Chapter 1627: Happy Night

Fang Chuan looked around and found that the mountains here are steep, but a very nice valley is formed. The surrounding exotic flowers and plants are fragrant and pleasant.

It's just that weeds grow in some places, which gives people a very uncomfortable feeling.

Under the scan of the divine sense, no one was seen for several kilometers nearby.

If you want to stay here for one night, there is no problem.

Moreover, with the howls of wolves from time to time and the calls of insects and birds, the mountain breeze is coming, but it also has a special flavor.

"The environment here is really good, and it's getting late. Since Xiao Rui, you like it here, then we will camp here."

Fang Chuan smiled faintly, suppressed his inner desire, and said quickly.

Rui Zhixin was also very shy at first, but there is no way he can say anything and throw out the water.

What's more, they are not alone in the same room.

If Fang Chuan was a little bolder—she didn't know Fang Chuan's situation—maybe they were already very close now.

Therefore, she was fortunate to let go of her restraints and nodded and said, "I think it's okay."

Subsequently, Fang Chuan began to transform this valley.

He possesses great power and very powerful Taoism, such as protecting wind, protecting water, protecting fire, protecting soil, controlling thunder, and he wants to modify the terrain a little bit.

With a flick of his finger, a group of spiritual pill fire directly burned the weeds in the middle of the valley to ashes.

With a wave of his hand, the power of the imperial wind was revealed, and the ashes were blown hundreds of meters away.

Then, under the influence of the imperial soil, the ground rumbling, following the action of Fang Chuan's divine consciousness, piles of soil around it piled up to form a five-meter by five-meter bed.

After that, with a wave of his hand, in the mustard space, a set of beddings flew out and made the 25-square-meter bed.

These beddings were bought when he went to the supermarket before. Originally, he thought that when he went to sea treasure hunting, his women would need them.

Unexpectedly, I used it here.

In the end, he flicked his fingers and flicked pieces of jade accurately to the ground, forming a simple defensive formation.

This is a simple, field camp, just like this.


He used the power of the imperial wind, from a long distance, swept some thick-thigh wood, forming a large bonfire.

Pill fire ignited, and suddenly, the valley that had turned cooler gradually became warmer.

Because Fang Chuan burned the weeds with pill fire before, the soil forming the bed is equivalent to being burned, and it will not appear wet.

The night gradually became starry.

The mountain breeze came slowly, but because of Fang Chuan, it seemed so cool.

The biggest worries of mosquitoes in camping originally did not exist under the defensive formation.

"It's so comfortable!"

With a shy and joyful smile on Rui Zhixin's face, she jumped onto the big bed, only to find the big bed extremely comfortable.

Tired for a day today, there is still such a treatment.

She posed in large characters, looking up at the starry sky, completely attracted by the night in the mountains at an altitude of one thousand meters.

Coupled with the calls of insects and frogs around, she felt very novel.

"If I could take a hot bath, it would be perfect!" Rui Zhixin looked at Fang Chuan and said, in fact, she was already very satisfied.

It's just that I have a little sweat on my body. Will Fang Chuan dislike it after a while?

"This is very simple!"

Fang Chuan smiled faintly. In the divine consciousness, not far away, there was a small waterfall, and below it was a pool about half a person high.

The water in this pool is mountain water, very clear.

He took Rui Zhixin's hand and smiled faintly: "Last time we were in Yizhou City, I watched you take a shower. This time, how about I take a shower with you?"


Rui Zhixin's face was red when she heard it. She was already prepared, but Fang Chuan caught her off guard by saying so directly.

However, she nodded: "Yeah."

"Then let's go."

Fang Chuan said, he put his arms around her waist, and then walked against the wind, rising into the sky, and with a scream, he rushed to the mountain stream one kilometer away.

Dingdong, Dingdong——

The melodious sound of ding-dong water, along with the water of the waterfall, slapped on a hollow boulder in front of the pool, and passed it out.

With the help of the tranquility in the mountains, it is simply the most natural music, which makes people relax to the extreme.

Under the moonlight, the shadows are fascinating.

A crescent moon reflected in the water.

"Xiaochuan, you are really amazing, you can find such a pool." Rui Zhixin looked excited, enjoying the night mountain scenery very much.

Fang Chuan smiled faintly: "You will see better scenery in the future."

"It's just that there is something dark here." Rui Zhixin frowned slightly.

Brush and brush——

As soon as her words fell, woods flew out from the side, and plunged directly into the mountain wall by the waterfall and around the stone pond.

Following that, Fang Chuan waved his hand, and the little pill fire raged over, and immediately ignited the thick branch.

Suddenly, the entire pool was surrounded by a torch, making the night in the mountains more mysterious and beautiful.

"This water should also be a little cold." Fang Chuan smiled faintly, watching Rui Zhixin go to test the water.

"Well, it's a little bit, but it can be accepted..." Rui Zhixin was saying.


She then saw that Fang Chuan took off his clothes, showing his vigorous bronze muscles, and jumped into the pool of water.

She was feeling a trace of shame, and suddenly, she saw waves of graceful mist rising in the pool.

Suddenly, this is a mouthful of comfortable hot spring water!

"Xiaochuan..." Rui Zhixin felt extremely happy.

How can such a perfect man not be tempting?

She already has a kind of charm that she has devoted herself to Fang Chuan, unable to extricate herself.

Fang Chuan patted the clear water with his hand, smirked at Rui Zhixin, and hooked his finger: "I can wait for the beauty to change and bathe!"


Rui Zhixin was heartbroken, his cheeks were hot, but there was an indescribable joy and expectation in his heart.

She nodded hurriedly, and then, slowly and with a hint of shyness, she gradually reduced her clothes, revealing a graceful and exciting figure.

It was so exciting on the water pool illuminated by the torch, under the hazy mountain moonlight.

Her tender white and beautiful feet, step by step, stepping on the edge of this pool, swaying in a refreshing posture, slowly walked in front of Fang Chuan.


She gently slid into the water from the entrance of a pool, causing ripples.


This pool of water just overflowed her belly button, but it also gave people a hazy and fairy-like beauty, and then came to Fang Chuan little by little.

She blushed, looked at Fang Chuan, and whispered: "Xiao Chuan, I only hope that you will stay with me for the rest of my life. As long as you have me in your heart, my heart will no longer tolerate anyone else. !"

"Xiao Rui!"

When Fang Chuan heard Rui Zhixin's confession, his heart was shocked, and he hurriedly pulled Rui Zhixin's soft and beautiful body into his arms!

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