The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1679: It feels better than eating good food

Chapter 1679 Feeling Better Than Eating Food

Liu Menglu suddenly felt that her heart felt like electricity.

Fang Chuan smiled faintly: "Then are you willing?"


Liu Menglu blushed, "From the first time I saw you, you left a deep impression on me, and then it got even deeper."

"Now, I will impress you even more." Fang Chuan rubbed his hands.

"Yeah." Liu Menglu nodded, "Then let me see, it's just that you teach me how to practice, or whether you feel good about food."

"Trust me, I have this ability."

Fang Chuan's mouth twitched, so he began to teach Liu Menglu to practice imperial immortality. The two of them quickly entered the state.

Liu Menglu finally understood that there are still some things in this world that are more interesting than eating delicious food!

What's more interesting than food is being sent to heaven by Fang Chuan!

When Liu Menglu was completely sent to the sky, the sky was already white, and the morning sun gradually rose.

This is a hearty night!

No matter it was Fang Chuan, Liu Menglu, and Luo Yao were refreshed, none of them slept, but their spirits shone.

Luo Yao even got up virtuously and made it early.

Liu Menglu also got up to help when she heard the movement.

Fang Chuan practiced for a while, and when they were all done, he got up and sat around the dining table with them.

Liu Menglu and Luo Yao are completely familiar with each other, because Fang Chuan's true energy is flowing in their bodies.

They are already in love with sisters!

The two joked from time to time.

Liu Menglu laughed at Luo Yao's high voice, but Luo Yao said Liu Menglu's voice was better than singing.

Fang Chuan finally understood that the reservedness of women is also based on occasion. When they are familiar and do not need to be reserved, they are very open.

After eating breakfast, Liu Menglu drove the car quickly and went to work in Yunchuan Building.

She is now not only a star, but also the head of Yunchuan Entertainment.

Luo Yao didn't go to work either. After cleaning up the dishes, she said to Fang Chuan: "Two days ago, Elder Han Li of Hongmen visited me."

"Let you intercede, do you want to buy things with me at a discount, right?" Fang Chuan twitched.

"Do not."

Luo Yao shook her head, "He said, he found news about his parents."

"What?" Fang Chuan raised his brows: "Didn't your parents already..."

"I always think so."

Luo Yao looked at Fang Chuan, "But Elder Han Li said that there may be a problem with their previous intelligence. My parents may not have died."

She said again: "I didn't want to tell you about this, because you have a lot of things to do."

She sighed: "But, we all had such a relationship last night, and I will be your woman from now on. So, I still want to tell you this."

"Should have told me."

Fang Chuan waved his hand: "Then stop the work you are doing, let's go to your parents first."

"Elder Han Li said it was just a piece of news, and it needs to be confirmed. Let me wait for the news."

Luo Yao sighed: "However, I feel that this matter may not be that simple. Then, please come with me."

"Ha ha."

Fang Chuan waved his hand and scratched the tip of Luo Yao's nose: "What is troublesome to say? Two of us, do we need to say this?"

"Yeah." Luo Yao nodded.

As Fang Chuan was talking, a phone call came in.

He smiled and said: "Ha, just talking about him, he called. Or if you ask for a long vacation today, let's take care of it."

"Also." Luo Yao thought for a while, then nodded and turned to call.

Fang Chuan answered the phone, and Han Li hoped to see him. Their presbytery has already made a decision to officially make a deal with Fang Chuan.

Of course he is eager!

He is now cultivating and consumes spirit stones more and more.

He calculated that to fill up the true energy in his dantian, I am afraid that it would take a thousand low-grade spirit stones, which is equivalent to ten middle-grade spirit stones.

Moreover, the spirit stone is also very important. At the critical moment, you can also use the secret method to instantly extract the spiritual energy of the spirit stone to supplement the loss of true energy.

Therefore, the more spirit stones, the better.

Moreover, in the future, he will still need to use spirit stones to buy things, and even if he finds a teleportation formation, he will also use spirit stones to activate the teleportation formation.

To activate the interstellar teleportation array, then it is not measured by high-grade spirit stones, it must be measured by top-grade spirit stones.

Fang Chuan hung up the phone, and Luo Yao had already asked for leave.

Soon, the two of them changed their clothes and drove a Porsche 918, rushing all the way to the location agreed by Han Li.

Han Li still agreed to meet at the high-end teahouse last time.

Fang Chuan passed from the community where Luo Yao lived, and with traffic jams, at his speed, it probably only took about 20 minutes.

Halfway through, according to the navigation, they came to a relatively remote road.

Both sides of this road are full of plane trees.

"Huh?" Fang Chuan raised his brows and felt a trace of murderous aura. The corner of his mouth twitched, but he slowed down.

"What's the matter?" Luo Yao asked quickly.

"A friend is watching us." Fang Chuan smiled.

"Who?" Luo Yao asked quickly.

"You may not know it." Fang Chuan's mouth twitched, "However, you may have heard of Fan Xinghe from the Guwu Fan family."

"Fan Xinghe hasn't heard of it, but the Gu Wu Fan family has heard it a bit."

Luo Yao smiled: "Such forces are still far away from us. If it weren't for you, I might not have been in contact with them for the rest of my life."


Fang Chuan smiled faintly, "However, the Guwu Fan family has already been half destroyed by me. Fan Xinghe is the last strong man in their Fan family. He came to attack me this time, and I don't know what confidence he has."

He paused: "By the way, there is also the Xun family in Dacangshan."

"The Xun family doesn't know." Luo Yao shook her head. Her authority is mainly in Yizhou City, so she doesn't know anything outside of Yizhou City.

"You will learn more slowly."

Fang Chuan smiled, and the car drove more than a hundred meters.


At this moment, a fierce murderous aura came from the sycamore tree beside it, and then, a shocking force of fear hit the Porsche in a blink of an eye.

"Ha ha."

The corner of Fang Chuan's mouth was hooked. The Porsche 918 was modified by Fang Chuan before. Later, when he was free, he raised it to another level.

This car's current energy drive is a low-grade spirit stone.

This low-grade spirit stone and ninety-nine-nine-eighty-one, high-quality jade formed nine formations, giving this car almost the defensive power of a medium-grade magic weapon.

Fan Xinghe hid at the top of the sycamore tree, condescendingly, and issued a mysterious-level masterpiece to Fang Chuan, which was naturally not small.

With a violent explosion, Fan Xinghe's profound-level peerless boxing power slammed down like a torrent.

However, the defensive formation inspired by the Porsche 918 directly resisted his punch.

The powerful counter-shock force sent Fan Xinghe out with a bang.

"Huh?" Fan Xinghe was taken aback. He was ready to take a blow. He wanted to destroy Fang Chuan's car first, but he didn't expect that Fang Chuan's car was also so abnormal.


He fell heavily on Fangchuan a hundred meters away.

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