Chapter 1682

Xun Yan's side is Xun Huo!

It was Xun Huo who made the sound.

At a young age, Xun Huo had already reached the first stage of foundation building. He had experienced the tribulations of heaven and was endowed with extraordinary talent. He was also a genius-level figure in the Xun family.

Therefore, his affairs can alarm some of Xun's family members who support him.

In his hand, it was another blazing order.

And his other hand, but still holding a crystal clear sword, turned out to be a high-grade magic weapon, containing the power to break the formation.

He pointed to the Porsche 918 where Luo Yao was, and smiled faintly: "If you dare to move them, I will kill your woman."

The corner of his mouth twitched: "This'Breaking Army Sword', but we specially borrowed it to deal with your defensive formation."

This army breaking sword, the power of breaking the formation contained in it, is also a very rare magic weapon.

However, Fang Chuan knew that it could indeed easily break Fang Chuan's defensive formation.

Fan Xinghe showed a smile on his face, wiped the blood stains from the corners of his mouth, stood up and looked at Fang Chuan: "We are more than two people here."

He Lin also nodded, and walked two steps forward, and surrounded Fang Chuan in a **** gesture.

Although he suffered serious injuries, if he tried his best, he could resist Fang Chuan for a while.

With Fan Xinghe, they are confident that they can give Xun Huo enough time to break through the formation.

"Ha ha."

Seeing them in this formation, Fang Chuan understood how they thought. He couldn't help shaking his head: "Do you think this can threaten me?"

He stared at him and looked at Xun Huo: "So, you are the person whom Sister Fan got engaged in, right?"

"Yes, it's me!" Xun Huo snorted coldly, it can be said that the rivals were extremely jealous.

However, especially Xun Huo knew that after seeing the Hulunbuir prairie above his head, he saw Fang Chuan and wanted to kill Fang Chuan.

The corner of Fang Chuan's mouth hooked: "Fortunately, Sister Fan met me. Otherwise, if you really live with you for a lifetime, that would be unlucky."

"Without further ado!"

Xun Huo was almost unable to restrain his anger, and waved the broken army sword in his hand: "You take the initiative to kneel and admit your mistakes. Maybe I can let your woman go. Otherwise, I will not only kill her, but also It is necessary to treat the human body with the human way."

He smiled: "Don't think I can't do it!"

"You have no chance to do it."

Fang Chuan shook his head: "Moreover, you don't even have a chance to survive, because people who say this have almost no chance of survival."

Fang Chuan smiled and his figure shook.


His speed reached Mach four in an instant. This speed far exceeds Fan Xinghe.

Even He Lin, who is famous for his speed, is not as good as Shangchuan.

However, as a professional assassin, He Lin was promoted to his current realm and was hailed as the king of assassins by the underworld.

The strength he showed at this time was also extraordinary.

With a sigh of sword, He Lin's sword shook out, and his sword aura was about to stop Fang Chuan.

"Hehe, it won't work."

Fang Chuan smiled, his strength showed, and he slashed out suddenly, crushing He Lin Jianqi.

Afterwards, Fan Xinghe also rushed over from the side, facing Fang Chuan with a fierce Xuanbing fiery force.

Bang bang bang--

This is his last strength, and his injuries are even heavier.


However, Fang Chuan also hit Fan Xinghe's fist with the same punch, and directly defeated Fan Xinghe's first-level skill.

"How courageous!"

Xun Huo sneered, and the true energy in his body was slashed directly at Fang Chuan's Porsche 918, but the golden light of the Porsche 918 suddenly shook, and there was a tendency to break.

It seemed that Xun Huo could defeat this defensive formation with just two swords.

However, Fang Chuan had already come to them.

"You overestimate yourself. In front of me, there is still no chance." Fang Chuan smiled, and people had already come to Xun Huo.

Xun Huo sneered: "That's not necessarily true!"


At this moment, Xun Yan, who was silent on the side, pulled out a pistol with a huge caliber at some point.

Obviously, this pistol had undergone special treatment, and turned out to be a magic weapon, and the bullet inside was also a one-time magic weapon.

Although they are all medium-grade magical weapons, the power of this bullet is directly comparable to the attack of a triple master of Zhuji, which is extremely ferocious.

"not good!"

Fang Chuan raised his brows and felt a hint of crisis. You know, the triple blow of the foundation building will hurt yourself if you hit yourself.

He was careless too!

Xun Yan is such a weak person, there is really no sense of existence, but he has such a powerful magic weapon.

Moreover, the price paid is not small!

The cost of one-off medium-grade magic weapon-level bullets is probably a lot more expensive than ordinary medium-grade magic weapons, and it is more difficult to manufacture.

"Haha." Xun Huo's face showed a bright smile.

To say that his strength is not the strongest, but his conspiracy and tricks are not weaker than anyone.

Anyone who underestimates him must pay a corresponding price.


When Xun Yan fired his shot, another sword struck the defensive formation. The defensive formation suddenly shook, and the light became weaker and weaker.

"Xiaochuan!" Luo Yao couldn't help feeling tight when she heard the deafening gunshots.

"Ha ha!"

Although Fang Chuan felt the crisis, it was just a sense of crisis.

Replaced by anyone else, in this unexpected shot, I am afraid that even if he survives, he will be seriously injured.

However, what disappointed Xun Huo and the others was that Fang Chuan's body was close to the fusion of treasure-level magic weapons, and even if he was injured, it would not be too serious.


The bullet burst in Fang Chuan's waist and exploded Fang Chuan into the air. Blood spattered out, and his body was attacked by a strong qi.

However, he took a deep breath and ran the demon mirror's formation, immediately swallowing the invading energy.

At the same time, Qi therapy was performed, quickly healing his body.

Then, he slapped his hand on the ground, walked against the wind, with a scream, when Xun Huo was about to raise his sword, and smashed into the defensive formation again, he violently hit Xun Huo's body.


With a loud noise, Xun Huo's foundation for a heavy cultivation base could not reach Fang Chuan's collision, and he immediately flew out with a sword.

He was seriously injured instantly!

"How is it possible?" He was about to short-circuit his whole person. He had no idea that Fang Chuan could survive such a blow.

Moreover, there is the power to fight back!

"Although it is very powerful, but for me, it is just an injury." Fang Chuan's mouth twitched.

"go to hell!"

This scene happened so fast that Xun Yan didn't even react. When Xun Huo flew out, he took the gun, aimed at Luo Yao in the defensive formation, and was about to pull the trigger.

Although this bullet did not have the power to break the formation, but because the defensive formation had been fragmented and shaky, this bullet would definitely hit Luo Yao.

Luo Yao is just a cultivator who has just started, sure to die!

"Last time you didn't die, this time, you can't live anymore." Fang Chuan smiled faintly and slammed into Xun Yan.

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