Chapter 1700

Li Hu was stunned for a moment, he glanced at Fang Chuan, and then at Zhu Yun.

Zhu Jun waved his hand: "What Xiaochuan says, you can do it. If you go back now and you are discovered, there is only one dead end."

"But—" Li Hu wanted to help.

Fang Chuan's mouth twitched, and he smiled: "Don't worry if we don't have you to play, we have to go to the town of Mandela in southern England first, and you will go with us first.

He paused: "I happen to be missing one who can run errands."

"Understood." Li Hu obviously didn't expect that Fang Chuan called him together. The main reason was that he wanted a runner.

As Fang Chuan said, he called Li Pao and asked him to send more people to protect Sang Ling.

Then, Zhu Jun made another call to Sang Ling.

Sang Ling is still angry with Fang Chuan, but when he hears that Fang Chuan and the others are going abroad, they suddenly seem reluctant.

However, she also understands that if she wants to study, she can't go there, she can only reluctantly agree.

Afterwards, Fang Chuan and his party didn't need to pack their luggage, they took a taxi and went directly to the airport.

While on the road, Lu Wei had already contacted them with a special plane.

It only took them half an hour to get to the airport. They boarded a special plane, flew to London, England, and then transferred to the train from London, England to the nearest city to Mandela.

Then they rented a car to go to Mandela Town.

For Zhu Yun and Li Hu who are very familiar with Europe, there is no problem at all if the itinerary is left to them.

They got on the plane and sat down separately.

Luo Yao was a little nervous, came to Fang Chuan's body, and asked quickly: "Xiao Chuan, do you think my parents are okay?"

"Don't worry, Ji people have their own heavens!" Fang Chuan smiled faintly, and stroked Luo Yao's hair.

Luo Yao nodded.

However, everyone knows that the saying that the Ji people have their own natural phenomena is completely useless.

She said again: "What Elder Han Li said, that Harry Ford is a special human of the dark system, what does this mean?"

"In other words, he may not be a normal human being." Fang Chuan smiled faintly, "You also caught ghosts with me in Chishui County, and now you are practicing with me. Naturally, you know that this world is far from ordinary people. That world."


Luo Yao nodded. He still remembered Fang Chuan's hunt for ghosts before, and quickly said, "You mean, Harry Ford might be a creature like a vampire or werewolf?"


Fang Chuan smiled, "You also have to be mentally prepared. If the uncles and aunts are still alive, and they are related to this Harry Ford, they may be transformed."

"It doesn't matter." Although Luo Yao was a little worried, she still smiled and said, "As long as they are alive."

"Can I come over and say something?" At this moment, Zhu Jun came over.

"Of course." Luo Yao nodded quickly.

Zhu Yun sat opposite Fang Chuan and looked at Luo Yao: "I have performed some missions in Europe, although I have not directly contacted these legendary vampires. However, I have also heard many legends about them."

She paused: "It's those friends who claim to be Hunters of the Night, who said they experienced it firsthand."

She seemed to fall into the memory: "At the beginning, they also persuaded me to join in many times, saying that with my skills, I would be able to become a very good night hunter."

"I've heard of these kinds of people." Luo Yao nodded, "It's just that in the movie, Blade Warrior, there are these people."

"Ha ha."

Zhu Yun smiled and said, "It's almost the same. In fact, when I first met them, I had the same reactions in the Blade Warriors in my mind. Of course, they are human!"

She said again: "I just checked Mandela Town. There are indeed many dark creatures in that direction."

"In Europe, the life of dark creatures is actually not easy."

"In other words, in the current environment, all the gloomy and dark creatures are not living well."

"Because now the world is in harmony, society is developing rapidly, and the country is becoming stronger and stronger. The living space of these dark creatures is getting smaller and smaller."

"Therefore, there are many dark creatures in them, they are all living in remote places, some distance away from national power."

She smiled: "A friend of mine said that the dark creatures that live well are only a few, and those powerful dark creatures are not something they can fight against."

"And the average dark creatures are more violent and very dangerous."

She paused: "I said so much, probably to give you a brief introduction to Europe."

"Yeah." Luo Yao nodded, but her heart became more nervous, "My parents..."

"Don't think about it so much now."

Fang Chuan held her hand and smiled: "Don't worry, as long as we find them, even if they have turned into dark creatures, no one can cause harm to them."

The corner of his mouth clicked: "The person Fang Chuan wants to protect will definitely be able to protect."

"Yeah." Luo Yao nodded again, she believed Fang Chuan very much.

Fang Chuan looked at Zhu Yun again: "In this case, when we get to London, Xiao Yun, please contact your friends of the night hunter."

"Okay." Zhu Yun nodded quickly: "I mean that too, at least, they are very familiar with the environment."

"When we arrive in London, there is a stronghold in Hongmen to visit, and they will provide us with a lot of help there."

Fang Chuan said lightly.

Later, Zhu Jun went over and talked with Li Hu, mainly to understand the current situation of the sunset organization.

Luo Yao sat in the seat alone, but was a little restless.

Fang Chuan knew that Luo Yao needed a person to bear it, so he didn't say much to her, but closed his eyes, scanned the divine consciousness, and enjoyed the scenery along the way.

This is the first time he has left Asia to go to a whole new world. He still has a little bit of novelty.

After all, the main consciousness of his body is the consciousness of the earthling.

He was a humble little security guard more than a year ago.

Time passed by a little bit.

When they arrived in London, England, it happened to be the local morning. The sun was shining, which gave them a good mood.

After getting off the plane, they walked outside the airport.

Soon, they met a man from Hongmen who came to pick him up.

This man, young, about 234 years old, looks very energetic and lively. He is fluent in English and Mandarin.

While taking Fang Chuan and them on a Land Rover, he briefly introduced the situation in London to Fang Chuan and them.

Finally he asked suddenly: "I heard that you are going to Mandela Town?"


Fang Chuan nodded, "What's the matter?"

"Are you here for the Cheng Youlong couple?" the man suddenly asked again.

"Yes." Luo Yao's eyes suddenly wetted. She hadn't heard her father's name for a long time.

The man immediately lowered his voice: "You have to be careful, Mandela Town, but a famous dark town."

He added: "Many movies are written based on the legends there. And we also found that there are indeed many powerful monsters there."

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