The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1642: Didn’t you look forward to it?

Chapter 1642 Awesome

The girls look like fairies, all of them are as beautiful as gods, and their looks are amazing, but in terms of buying, buying, buying, they are similar to ordinary women.

As soon as they saw their trophies were placed on the sofa by Fang Chuan, they immediately ran over, one for you and one for me, and began to distribute.

Everyone's cheeks flushed.

These commodities worth tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even millions, all fell into their pockets.

Ten million is nothing to Fang Chuan. His eyelids won't even blink.

He spends ten million, just like ordinary people spend one yuan, one thousand yuan.

After they had allocated the spoils, Yu Xiaoxiao began to arrange rooms for everyone.

This small villa, plus the room on the third floor used by Fang Chuan as a practice room, has only five rooms.

Among them, the big star Liu Menglu also occupied a room.

Therefore, there are only three bedrooms left.

However, in Yu Xiaoxiao's room, there is a big bed about three meters wide, which can accommodate several people.

She has the best relationship with Lu Wei, so she plans to share a room with Lu Wei, and Fan Youmei and Rui Zhixin each occupy a room.

And Fang Chuan, either sleeps in the practice room or sleeps with any of them.

Afterwards, the women went to put their things in their respective rooms, and then returned to the hall downstairs.

At this moment, the atmosphere is a bit awkward.

Especially Rui Zhixin, she is a little girl under twenty years old, a freshman who is still blushing when she thinks of what will happen afterwards.

Yu Xiaoxiao has been teasing Fang Chuan. She didn't know that Fang Chuan had broken through the foundation building period, and thought Fang Chuan was joking.

Fan Youmei is also a little embarrassed. After all, this kind of thing will always make people less acceptable for the first time.

Fang Chuan smiled: "Sister Xiao Xiao is okay with this arrangement? My manor is still under construction. If everyone feels crowded, I will buy a big house. If it is not crowded, I will live first."

He said again: "I think this place is pretty good. When Senior Sister Liu comes here, we will be even more lively."

"We and you haven't gotten it done yet, just thinking about Liu Daxing and Xiaochuan, you are eating the bowl and looking at the pot!" Yu Xiaoxiao giggled, and cast a wink at Fang Chuan, "You first Let's talk about it if we solve it!"

"Uh..." Rui Zhixin was speechless for a while.

Fan Youmei looked at Yu Xiaoxiao: "Xiaoxiao, have you double repaired with Xiaochuan?"

"Huh?" Yu Xiaoxiao listened, and then she couldn't help but smiled: "Where is it! This guy said that he has to practice until the base-building period before he can develop further with us. He is bragging today!"

She said again: "I'm going to see how he did it today."

"Sister Xiaoxiao..."

Rui Zhixin smiled awkwardly and looked at Yu Xiaoxiao: "Xiaochuan, he has reached the foundation building period, and he has already double repaired with me and sister Fan..."


When Yu Xiaoxiao heard this, she couldn't help but screamed, looking at Fang Chuan in surprise, her eyes widened: "Fang Chuan! Are you coming for real today?"

"Sister Xiaoxiao, aren't you okay?"

"Xiao Xiao, you seemed to be looking forward to it!"

"Xiao Xiao, you..."

The three women almost didn't laugh when they heard it.

Yu Xiaoxiao's face blushed: "You guy, are you real?"

The corner of Fang Chuan's mouth twitched: "Just now you seemed to be jumping very hard, Sister Xiao Xiao, tonight, I will do much for you."

"You--" Yu Xiaoxiao suddenly became a little scared! Illusions return to Illusions, usually lively to lively, but for the first time in this matter, everyone is nervous.

Moreover, the first time I played this big, four people went together, thinking about the scene of Yingyingyanyan, she was a little bit frustrated.

She hurriedly laughed and said, "Ogawa, my favorite Ogawa, the most handsome Ogawa in the world, can you discuss it..."

"Say." Fang Chuan smiled slightly.

"I'm not feeling well today!" Yu Xiaoxiao's eyes lit up, "My aunt is here, haha, yes, my aunt is here, good night, I'll go to bed first!"

As she said, like a rabbit, she jumped up and ran upstairs.

"Ha ha."

She only ran out for two steps, and Fang Chuan held her up with one hand and returned to the sofa.

She struggled hard, only to find it in vain.

Fang Chuan smiled and said, "You forgot my identity? I'm a genius doctor. Can your relatives come or not, can you hide from me?"

"Xiaochuan, my uncle Sichuan, my father, can you forget it today..." Yu Xiaoxiao quickly put on a pitiful look.

Fang Chuan shook his head: "No! Others can do it, but you can't just Sister Xiaoxiao!"

"Why..." Yu Xiaoxiao pouted her lips, selling poorly.

"Because I met you the first time, because I have been teasing me since I haven't made a fortune..." Fang Chuan's mouth twitched and he felt a delight.

At the beginning, when she was a little security guard, Yu Xiaoxiao teased him every day and asked herself to massage her back.

He can still remember that every time under the hands of this witch Yu Xiaoxiao, the hormones exploded and there was nowhere to vent it, so uncomfortable and almost crazy!

He smiled and said: "Sister Xiao Xiao, thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi, have you heard this sentence?"

"You're not Xiao Yan..." Yu Xiaoxiao pouted her mouth, looking very dissatisfied, knowing that she was in disaster this time.

"Ha ha."

Fang Chuan smiled faintly: "Xiao Yan is virtual, I am real."

He waved his hand: "Well, it's ten o'clock, and the Spring Festival is too short. We have to teach sister Xiao Xiao and Xiao Hua how to double cultivation, go, take a bath!"

With that said, he put his arms around Yu Xiaoxiao, led three red-faced beauties, and went upstairs.


Fang Chuan came to the bathroom door and sighed: "When my manor is repaired, we must build an ancient bathhouse so that all of you can take a bath together."

He thought about it, the scene was really good.


"Ogawa, why is this all in your mind!"

The girls were very shy when they heard it. They even made up a picture of a dozen beauties with similar looks and figures, taking a bath together in a huge bathhouse.

Fang Chuan was alone, walking around in it.

That picture, is it a little too beautiful...

"Okay, let's get started."

Fang Chuan waved his hand, "Sister Fan and Xiao Rui, please arrange to see who will take a bath first. Sister Xiao Xiao and Xiao Hua, come here, and I will teach you the method of double cultivation."

"Oh!" Yu Xiaoxiao looked unlovable, broke the jar and sat down on the bed.

Lu Hua smiled slightly and sat beside Yu Xiaoxiao very tenderly.

She smiled and said, "Xiao Xiao, didn't you always want to learn the technique of double cultivation with Ogawa before, so that you can become a superman?"

"Yes!" Yu Xiaoxiao's eyes lit up and looked at Fang Chuan: "Can you become a superwoman after practicing?"

Fang Chuan nodded: "In the future, you will be better than Superwoman!"


Yu Xiaoxiao slammed onto the bed and put on a big character, with the appearance of being ravaged by Ren Jun: "Come on, ravage me!"

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