Chapter 1608


Fang Chuan raised his brows. He didn't expect that Fu Hongxue was still in Yizhou City.

"Did you not expect that I was still in Yizhou City?"

Fu Hongxue sneered. Compared with before, there was a slight change in the aura on his body, with a hint of evil.

He smiled and said, "You guys in the Fang group are really powerful. I have killed a few, and I still know that I booked a ticket to the Qinggang."

A tick at the corner of his mouth: "However, I changed my mind."

"You seem very confident this time?" Fang Chuan looked at Fu Hongxue and smiled faintly.

"Ha ha."

Fu Hongxue laughed, and a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes: "I think that person is right. Although I can't kill you, but I can destroy anything you want to do. I can also threaten you. woman!"

He smiled and said: "Even if you fight hard with me, you can't kill me! Do you think that Luo Xunhuan's idiot talisman, you will have a lot?"

"Too ignorant." Fang Chuan couldn't help shook his head.

"The big brother, you are too right!"

Fan Dongsheng felt a burst of joy when he saw people giving them a head start, and he quickly said: "This person is very arrogant, because someone should suppress him."

He said again: "He wants to kill us, brother, we are on the same front!"

"Ha ha."

Fu Hongxue turned her head and glanced at Fan Dongsheng coldly, and didn't even care about him. To him, Fan Dongsheng was just an ant.

He was not to save Fan Dongsheng, but to disgust Fang Chuan.

He smiled and said, "This family, I am in Baoding. You can't take this woman away! Either fight with me or get out of here!"


The sword in his hand shook violently, and immediately, the blood-colored sword blossoms burst out, sharp and numb.

"This person is so powerful!" Fan Huang was shocked by the dangerous aura emanating from Fu Hongxue. He felt that this person made him feel stronger than Fang Chuan.

However, he still did not easily think that Fang Chuan was not his opponent.

"Xiaochuan, hurry up and leave me alone!" Fan Youmei was very happy that Fang Chuan could arrive in time, but when she saw Fu Hongxue, she started to worry about Fang Chuan.

Fan Dongsheng laughed and said: "Fang Chuan, you come to kill me! Haha! I have already said that in this world, you are not the only one. There are people outside the world, and there are heaven outside the world. This big brother is your nemesis!


Fang Chuan smiled faintly and shook his head: "Too naive!"

He looked at Fu Hongxue again: "Remember what I said before? When you people are still standing still, I have surpassed you."

The corner of his mouth hooked: "And today, I will let you know how vulnerable you are in front of me!"


Fu Hongxue absolutely didn't believe that Fang Chuan could make a qualitative leap in such a short time. Even if it improves, it is very limited.

As a master of the double peak of the foundation building, facing people of Fang Chuan's level, he is absolutely sure to suppress him!


He didn't say much, with a sigh, his whole person was already like lightning, rushing to Fang Chuan's body.

The Chixiao sword in his hand burst out with brilliant sword light.

A terrible sword aura burst out in his hand, with amazing lethality!

This is a lore, fierce!


However, at the next moment, Fang Chuan had an extra magic knife in his hand, almost like lightning, and it was already cut out.

Fight with swords!

Fang Chuan casually hacked, it was a terrifying knife skill, extremely powerful!


Fu Hongxue's eyes widened, she couldn't believe this was the truth! He was directly slashed by Fang Chuan!


His body traversed the entire hall, piercing through the past, directly piercing the wall behind the hall with a diameter of tens of meters.

The blade light gradually dispersed!

There was a smile on Fang Chuan's face: "Senior? Confidence? All shit!"


The blood in Fu Hongxue's body was violent, and with only one move against Fang Chuan, he was shocked to discover that Fang Chuan's strength had broken through to a terrifying realm.

Only then did he feel that Fang Chuan's breath had reached the first level of foundation building!

Moreover, his strength has surpassed him.

He couldn't imagine that there are such terrifying people in this world who can break through in such a short time!

After the breakthrough, it was so powerful!

He stepped on, as if shrinking into an inch, he returned to Fang Chuan in a blink of an eye.

However, his hair is a bit messy and he looks very embarrassed.

A trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

His sword pointed at Fang Chuan: "You are so powerful! But, do you think I have no tricks to suppress the bottom of the box?"

He gritted his teeth: "Today's family, I am in Baoding! I advise you, it is better to leave! Otherwise, I can suppress you as well and make you live better than dead!

"is it?"

Fang Chuan smiled faintly, "Unfortunately, you think too much, that is simply impossible!"

"This--" Fan Dongsheng's heart suddenly burst. He didn't expect Fang Chuan to be so terrifying.

This person in front of him is obviously better than Fang Chuan before, and I don't know how many times he is stronger.

However, Fang Chuan's explosive power made people so desperate.

Fan Huang's confidence in Fangchuan was even greater.

"Since you don't believe me, let you see it!"

Murderous aura flashed in Fu Hongxue's eyes. Following that, his figure shook, and in an instant, two figures appeared.

One is true and one is false, and there are powerful sword auras around the body.

His killing intent filled the whole hall.


He roared, and one of the figures had already rushed in front of Fang Chuan. Sword Qi slashed sharply, with thundering momentum.

However, at this moment, another figure of him rushed in front of Fan Youmei faster than before.

It turns out that his real ultimate move, the real trump card, is to control Fan Yumei!


Fang Chuan couldn't help laughing, "I thought you, an old man, would have some powerful methods, it turned out to be such shameless methods!"

He didn't change his face while he spoke, or even panic at all. He stepped on it, and at that moment, it was like a flash of surprise.


The terrifying speed of Mach Three broke out at this time.

Come first!


His speed far surpassed Fu Hongxue. At that moment, his knife had already been cut in front of Fu Hongxue.

Fu Hongxue hurriedly released his sword skills, the sword aura flashed, and the light was brilliant, resisting Fang Chuan's sword skills.

However, with just one stab, Fang Chuan's whole person was slashed out and fell to the ground, rolling dozens of times.

The terrible force cracked the ground and beat Fu Hongxue to vomit blood.


Fu Hongxue smashed the other wall through again.

"I--" Fan Dongsheng collapsed! He was stimulated too much! Luo Xunhuan's death was already unbearable for him.

The appearance of Fu Hongxue gave him hope.

Now, Fu Hongxue was cut into the air by Fang Chuan, obviously not Fang Chuan's opponent.

"You are here to wait for me obediently!"

Fang Chuan waved his hand with three bursts of vigor, blasting the three of Fan Dongsheng's body, sealing them up, unable to move.

Following that, he shook his body and rushed out!

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