The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1589: You can't do it together!

Chapter 1589 You can't do it together!

Fang Chuan faced Fu Hongxue alone. It was actually very difficult. His body had received a great shock. If it were not for the best refining demon mirror, he would have died.

Now, so many masters are swarming, making him more pressure.

You know, Luo Xunhuan, Fan Long, and the few people that Fan Long brought are all masters of building a foundation.

Adding all of them together, that terrifying force, even Fu Hongxue had to avoid it, let alone Fang Chuan.

However, Fang Chuan's face showed an excited smile.


He laughed, raised the double knives in his hands, and looked at the crowd: "I want this effect, I want you to swarm up! Come on, let me see Fang Chuan, what qualifications do you have to kill me!"

As he spoke, murderous aura permeated.

"Don't blame him so much, come on!"


In an instant, Luo Xunhuan and the others rushed forward, and they were divided into three levels. The people on the first level had killed Fang Chuan with their killer moves.

The start-up style of the second floor has been prepared, and it has already attacked Fang Chuan.

And the people on the third level are also ready to go!

This kind of orderly attack has greatly improved their combat effectiveness, and it has made their originally flawed moves extremely small, or even if they have it, it is not easy to break.

Moreover, in this situation, even the masters of the 9th and 8th layers of qi refining, their power has a certain effect.

Such an attack is fierce and unparalleled, just like turbulent waves, wave after wave!


The first layer of attack had already rushed in front of Fang Chuan, and Fang Chuan's double knives slashed out frantically. The speed was extremely fast, and strong winds were stirring.

However, these were five masters of foundation building and one heavy attack at the same time. The pressure on him can be imagined. He received a wave of attacks from them in one breath, and the internal organs made a clanging sound like a drum.

Even if the best demon mirror was protecting him, it was about to reach its limit.

What's more, on the other side, there was also Fu Hongxue's sword aura, slashing with great force and sharpness.

Fang Chuan breathed a sigh of relief and accepted their attack. He was blown out and hit the warehouse wall heavily.

With a bang, the warehouse walls were shattered.

And then, the second layer of attack also rushed over. It was like a wave, slapped on Fang Chuan's body severely.

After attacking again and again, Fang Chuan could only reluctantly, and then another scar was added to his body.

He was beaten further.

Boom, boom——

The people of the third level are bombarded again.

People at their level, although their combat effectiveness is not high. However, with the first two waves of attacks, Fang Chuan hardly had the power to resist.

Therefore, their attacks are almost all effective.


A series of attacks, knives, guns, sticks, fists, feet and claws completely blasted Fang Chuan's body.

Fang Chuan's body immediately splashed with blood, and a torrent of terror like a torrent of internal energy bombarded his body.

His whole person, once again being beaten into flight, had already blasted from the warehouse to an empty field outside the warehouse.

The ground was cracked!


Throughout the night, Fang Chuan’s frantic laughter was heard, "It's so happy, so happy, comfortable!"

In Fang Chuan's body, the dantian had been beaten to the pain, and there seemed to be some cracks in the dantian.

This torrential attack made his defensive ability of the best refining demon mirror almost reached the extreme.

Most people can't bear that kind of pain.

"Is this man crazy?"

"Our attack just now was enough to kill him!"


The people were completely shocked by Fang Chuan's unkillable ability. They never thought that there were such terrifying people in the world.


Fang Chuan jumped up, Qi therapy continued to gush out, and the trauma on his body continued to improve.

The momentum brewing in his body has increased a lot.

He smiled slightly and looked at these people in front of him. Which of these people is not a super master? Put it in any place, you can dominate one side.

Unfortunately, they joined forces to attack, but they couldn't kill him.

He shook his head: "You are not enough! However, your abilities are here! It's time for me to fight back!"


"Can he fight back?"

"This person will not be aimless, please be careful!"

Fan Long and the others twisted their hearts, Fang Chuan is such a terrifying person, his counterattack, I am afraid it will not be so easy!

"You just die first!"

Fang Chuan's gaze turned to those masters of the eighth or nineth layer of Qi refining, including Ying Ji, including Wu Jian and others.


He displayed the imperial wind technique, coupled with the speed of his physical body erupting, instantly surpassing Mach two, his figure is like a bolt of lightning.

"not good!"

"His speed is terrible!"

Everyone was shocked when they saw the scene in front of them. Wu Jian and others were shocked, like lambs to be slaughtered, even if they were legendary capable people!

"Want to kill, dream!"

But, fortunately, there is also a guardian **** on their side, Fu Hongxue who is so powerful that Fang Chuan can't hurt him.

Fu Hongxue had already spared his life today, and he vowed not to give up unless Fang Chuan was killed.

To kill Fang Chuan, one must count on the others present.

These people, any of them, are a new force. One more person, one more hope that Fang Chuan could die!

Therefore, he would never let Fang Chuan kill anyone here.

With a sneer, a sword glow, like a giant python dragon, had already blasted in front of Fang Chuan almost instantly.

At the same time, Fu Hongxue's whole person also used a spiral manner, carrying suffocating power, and using peerless swordsmanship to kill Fang Chuan.

He can't kill Fang Chuan, but he thinks he can definitely stop Fang Chuan!

However, he underestimated Fang Chuan!

"Nine Lizhu, come out!"

The moment Fu Hongxue cut out his sword energy, and the moment his figure rushed towards Fang Chuan, a black bead suddenly appeared in Fang Chuan's hand.

A devilish energy rushed out and plunged into Fu Hongxue's body.

"Not good!" Fu Hongxue was shocked. This black energy instantly weakened his will, causing illusions to grow, and what frightened him the most was that his internal energy was being invaded by this black energy.

Boom boom boom!

The Chixiao Sword in his hand suddenly burst into light like a blood lotus, and he wanted to vent the devilish energy in his body.

However, Jiulizhu is a treasure-level magic weapon, how could it be driven away so easily?


Fang Chuan's two swords came out together, and his true energy was raging, instantly smashing the sword energy that Fu Hongxue had just cut. The next moment, he rushed to Wu Jian and others.

Click, click...

After Fu Hongxue's delay, Fang Chuan arrived in front of Wu Jian and they took a slow shot. Wu Jian's hands were cold, and ice walls grew crazily, blocking Fang Chuan and him.

At the same time, the flames of Ling Yan's whole body, like a phoenix, rushed towards Fang Chuan.

"Can't let him kill our people, come on!" Luo Xunhuan also roared!

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