The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1692: End the battle easily

Chapter 1692

"Are you crazy?"

Chen Zun shouted loudly: "Not only do you have to fight against Xun's family, against Dacangshan Chengde Dongtian, but also against our Blood Demon Sect?"

He said again: "You are sending yourself to death like this!"

"Ha ha."

Fang Chuan twitched his mouth and shook his head: "You all overestimate yourself."

He waved his hand: "Fan Xinghe, come on!"

"Yes!" Fan Xinghe nodded, blasted towards Chen Zun with a boom.

And Fang Chuan shook his body and killed Chen Zun's other brothers.

Chen Zun's combat effectiveness is not weak, at the peak of the second layer of the foundation, not much different from Fu Hongxue before.

However, he possessed a lot of secret methods of the Blood Demon Cult, and when counted, he was stronger than Fu Hongxue.

Fan Xinghe is a powerful three-tiered foundation building, and he also has ancient heritage, and his strength is not trivial.

As soon as the two of them played against each other, they were very powerful and rumbling.

A wave of air surged out, making people unable to approach.

As for the several juniors of Chen Zun that Fang Chuan faced, their strengths were all strong people with the first or second foundation, a total of eight people.

Together, they are also a force not to be underestimated!

"These two people are indeed amazing, but we are so many and powerful, we will defeat this young man as soon as possible, and then help the brother."

"He is so young, he is definitely not our opponent."


These eight people were also full of confidence, roaring again and again, and immediately confronted Fang Chuan with fierce moves.

Each move contains infinite power.

One of them even used the spells of the Blood Demon Sect, blood-red thunders continuously blasted towards Fang Chuan.

Boom, boom...

Their offensive is also fierce and unusual.

"How strong is the Blood Demon Cult? How strong is Chengde Dadongtian?"

Fang Chuan greeted him, pushing with his hands, it was a wave of infinite thunder, and a wave of flames and strong wind blasted past.

The combat power he showed was not weak, and it was not worse than those eight people.

However, his heart still fluctuates.

A sub-rudder of the Blood Demon Cult has ten masters at the foundation level. They have so many sub-rudders, how many masters do they have?

From Chen Zun's words just now, I also knew that Chengde's Great Cavern Sky might be even stronger than this.

However, now is not the time for him to think too much.

He smiled, the spell cast more ferociously, and blasted past one after another.

"This kid is amazing!"

"He can also spell!"

"He is much more powerful than the sixth man's spells, and his thunder suppresses our evil cultivation very much!"

When these eight people were in a pair of Shangchuan Rivers, they felt oppression. A thunder in Fangchuan could knock them back, and a wind blade could break their bodyguard vigor.

Especially his fire can make the blood demon teach these eight protectors, just like seeing a ghost.

Boom, boom——

But after a while, these people were beaten to shame by Fang Chuan, each with injuries on their bodies, and their strength was immediately restricted and weakened.

"Ha ha."

Fang Chuan clicked the corner of his mouth and glanced at them, "That's all for you Blood Demon Cult, rubbish!"

As he spoke, he spread his five fingers.


Almost instantly, there were waves of thunder, like an electric snake wandering, extremely fast, and like a whip, it was drawn on them.

The eight major guardians of the Blood Demon Cult hurriedly ran their tricks, stirring up **** vigor, and thundering towards Fang Chuan's thunder, but the moves were immediately shattered.


"not good!"

They were originally injured by Fang Chuan in the previous battle, but now they were hit again, wounded and wounded, and suddenly seriously wounded.



In an instant, they were hit on the ground and groaned.


"These eight masters are not his opponents together?"

"Is this guy too strong?"

When the blood demon saw the others, they couldn't help being surprised and couldn't believe it.

He Lin was also shocked to see the scene before him!

He didn't expect that Fang Chuan not only has very powerful martial arts, but also that even spells are so powerful, and it's terrible!


Chen Zun didn't expect that Fang Chuan would defeat his eight great guardians in such a short time.

He was taken aback, his face suddenly changed: "No!"

"Hehe, fight with me, do you dare to distract yourself?"

Fan Xinghe let out a sneer, followed by a territorial elementary trick, Xuan Bing's fiery fierce blast hit Chen Zun's body.


Chen Zun's body was bombarded by Xuan Bing Lie's fierce fire, and his body received a strong impact, hitting the ground heavily, followed by a squirt of blood.

There was severe pain in his internal organs, and obviously, he was also seriously injured.

But for a moment, the nine masters of them were subdued by Fang Chuan.

"The most disliked person in my life is the person with the magic way."

Fang Chuan clicked the corner of his mouth and came to Chen Zun's body. He stepped on Chen Zun's face and shook his head: "You are obviously a human being, why do you have to go through the magic way?"


The strength on his feet was not small, and Chen Zun's cheekbones creaked.

With Chen Zun's cultivation base, this pain is nothing.

However, as a master of the double peak of the foundation, he was trampled by Fang Chuan's footsteps. This kind of humiliation can be imagined.

"Oh my God!"

"Uncle Uncle was stepped on like this!"

"Our sub-rudder is over!"

The rest of the Gorefiend cultists saw the scene before them, filled with despair, they didn't even have the qualification to escape.

He Lin looked at Fang Chuan and gritted his teeth: "Fang Chuan, if you make enemies everywhere like this, you will only be immortal!"

He took a step forward: "If I were you, now there are two options."

"tell me the story."

Fang Chuan smiled faintly, and while stepping on Chen Zun, he calmly looked at He Lin.

He Lin hurriedly said: "First, you and I cooperate with the Blood Demon Sect. We should unite internally and externally, and destroy the Xun family!"

"However, you just said that you hate magic ways the most. This method may not work."

He paused: "The second one is that you go to Xun's house with me. We don't mention the previous things, and work together to kill the Blood Demon Sect!"

"What?" Chen Zun listened and yelled: "He Lin, this despicable villain, you have such an idea!"


A force blasted out from Fang Chuan's feet, and with just one blow, Chen Zun's mouth was dislocated, leaving Chen Zun unable to speak.

He looked at He Lin: "You are kind of interesting, double agent?"

"I'm telling you the truth!"

He Linxie laughed: "Why do you think I can do a good job between the Xun family and the Blood Demon Sect? Because I was from the Xun family in the first place!"

The corner of his mouth twitched: "I was sent to the Blood Demon Sect to act as an undercover agent just to inquire about someone!"

"Who?" Fang Chuan raised his brow.


He Lin suddenly sold it: "This can't tell you, but I can only say that this person is very important, very important to you, and very important to a person in the Xun family."

"Sister Fan's mother?" Fang Chuan's eyes wink.

"I don't know." He Lin shook his head.

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