Chapter 1653

Liang Xingwu's injury was originally very serious, and the most important thing was his injury, which made his health worse and worse.

His true spirit is a bit weak!

This is a sign of dying.

Fang Chuan was straightforward and rude. He gave Liang Xingwu several Qi therapy pills and Yishou pills, and then treated him with Qi therapy.

Finally, he used the pill fire to sort out Liang Xingwu's true energy.

About twenty minutes passed.


Fang Chuan finally patted Liang Xingwu on the shoulder, and after that, Liang Xingwu's whole body shrank, and then he smiled with joy.

"Okay!" Liang Xingwu's eyes widened. He didn't expect that Fang Chuan would heal the dying man so easily.

He let out a long sigh: "It's so relaxing like never before!"

He then hurriedly knelt down on one knee, and Fang Chuan arched his hands: "Mr. Fang, from now on, our Liang family will look at you as the head of the horse and be absolutely loyal to you!"


Fang Chuan nodded, he could feel Liang Xingwu's sincerity at the moment.

He waved: "Get up!"

He said again: "I cured your Lei Jie's injury just now, and I have sorted out the true qi in your body, burned the impurities in the true qi, and made your true qi more pure."

The corner of his mouth twitched: "I will teach you a first-level cultivation technique later. As long as you practice diligently, your cultivation base will grow rapidly after you get started, and within a few years, you may be able to break through."

He paused: "If you can't break through, then you will undoubtedly die."

"Thank you Mr. Fang for his reinvention!" Liang Xingwu was so excited that he really saw hope!

He said again: "I have made a lot of money for me in the past few years!"

"Hmm!" Fang Chuan nodded indifferently.

Soon, Zhu Jun signed the contract with Liang Dongxing in duplicate, and Fang Chuan took one.

Subsequently, Liang Xingwu, Liang Dongxing and others, Fang Chuan became more enthusiastic.

Now Fang Chuan is their backer, how can they not be enthusiastic!

Fang Chuan lifted the seal on the rest of the Liang family.

Part of the Liang family went to repair the torii smashed by Fang Chuan, some returned to their jobs, and the other part went to prepare the feast.

Their current mentality is completely different from before.

Fang Chuan is now their immediate boss, and they must be warmly received.

Liang Xingwu, Liang Dongxing and Liang Yuanliang, as well as Liang Yuanliang's parents, these four generations are basically the pillars of the Liang family.

The four of them have been with Fang Chuan and Zhu Yun, some accompany Fang Chuan to speak, and some help out.

In short, they are as excited as the New Year.

In the evening, after eating a feast, the rest of the Liang family was cleaning up the mess, and some people returned to their lives.

Fang Chuan also discussed with Liang Xingwu and others about how Yunchuan Group and Fang Group would cooperate with their Guwu Liang family.

The people of the Liang family also understand that it is time for them to invest, and both Yunchuan Group and Fangshi Group need their support.

And what they hope is to rely on Fang Chuan's strength and the exercises Fang Chuan gives them!

Of course, this calculation is also very cost-effective.

After all the details were dealt with, Liang Xingwu also got a prefecture-level elementary exercise from Fang Chuan as he wished.

The exercises are different from spells and martial arts.

Gongfa is the foundation, the better the practice, the faster the realm can be improved.

However, spells and martial skills are the use of inner strength and true energy, which are the key factors that determine whether they have super combat effectiveness.

Fang Chuan's previous imperial wind spells were only mysterious spells.

The Promise Lightning Technique he now cultivates, that is, the first-level spell, is much more powerful than the previous Zhengyang Lightning Technique.

However, for Liang Xingwu now, the most important thing is the prefecture-level exercises.

He must break through the realm to solve the current dilemma.

Fang Chuan gave him a prefecture-level exercise, and he treated Fang Chuan like an uncle, with a smile on his face.

"Why hasn't this Xun Yan come yet?" Liang Yuanliang frowned and looked at the time. It was already past ten o'clock in the evening.

"This is something that didn't happen before! Although he had come late before, he came before ten o'clock!" Liang Dongxing also looked confused.

"Yuan Liang, you give Xun Yan a call." Liang Xingwu's face sank and said quickly.

"Okay." Liang Yuanliang quickly took out his mobile phone and beat Xun Yan.

After a while, Liang Yuanliang hung up the phone, his expression ugly.

"Mr. Fang——" Liang Yuanliang sighed, "He is not coming."

"Ha ha."

Fang Chuan smiled faintly and waved his hand: "I already know. Someone should have informed him!"

"I think so too." Liang Yuan said brightly, "From his tone just now, he seems to know our situation here."

"Who is so bold and dares to undermine the strategic policy of our Liang family?" Liang Dongxing carried a trace of anger.

Fang Chuan waved his hand: "The Liang family has just such a small number of people. Go down and check, how to deal with it is your business."

"Yes!" Liang Dongxing quickly arched his hands: "Don't worry, Mr. Fang, I will definitely clean up this traitor!"

As he said, he went down angrily.

Fang Chuan looked at Liang Yuanliang again: "You go to check Xun Yan's current location, they have heard the wind, I am afraid they have left now."

"Yes!" Liang Yuanliang nodded quickly.

Fang Chuan waved his hand again: "Liang Xingwu, go down, too. There is nothing to do with you here, so concentrate on practicing. When you have practiced this "Landscape Art" to the Ninth level, you will be able to break through to the Golden Core Stage."

The corner of his mouth twitched: "When the time comes, I will pass on your "Ten Thousand Mountains and Ten Thousand Waters Art" of the intermediate grade. When you reach that level, you should be able to break through to the Nascent Soul Stage.

"Golden Core Stage... Nascent Soul Stage?" Liang Xingwu trembled. He never thought that one day he could break through to such a high level.

Fang Chuan smiled and said: "It was difficult to break through to the Golden Core Stage with your qualifications. However, I have a breakthrough core in my hand, and it is no problem for people like you."

He said again: "However, you can't let me down. Because I don't know how many breakthrough pills are needed to smash you into the Golden Core Phase."

"Understand." Liang Xingwu was extremely excited. If Fang Chuan could really provide a lot of breakthrough pills, he would have hope to reach such a terrifying level.

"Go on, I have something to say to Xiaojun." Fang Chuan waved his hand.


Liang Xingwu nodded, busy, and went down very obediently.

Fang Chuan watched Liang Xingwu leave with a faint smile.

In fact, he still has a small breakthrough pill in his hand. However, Liang Xingwu has not reached the pinnacle of the triple foundation building, giving him a breakthrough pill, and the probability of breakthrough is also very low.

He keeps the breakthrough pill and can have greater value gains.

Fang Chuan looked at Zhu Yun: "Now, I'll give you two choices. One, to become my subordinate, I will give you a first-level cultivation technique that will allow you to cultivate to the Golden Core Stage."

He said again: "Second, become my woman. I will teach you a fairy-level double cultivation technique. In this way, it will be much easier for you to practice."

"I..." Zhu Yun blushed.

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