The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1616: What do you want?

Chapter 1616 What on earth do you want?

About ten minutes later, the two figures arrived in front of Fang Chuan at an extremely fast speed.

The two of them, it is Zhantaifeng and Wangpuxing.

Zhan Taifeng's current body is a qualification of Liusha Island, which can only be regarded as the body of the upper-middle person, Qiao Chu, for him, it is still a little short.

But the impending punishment is Fan Long's body, and Fan Long's strength is much stronger than Qiao Chu.

Therefore, Fang Chuan decided to let Zhan Taifeng change his body.

For these demons, changing their bodies is just like changing their clothes. However, before the change, the previous body will undoubtedly die.

"This..." Fu Hongxue naturally knew Zhan Taifeng and Fan Long. However, he didn't know that Fan Long had turned to Fang Chuan.

He looked at Fang Chuan: "You, what are you going to do?"

Fang Chuan smiled and ignored him. Instead, he smiled at Zhan Taifeng: "You should be very clear about the strength of this person, right?"

"I've been coveting it for a long time!" Zhetai couldn't help but smile, and licked the corner of his mouth as if he had seen very delicious food.

Fu Hongxue shuddered involuntarily.

Fang Chuan nodded: "Then this body will be handed over to you. As for the previous body, let him go back to Shadao. Anyway, he will live soon."

"Understood." Zhan Taifeng nodded.


After that, a black air rushed out of Qiao Chu's body, and then, almost instantly, it rushed into Fu Hongxue's body.


Fu Hongxue's body and spirit were immediately invaded by terror. If it were his peak state, he might still be able to resist.

However, he was injured again and again, and he was invaded by Li Dong's demon fire spirit just now, and he was exhausted.

Therefore, at this time, he has no ability to resist at all.

After Fu Hongxue screamed three more times, he closed his eyes, blood and tears streaming out, and the moment he opened his eyes, he had already turned into Zhantaifeng.

Fu Hongxue's body became evil, and even a trace of the demon clan's royal line appeared on his forehead.

Zhe Taizhen respected Fang Chuan and bowed: "Master, this body is too strong. It won't take long for me to break through the shackles of his body and reach the triple foundation of foundation building!"


Fang Chuan nodded, this was the effect he wanted. The two demons beside him possess unlimited potential.

As long as his strength can keep up and can suppress these two demons, these two demons will grow at an extremely fast speed.

The two of them are currently his most powerful weapons.


At this moment, Qiao Chu had regained control of his body. He knelt on the ground and vomited blood.

He was occupied by Zhan Taifeng, but his consciousness was completely present, and he had witnessed everything about Zhan Taifeng.

Now he has suffered severe damage to his mind and body.

He was instinctively scared when he saw Zhetaifeng and Fang Chuan.

"Master, save me!"

He was almost brainwashed by Diantaifeng-because he had been under the influence of Diantaifeng-so he almost regarded Fang Chuan as his master.

He kowtows quickly: "I don't want to die! Master, as long as I live, I will be your most loyal subordinate!"

Fang Chuan glanced at him and smiled faintly: "I can't save you, but with my current state, I can make you live a few more years."


Qiao Chu was taken aback first, followed by joy, and kowtow again: "Master, even if I can live a few more years, I am willing!"

He said again: "Please my master!"

Fang Chuan didn't expect that after the demonic fetus was possessed, there would still be such an effect, which could affect the host through the control of Jiulizhu.

As a result, has it been a long time since Zhan Taifeng gave up Fu Hongxue's body, but Fu Hongxue was almost enslaved?

He smiled and waved his hand: "I can give you a chance, but if you want to live, it depends on your contribution."


Qiao Chu was not stupid either, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he understood, and quickly said: "Please make it clear from the master that I will do my best to complete the task that the master gave me!"

"it is good."

Fang Chuan smiled faintly: "You returned to Sand Island as my internal response. I killed so many of you, and also killed Luo Xunhuan. Sooner or later, the people on Liusha Island will come to me for trouble. You look at the situation first. , If I have time to come and destroy Liusha Island, you will be with me inside and outside."

"Yes, master!" Qiao Chu nodded quickly.

Fang Chuan saw Qiaochu in this state, he was clearly enslaved, so far, there is no need to doubt his loyalty.

Moreover, he also asked Fang Chuan.

He smiled: "Then you go!"


While he was talking, a few Qi Healing Pills popped up, which were made by Li Xing and Emperor Hu De. They had a good effect on healing, restoring physical injuries, and restoring energy.

"When your body can't stand it, take one pill." Fang Chuan said lightly.

"Thank you Master!"

Qiao Chu was overjoyed. With Fang Chuan's pill, he was more confident in completing Fang Chuan's task.

Then, at Fang Chuan's sign, he left directly.

"the host."

Zhan Taifeng carried the Chixiao sword, came to Fang Chuan's body, smiled slightly: "Thank you, the master for rewarding me with such a powerful body."

Fang Chuan waved his hand: "I reward you, and you have to play his role."

"Zhan Tai Feng understands!" Zhan Tai Feng quickly gave up.

Fang Chuan waved his hand: "Okay, let's go!"

Then they went to the villa together.

In a blink of an eye, Fang Chuan was in the villa on this day, consolidating his realm, and trying to suppress the breath in his body to prevent the catastrophe from erupting.

He did it several times in a row, and almost made his astringent technique lose its effect.

Therefore, even though he saw Lu Wei and the others on this day, he couldn't do double cultivation with them.

As for the delirium and impunity, they are equivalent to Fang Chuan's weapons hidden in the dark, and they have been hidden near Fang Chuan.

They also need time to adapt to their bodies.

Fortunately, the imprisonment is fine, the body already has a great fit. However, Zhantai is still a little bit close, and it will take some time.

However, this day also allowed Zhan Taifeng to exert almost 90% of Fu Hongxue's strength.

Fang Chuan woke up from the practice, his aura was suppressed once again, and he didn't need to worry about his catastrophe.

The reason why he suppressed the tribulation is to find the right opportunity and make complete preparations to temper his body in the tribulation.

He has a very bold idea!

He wants to use Heaven's Tribulation to increase the rank of Demon Refining Mirror and reach the realm of low-grade treasure.

In this way, his strength will be able to advance by leaps and bounds!

At the same time, he was also thinking about whether to integrate Jiu Lizhu into his body. In this way, neither Jiuyin Demon Lord nor Li Qingniu would be able to steal it!

Therefore, he needs a good plan!

"Mr. Fang, let me tell you one thing!" Fan Huang called in.

"Say." Fang Chuan answered the phone.

"The people from the Xun family, with some powerful experts, came to our Fan's Manor and looked for my father."

Fan Huang paused: "They knew that my father was sealed by you, and they have set off now to find the little girl!"

"People from the Xun family? Are they here?" Fang Chuan frowned, then tickled at the corner of his mouth: "They are looking for death!"

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