
The five monsters seemed to sense the powerful aura of these five people, roaring, and at the same time a kind of red flame was burning on their bodies.

The chick, the chick sound kept resounding, as if to penetrate the whole world.

The surrounding air rose sharply because of their powerful flames.

Boom boom boom -

The five monsters finally couldn't help but attacked them first.

The flames on their bodies turned into huge fists, carrying the evil laws of heaven and earth, making a ghost-like roar, and blasted at the five people in an instant.

They are equivalent to the pinnacles who are half-step out of the Aperture Realm, so how powerful is their action together!


I saw one of the elders in the Jade Lake Realm, took a step forward, waved his hand, banged, and an ice mirror appeared in front of him.

The sound of booming booming, along with that terrible fist booming in this ice mirror, and those flame fists came extremely fierce, but were instantly annihilated.

It is impossible to break through the defense of this elder.

This elder's half-step out of the pinnacle of the Aperture Realm could easily resist the simultaneous attacks of five monsters, which is evident in its powerful strength.

"Hehe, but so, dare to be arrogant in front of me?"

This old sneered, his eyes showed a strong killing intent, and then with a wave of his jade hand, with a bang, the ice mirror turned into ice masses, which passed through in a flash.

"not good!"

"What a terrible attack!"

And at this moment, those ice ridges were like death sickle, attacking these five monsters.

These five monsters quickly roared, and a cloud of flame protection emerged from their bodies.

But then they screamed again and again, and the elder's attack penetrated their bodies, and blood flowed out of them.

One by one, like a big bird, was pierced by a bow and arrow, falling into the sand at a very fast speed.

Bang bang bang--

They fell to the ground and turned into ice in a flash.

"I don't know what the ant can be called, there is a body of power in the air, what use is the spell that is not clever?"

The elder made a sneer on his face, then waved his hand, and with a bang, there was a terrible pressure from the air.

After that, the bodies of the five monsters suddenly turned into pieces of broken ice, and they died under the blow of the elder.

"The elder is so amazing!"

"With the elders, we don't need to worry!"

Yaofeng and Yaoxin breathed a sigh of relief, and they walked over quickly and bowed respectfully to the two elders.

At this moment, they admire these elders.

Not only do they possess powerful powers, but they also have powerful and incomparable spells, which are completely unmatched by those monsters.

Seeing their proud appearance, Fang Chuan couldn't help shook his head. It was just some basic operations, as if he had mastered supreme power.

Of course, for Fang Chuan, to deal with them, you still have to be careful and not be too careless.

However, he knew that given him a period of time, these people were nothing at all.

"There are big problems here, especially in that ancient city, there is still a power that makes us all afraid, but the emperor has already rushed here, so don't worry."

The headed elder is called Yao Jin, and his status is in the Yaochi realm, second only to Yao Emperor.

Yaojin glanced at Fang Chuan, with contempt in the depths of her eyes, and waved her hand: "There is nothing wrong with you here, go back."

"But the elder..." Yaoxin frowned, and quickly spoke of their plans.

Yaojin sneered, shook her head, and the three of Fangchuan said: "This is extremely dangerous. Since you have already come, follow us, don't mess around, otherwise, you will bear the consequences."


As she was talking, a group of people flew up from the horizon. They were all graceful and graceful. They were all extraordinary beauties in Yizhou City, and even big stars couldn't compare to them.

There is even more arrogance in them.

Headed by it, it was Yao Yu Ge.

The Yaoyu Goose was set by the Emperor Yao himself, the future heir of the Yaochi realm, it is said that she has incomparable potential.

It is these elders who have to give her great face.

"Yuyan, you are here, come here, get closer to me, here is different from before, there may be some dangers."

Yaojin's attitude towards Yaoyu and Goose was completely different, with a cordial smile on her face.

Yaoyuyan nodded quickly: "Thank you elder."

She turned her eyes to Fang Chuan, showing a trace of hatred.

She was defeated by Fang Chuan before, and her beloved fiancé Xia Di was also defeated by him, so she hated him very much.

However, she believed that Emperor Xia could definitely defeat this person.

Because, Xia Di is the most powerful and potential person in his eyes.

She said coldly: "Mr. Fang is here, but I don’t know what Mr. Fang’s idea is this time. Does Mr. Dangerous Room here understand? If he falls here, will the Great Ziwei trouble us? ?"

"Ha ha."

Fang Chuan sneered and shook his head: "You should take care of yourself. I am proficient in deduction. This time, you may be annihilated here."

"Proficient in deduction?"

Yao Jin sneered: "Mr. Fang is really not embarrassed, he is proficient in two words and speaks casually, just cheating the world and stealing his name!"

She said again: "Mr. Fang, please be cautious in your words and deeds, otherwise, I may not protect you and let you live and die here, but you can't blame me!"

The surging murderous aura came out of her body without concealing it, because she felt that she was in control and everything was under control.

From the bottom of her heart, she revealed a kind of disdain from each other.

Fang Chuan just smiled indifferently, but didn't take it to heart. He wanted to go to the ancient city to find the secret.

Once the space core is obtained, his moon blade will evolve into a fairy weapon. At that time, the power of the evolving fairy weapon will be distributed to him, which will make his strength even further.

Whether it's lethality or its own strength, it has been improved, killing these people is like killing a chicken.

Of course, danger and gain coexist, he knew that.

Yaoyuyan glanced at Fang Chuan fiercely, and seemed to be calculating **** Fang Chuan.

Yaojin saw it, understood Yao Yuyan's mind, and was also wondering how to help this future emperor while completing the emperor's mission.

The ancient city is right in front of you.

Fang Chuan and his party divided into two teams before they came to the ancient city.

This ancient city is much taller than they thought, and it is also much older, and the simple atmosphere is constantly passed on.

At the same time, a stronger sense of crisis, **** aura, and a mysterious atmosphere of space came from this ancient city.

Fang Chuan felt that there was a stronger presence in this ancient city than those monsters before.

Moreover, these monsters seem to have discovered them.

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