The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 2704: Sun Sheng's hole cards

However, even if Jianmu is so big, Fang Chuan and the others can feel that it is far away from them.

Fang Chuan understood that this built wood might be the center that supports the entire realm of God.

If it is destroyed, the entire realm of heaven may be destroyed.

Of course, he could also imagine how inaccessible this Jianmu was. Perhaps, this terrifying existence was not at all determined by Emperor Vast Sky and the others.

"Fang Chuan, although your immortal official has not been sealed off, I have also arranged a palace for you."

The Great Emperor Haotian stood in front of Fang Chuan, waved his hand, and with a scream, a god-horse crane with a colorful light flew in front of him.

This crane is three meters high, and its wings are like sharp blades.

However, it flew in front of Fang Chuan and the others, and turned into a young man's appearance.

"This is the crane boy under my seat, Kui Jiu."

The Great Emperor Vast Sky looked at Kui Jiu: "This is Fang Chuan, the newly promoted First-Rank Immortal Officer, please take them to the Shenluo Palace."

"Yes, Emperor."

Kui Jiu nodded respectfully, and then Fang Chuan bowed: "Fang Shangxian, hello, please follow me."


Fang Chuan responded and glanced at Emperor Ziwei again.

The Great Emperor Ziwei smiled and said: "When you first come here, familiarize yourself with the environment. The Shenluo Temple is a good place. You live first. When I want to summon you, I will send a boy to find you."

"Understood." Fang Chuan nodded again.

Afterwards, he led Xuanyuan Leng, Sun Sheng and others to the same place as Kui Jiu, the highest sacred mountain in the first heaven.

And the four of Emperor Haotian looked at each other and disappeared in place.

Fang Chuan glanced back at them, but he also knew that these four people would naturally have a meeting against him.

However, he also knew that these four people were also deceiving and calculating each other.

He doesn't care.

His progress is already very good, he just came to the realm of the heavens, without much effort, he came to the first heaven.

Contact the true leader of the realm of God.

This is much smoother than he thought.

But for a moment, they flew into this sacred mountain.

Under Kui Jiu's introduction, Fang Chuan learned that this sacred mountain was called Hao Di Mountain, which was the site of Emperor Hao Tian.

Haodi Mountain is located in the center. The west is the Yaochi realm, where the Yao Emperor is located. To the east is the Ziji Bamboo Sea where Emperor Ziwei is located. To the south is Xuanyuan Jianchi where Emperor Xuanyuan is located.

And in the north, it is the illusory building wood.

The first-grade immortal officials, and the four outstanding disciples under the emperor seat, lived in their dojo.

However, between these five places, there are also some mysterious dojos, all of which are comparable to the existence of emperors.

None of them will manage the realm of the heavens, just concentrate on practicing.

For example, there is a dojo called Wuzhuang Temple.

Only then did Fang Chuan know that there were many existences in the Great Heaven, and they were inextricably related to the Journey to the West spread by China.

Perhaps this is a mysterious connection between faith and legend.

Kui Jiu later learned that Fang Chuan might be accepted as a disciple by Emperor Ziwei, but he was arranged by Emperor Vast Sky to enter Hao Di Mountain.

He was also surprised, but he didn't say much.

After all, he is also a smart man, able to run errands for Emperor Vast Sky.


A few of them quickly flew to a valley of Feiquan waterfalls in Hao Di Mountain, where the fairy spirit is ethereal and many precious medicinal materials grow.

There are also many exotic animals, just like the fairyland in the legend.

Of course, this is just the fairyland in the Chinese legend, which is naturally very different from the fairyland before Fangchuan.

Fang Chuan also understands that folk legends are also groundless.

Perhaps, in the invisible, every imagination and every legend has a certain factual basis.

The source of the basis is illusory, but real.

In this valley, there are vast buildings, unified known as the Temple of Shenluo.

Although there were not many people in the Shenluo Temple, it was spotless.

After Fang Chuan and the others arrived, a few fairies and young men hurriedly greeted them at an extremely fast speed.

"I have seen Master Kui Jiu, and seen all the gods."

These fairies and immortals are all the most basic needs for maintaining this Shenluo Temple, but their strength should not be underestimated, all of which are above the fifth level of the Yuan Ying Realm.

However, their status is humble and they may be executed by these people at any time.

So, be very careful one by one.

Kui Jiuyi waved his hand and pointed at Fang Chuan: "This is Fang Shangxian, a first-grade immortal official who was personally canonized by Emperor Haotian."

He said again: "From today onwards, the Shenluo Temple will be Fangshangxian's bedroom. From now on, you will also be Fangshangxian's people, understand?"


These people responded quickly, and then quickly said: "Slaves, slaves have seen the gods, the gods are blessed."

"All right."

Fang Chuan waved his hand to exempt them.

This feeling, he has some enjoyment, not because they are respectful one by one, but because there is a feeling of returning to the fairy world.

Of course, this is false.

This is just a realm of the heavens, they call themselves immortals, not real immortals.

Kui Jiu handed a sound transmission note to Fang Chuan, and said, "Fang Shangxian, if you have any needs, you can notify me through the sound transmission note. If there is nothing else, I will leave first.

"Okay, thanks a lot."

Fang Chuan nodded.

Kui Jiu smiled, and then transformed into a huge crane, suddenly flying out of the Shenluo Valley where the Shenluo Temple was located like an arrow.

After Kui Jiu left, Fang Chuan swept away his consciousness and got a complete overview of all the conditions here.

The fairies and celestials in front of them also showed nervous expressions.

Although they didn't feel the powerful aura in Fang Chuan, their status was low, and life and death were in the hands of this person.

Fang Chuan cast his eyes, and they shivered.

"You don't need to be too nervous, just do what you should do, arrange a place for us, and then go busy with you."

Fang Chuan waved his hand, and handed these trivial matters to Xuanyuan Leng and Xuanji Jianzun.

Afterwards, he let a fairy lead him and Sun Sheng to the main hall, sent the fairy away, and confirmed their safety, they smiled.

"I really didn't expect that if you came to the heavens so soon, Brother Fang, you are amazing!" Sun Sheng couldn't help laughing.

Fang Chuan also nodded: "I didn't expect it either."

He paused, then said: "However, we are even more dangerous now. These four emperors are all hitting my ideas."

He thought about it, and then said: "Moreover, the most important thing is, you must also know, how difficult is it for us to break the realm of God?"

"You mean Jianmu, right?"

Sun Sheng looked solemn and nodded: "It is indeed difficult, but for you, everything is possible."


Fang Chuan laughed and said: "Brother Sun is very confident in me, but I don't believe that Brother Sun has no success!"

"Naturally I will not hide it from you."

Sun Sheng smiled mysteriously: "At the critical moment, my clone can at least suppress or kill an emperor."

Fang Chuan raised his brows and nodded: "That will be easier."

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