Chapter 1631

Fang Chuan's words almost made Fan Xinghe run away. As a veteran master of formation, he was said to be so insignificant.


Fan Xinghe's body instantly exploded with infuriating energy, followed by punches and punches, blasting in all directions around him. With every punch, Zhen Qi surged in this direction.

Suddenly, a torrent of flames formed around him.

Then he roared, he swiped both hands, followed, suddenly blasted towards Fang Chuan's defensive formation.

Boom, boom——

The explosive flame power swept over like a torrent, impacting Fang Chuan's defensive formation, causing the entire enchantment to sway.

A few clicks...

A crack appeared in the defensive enchantment instantly, and a scorched trace was left on the ground.


After a burst, the surrounding calmed down.

The air wave gradually subsided.


Fan Xinghe almost didn't vomit blood. He was blasted out with a full-fledged kill, thinking that this barrier would inevitably be broken.

However, he was disappointed.

There were some cracks in the barrier, but they were repaired in an instant, but the light appeared weaker, and a little crack appeared in the jade.

However, to break this barrier, as Fang Chuan said, at least ten tricks are needed.

His heart was shocking, and he never expected that such a young kid could arrange such a terrifying formation.

He looked at Fang Chuan: "You, how did you do it?"

Fang Chuan smiled faintly and looked at him: "Hehe, those who are able are not difficult, those who are difficult are not. Even if I tell you how to do it, you may not be able to do it."

He shook his head: "Senior Fan, you lost."

Fan Xinghe gritted his teeth for a while, he just lost! He is very unwilling, but it is also an indisputable fact.

"Senior Fan, depending on your appearance, don't you plan to admit it?" Fang Chuan smiled, but walked out of the barrier.


Fan Xinghe stared, how could he be instigated by a junior with his status.

He waved his hand: "If this is the case, I will let you go. Get out of here, otherwise, you will definitely die."

"Sure enough." Fang Chuan shook his head, "but it is also in my expectation. After all, how many people can talk and count?"

He said, his eyes drenched: "However, it is impossible for you to ask us to go."

After that, he waved his hand: "Xiao Rui, you are in the enchantment, you come here."


Zhetaifeng and Wangmingxue rushed out of the barrier like lightning, standing behind Fang Chuan, one on the left and one on the right.

The aura of these two people is extremely powerful.

Fan Long was originally a master who was infinitely close to the second layer of the foundation, but after the devilish transformation, he directly broke through to the combat effectiveness of the second layer of the foundation.

As for Zhantaifeng, he is now in harmony with Fu Hongxue's body. Although Fu Hongxue's body hasn't been strengthened yet, he can still reach the state of the second peak of foundation building.

Fang Chuan himself can easily defeat Fu Hongxue's existence.

Although Fan Xinghe was much stronger than Fu Hongxue, and he might have a hole card, but surrounded by the three of them, he seemed a little weak.

"What is your origin?"

Fan Xinghe frowned. He had wanted to do something before, but surrounded by them, he had no absolute certainty.

"I am a small farmer from Yizhou City."

Fang Chuan's mouth twitched and waved his hand: "There is no power, so, Senior Fan, you don't have to worry about the power behind us."

He said again: "With the strength of Senior Fan, wouldn't it be easy to defeat us?"

He smiled: "By the way, Senior Fan, you should know someone named Li Dong, right?"

"Li Dong?"

Fan Xinghe frowned, "Are you the person appointed by Li Dong? Then you don't need to be so arrogant. I am friends with him."


Fang Chuan shook his head: "I just happened to have a little holiday with Li Dong. Later, he was turned into an idiot by me. However, before that, I also got one thing, as if he was going to give you."

He said, flipping his hand, but it was the small breakthrough pill.

"What kind of pill is this?" Fan Xinghe raised his brows. "Could it be that Li Dong once said that the pill that can help me break through?"

His eyes flashed: "You must give me this thing. After that, all our holidays will be gone!"


Fang Chuan shook his hand, and put the small breakthrough pill into the mustard seed space, and then smiled: "I just show it to you, lest you haven't seen this thing after you die. Later in the Yin Cao Netherworld, you met , It’s not clear what happened."

"Boy, your success angered me."

Fan Xinghe's anger was extremely angry, his true aura was surging, and his murderous aura rolled. "Do you think you can provoke me with the ability of the three of you?"


Fan Xinghe understood that he would not teach Fang Chuan a lesson today and I am sorry for his fame. He was really fed up with Fang Chuan.

From the beginning, he had had enough!


Fan Xinghe roared and clenched his fists. Infuriating energy accumulated in an instant. Then, his body slammed, and the flames burst out.

A punch seems to break the void.

In his opinion, Fang Chuan's breath is the weakest among the three.

And his status seems to be the highest.

Catch the thieves first!

Therefore, his goal is directed at Fang Chuan.

"Ha ha."

Fang Chuan couldn't help but smiled, shook his head, raging, and pressed it directly with a palm.

"Looking for death!" Fan Xinghe was overjoyed, only thinking that Fang Chuan was looking for death!


The two fisted and fisted, and the air was raging. With a bang, Fan Xinghe's face changed drastically, and he took three steps back, but Fang Chuan only took three steps back.

Just now in this confrontation, they were evenly matched.


How powerful is Fan Xinghe's lethality? Even if you meet someone like Fu Hongxue, you can easily defeat it.

After all, he has been in seclusion for so long, and he is still a contemporary array mage.

He didn't even have a single trick to defeat this young man!

He never dreamed that Fang Chuan was not only astonishing in formations, but also astonishing in his single combat power.

Fang Chuan smiled and looked at Fan Xinghe: "Did you suddenly feel that you may not be our opponent anymore?"

"What on earth are you looking for me for?" Fan Xinghe took a deep breath, calming the turbulent blood in his body.

Fang Chuan's mouth ticked: "Of course I'm here to kill you."

"What hate do we have?" Fan Xinghe frowned, feeling a sense of misfortune coming from the sky.

Fang Chuan smiled and said, "You have no hatred with us, but the Fan family does."

He waved his hand: "Okay, I won't go in circles with you. The Fan family has been destroyed by us. It would not be a good thing for me if you make you break through to the triple foundation building."

"What?" Fan Xinghe suddenly became extremely angry, and his whole person was like a crazy lion.

There was a hint of abnormal flushing on his face!

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