

He shook his head. Obviously, although the Celestial Clan warrior gave up, it was not the result he wanted, so he sneered and pointed casually.

With a bang, a more terrifying mental shock flooded into the minds of the Celestial Clan warriors, double the pain before, and the Celestial Clan warriors immediately rolled on the ground holding their heads, and the screams made people numb.

Yang Tai looked at everything in front of him, and Fang Chuan felt a deeper level of fear in his heart.

In fact, he didn't know what position he and Fang Chuan would end up with. If it were the enemy, this person would be too terrifying.

He felt that even Zhenyuan Taoist might not be able to suppress Fang Chuan in the end, this person would definitely upset the realm of God.

"I said, I said!"

Finally, the unbearable pain caused the Sky Warrior to completely disarm and surrender. He hurriedly shouted and looked at Fang Chuan with an imploring look.

His spirit is about to collapse!

"it is good."

Fang Chuan waved his hand, and a ray of light fell into the mind of the Celestial Clan warrior, instantly making the Celestial Clan warrior as relaxed as he had arrived in heaven.

The Celestial Warriors were even more afraid of Fang Chuan.

He hurriedly lowered his head: "There is a very powerful barrier guarding the Sky Vault Treasure in the City Lord's Mansion. Only Mahada can open this barrier, but I will tell you other things."

Afterwards, he said what he knew.

This person is already one of the best in the Sky Clan, and is a right-hand man under Lord Maha, so he understands the situation in detail, only the last level of enchantment he cannot know. After Fang Chuan heard his narration, he had to admit that if the Sky Clan’s treasure house had not been told by this person, it would be difficult to find, hidden too deeply, and there are also various formations to prevent spiritual prying. For a while, I’m afraid Not many people

Can find it.

It was normal for people in the Jade Lake Realm to find this treasure house before!

"take me to."

Fang Chuan didn't immediately kill the Celestial Clan warrior, but let him lead the way, and the three of them followed.

The treasure house of the sky is hidden in the most central area of ​​the ancient city's main mansion. It is a space secret, surrounded by layers and twists of space formations.

Divine consciousness can't be completely immersed in it, even if the spiritual power of a strong person probes here, I am afraid it will be lost here.

Under the leadership of the Celestial Clan warriors, Fang Chuan and the others accurately arrived at the entrance of the space secret realm and quickly entered it.

"This is it."

The space secret is actually not stable. After all, in a different space, there are traces of space cracks everywhere, giving people a dangerous atmosphere.

The Celestial Clan warrior pointed to a ball of light floating in the air in front of it, which was where the Celestial Treasury was located, and it was also a space secret.

The secret realm in the secret realm will actually be more unstable, and entering it is very dangerous.

People who don't have enough understanding of space, or those who are familiar with it, may have been swallowed by the cracks of space when they enter it.

And beyond this ball of light, there is a thin light curtain, which is what the Sky Warriors call a very powerful barrier.


Fang Chuan swept away his consciousness, nodded, and showed a faint smile. This powerful barrier is indeed very powerful for others.

Once an ordinary person touches it, it will trigger the surrounding space cracks, and the space cracks will blast on the person like thunder, tearing it apart in an instant.

This is a fusion of the formation method and the space cracks, and already has a certain formation foundation.

This shows that Lord Maha also has a certain chance.

Unfortunately, this level of formation has many flaws in the eyes of Master Fang Chuan.

With a sigh, he had already reached the light sphere in a single teleport, and his divine consciousness carefully swept across the light curtain, and quickly found the loopholes in it.

The art of breaking the formation!

Afterwards, the mysterious handprints that inspired the laws of heaven and earth followed him, and the entire space began to tremble. Everyone's heart suddenly tightened!

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