Chapter 1640: Have Some Fun

Jonathan heard this, his face suddenly changed.

This Chinese kid, relying on having the goods they need, is so rude to him, it's too much!

He stood up and said angrily: "Fang Chuan! Do you know who you are talking to?"

"Ha ha."

Fang Chuan listened to Jonathan's words, smiled faintly, stood up, and shrugged his shoulders to Thomas: "Today's conversation environment is not very ideal. Let's talk again if you are lucky."

As he said, he walked to Rui Zhixin and the others.

"Mr. Fang!" Qiao Dongyu's heart twitched. He had a chance to cooperate, but why suddenly it was so unhappy?

He accepted the task of Prince Charles. If he did not complete it, Prince Charles would be very dissatisfied.

And this Jonathan is not something he can offend.

He is really embarrassed.

Fang Chuan turned around, his eyes drenched, like an angry lion, making people startled: "Don't follow me, deal with your problems, and then negotiate terms with me."

After he finished speaking, he walked over.

Since he got up, he hasn't looked at Jonathan.

When he was angry, Jonathan became air, insignificant.

Jonathan was very angry and said loudly: "You are arrogant now, don't regret it in the future! No one in the world will pay more than our price!"


As soon as his voice fell, there was a glass, with a loud sound, it hit his forehead directly, smashing his whole person, flying out, and falling to the ground.


Jonathan was rolling on the ground in pain, and his forehead was full of blood, painful.

The guests present gathered their eyes.

Jonathan said angrily: "I will make you pay a painful price! You bastard!"

"If you don't get him out, I don't guarantee that he can walk out of this restaurant alive today."

Fang Chuan sat in his seat, his eyes cold, and looked at Qiao Dongyu: "When you come to see me, you should carefully study my identity and my character. This time, I let you go because I was watching my house. Xiao Rui knew you Charles for good. Get out!"

His tone was murderous, which made people shudder.

Even if Jonathan listened, he could only suppress his inner anger and swallow for a while.

"Mr. Fang, I'm really sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Qiao Dongyu quickly apologized to Fang Chuan, and then took away the **** Jonathan with his companion.

"What's the matter?" Yu Xiaoxiao raised her brows: "What kind of idiot, even got our boss Fang, don't you want to live?"

Fang Chuan smiled: "Little things."

As he said, he inadvertently glanced over the previous monitor, but he was a little confused.

He originally thought that the watcher was the one called by Charles, but now it was obviously something wrong.

He smiled, waved his hand, and said to the waiter who was about to serve food, but was a little surprised: "Continue serving. I disturbed the others just now and gave them a lafite, whatever year."

"Huh?" The waiter was taken aback when he heard it, even if it was almost Rafite, it would cost hundreds of thousands when it came loose!

"You go now!" Yu Xiaoxiao waved and smiled: "This boss Fang doesn't lack so many hundreds of thousands."

"Oh, good!" The waiter nodded excitedly.

You know, when they entertain a guest, there is a commission on the wine.

The promotion tonight is more than one month's salary!

He turned around quickly.

"This person is so generous, he seems to be a rich man!"

"Looking at the four top beauties beside them, I also know that their identities are not simple."

"One bottle of Lafite per table, awesome!"

The people at the surrounding tables heard the news and discussed it in a low voice. Then, all the lobby guests knew the news.

Some of them are actually not rich, and they only come here to spend once on some anniversary.

Unexpectedly, someone sent Rafite!

The eyes of everyone looking at Fang Chuan were even more different.

"Has Boss Fang calmed down?" Yu Xiaoxiao chuckled. "When you calm down, let me feed you a steak."

With that, she gracefully and skillfully picked up the knife and fork, cut a small steak, and delivered it to Fang Chuan's mouth with a smile.

"How can you be angry with you?"

Fang Chuan then ate the steak sent by Yu Xiaoxiao in one bite, seeing the men beside him with all kinds of envy and hatred.

Before long, the dinner ended happily.

Fang Chuan settled the bill, and then went out of the restaurant with Yu Xiaoxiao and others.

Because they were full of food, they strongly requested Fang Chuan to accompany them to the mall for a while to buy something.

Of course Fang Chuan agreed!

Soon, they came to the largest and bustling shopping mall nearby.

And the watcher has been following them all the time.

The places where Yu Xiaoxiao and the others consume are generally those internationally renowned brands and luxury stores.

The four girls were together, and there were many topics, but Fang Chuan couldn't insert too many words.

So when they entered the shop, he was outside.

They visited several shops and entered a GUCCI, Fang Chuan was still waiting for them outside.

At this time, his gaze fell on the watcher again, smiled slightly, and walked over casually.

Seeing Fang Chuan walking towards him, the monitor suddenly became nervous.

However, he found that Fang Chuan's gaze did not seem to be focused on him, which made him breathe a sigh of relief, pretending to be nonchalant, and looking at the shop aside.

"Hey, you are very interested in women's clothing."

Fang Chuan smiled slightly, walked to his side, and patted the watcher on the shoulder, "Should I buy this kind of underwear for my girlfriend? If so, go in and see!"


The monitor was shocked, but when Fang Chuan said this, he nodded and said: "Yes, I plan to buy it for my girlfriend."

"Ha ha."

Fang Chuan's mouth twitched: "Can you afford it? This set costs tens of thousands. I'm afraid you don't have that much money, right?"

"How is it possible!" The man said in an angry manner, shaking off Fang Chuan's hand: "Moreover, whether I buy it or not, what is your business?"

"Ha ha."

Fang Chuan smiled again, "Why are you so excited and so nervous? Why are you so nervous after following us all the way!"

"What?" The man raised his brows and immediately felt something wrong in his heart. He took a step back quickly, "I don't know what you are talking about."

He said, turning around and wanted to leave.

Fang Chuan put a hand on the opponent's shoulder, and suddenly the man's face changed suddenly and he found that his body was out of his control!

He nervously said: "What's the matter?"

"Come here, sit down here, let's talk slowly."

Fang Chuan said, pushing the man to the table and chair aside, and then took out the man's phone and said to the phone, "Don't hang up, let's talk."

"You—" there was an exclamation on the other end of the phone.

Fang Chuan smiled and said, "You were exposed from the beginning when you were in the Yunchuan Building. I am teasing you."

He said again: "I didn't want to expose you so early. I'm sorry, I was shopping with my girlfriends. It's boring, I can only have some fun!"

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