The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1581: Desperately useless

Chapter 1581

In such a moment, the entire space gave people a feeling of magical shadows flying. Overwhelming, it's all that kind of devilish energy!

Zhetaifeng and Wang Mingxing knew that this was their last chance. If this opportunity was not grasped, they would be completely controlled by this ‘Tian De Xian Zun’!

Therefore, they are also desperate.

Boom, boom——

Fang Chuan's ears heard a violent sound like thunder. Inside Jiu Lizhu, there were bursts of magic sounds.

His spirit was greatly threatened.

These are two demons and imperial families, before dying, they issued a terrorist counterattack.

Fortunately, he has a wealth of combat experience against the demons, and his spiritual consciousness is also very powerful, which is not much better than ordinary foundation-building cultivators.


His gaze flickered, and a mental storm blasted into Jiulizhu in an instant, in the will of the two people to fight back.

Immediately, storms formed inside, and the three wills fought wildly.

However, for Fang Chuan, in Jiulizhu, he is the home court, and he can take advantage of Jiulizhu's momentum, but it also makes him a lot stronger.

In a moment, he gained the upper hand and gained the upper hand.

At the same time, the demon bodies of Zhetaifeng and Wangmingxing also slew in front of him.

Being able to come to this nothingness, in fact, he also came in through the illusory form of spirit, divine consciousness, etc.

Therefore, Zhan Taifeng and the others killed him, surrounded him, and attacked him with a devilish energy. When they furiously killed him, his body also instantly grew bigger.

The palm of his hand was quite bigger than the two of Detai, and when he pressed it down, the two of Detai could hardly resist.

With a loud bang, the two of Zhantaifeng were almost scattered by his huge palm.

Originally, they were not afraid of the devil's collapse, anyway, they are in the void, even if they are scattered, they can gather again.

However, what they are very anxious at the moment is that Jiu Lizhu's effect on their souls is getting stronger and more profound.

They are the counterattacks and Fang Chuan is the defense.

Therefore, they must take Fang Chuan back and control Fang Chuan before Jiu Lizhu can control them, in order to keep them safe!



The two of Zhan Taifeng looked at each other, and they both saw the anxiety in each other's eyes, and then yelled, the demonic energy in their bodies surged and turned into a giant devil with a single horn and blood red in his hands A flaming fork.

The two of them jointly performed a secret method of the Demon Realm, which immediately increased their spiritual will tenfold.


After that, they drove the terrible devil, facing Fang Chuan, and slammed it. The whole Wuwu was shaken.

That wave of demonic energy, like a storm swept across, terrifying.


Facing their offensive, Fang Chuan didn't feel any fear. He didn't change his face, and he played a dozen hands in a row.

Following that, he slammed with both hands. With a bang, the black light in Jiulizhu blasted out with his hand.

This is a black light that can completely suppress the demons, and it has also formed a harpoon-like weapon, slamming against the devil's fork.

There was a loud bang, and the whole Wuwu shuddered suddenly, surging demonic energy, constantly rolling.


"not good!"

At this moment, Zhetaifeng and Wang Mingxue received a huge impact. The image of the devil behind them was blasted into nothingness.

Their whole beings also flew out, their bodies continued to collapse, and they continued to merge under their spiritual consciousness.


At this moment, Fang Chuan's mental consciousness, in Jiulizhu, through Jiulizhu's formation and home court advantage, had completely suppressed the will to bite the others.

With a bang, Jiu Lizhu returned to normal.

Still busy.

Fang Chuan looked at the two of Zhan Taifeng lightly, and waved: "Come here!"

"Yes! Master!"

The royal family of these two demons became extremely respectful at this time. They flew over without hesitation.

They crawled under Fang Chuan's feet, like the most loyal servants.

Fang Chuan was able to sense their hearts through Jiulizhu, knowing that these two demons had been controlled by Jiulizhu.

He smiled: "Very well, from now on, you are my tools, so I don't have to stay in the midst of nothingness."


"I miss the outside air so much!"

Zhe Taifeng and Wang Mingxue cheered. If Fang Chuan were not in front of them, they might have cheered.

Fang Chuan saw him and waved his hand.


After that, the three of them have returned to the real world.

Zhetaifeng and Wangmingxing are demons, and their shapes can also be displayed in the outside world. They turned into two big men, one on the left and the other, standing beside Fang Chuan.

Suddenly, the whole room was filled with demons.

Fang Chuan frowned. He was a monk. Although he was able to deal with demonic energy, he still didn't like this kind of breath.

He waved his hand: "I'll teach you a way to constrain your breath, and you will not be allowed to show demonic energy by my side in the future."


"Understood, Master."

Zhetaifeng and Wang Mingxing nodded their heads again and again, seeming to agree with Fang Chuan's orders very much, and were not willing to violate them at all.

Fang Chuan followed, holding his hands in front of them, and flicking his fingers. True Qi and Divine Sense blasted into their bodies, and soon they obtained the aura-reducing exercises taught by Fang Chuan.

This is a convergence technique that can be called a heavenly masterpiece.

Moreover, it is very quick to get started.

In only half an hour, they successfully practiced, and once the exercises were performed, their breath disappeared completely.

If it weren't for some of their bodies that are unreal, no one can feel them, what's the difference between them.

"Well, you should enter my mustard space first, and when the opportunity comes, I will find two very good bodies for you."

Fang Chuan said, without waiting for them to answer, he took them directly into the mustard space.

The mustard space cannot contain living creatures, but the demon bodies such as Delitaifeng and Suicide do not need air, nor are they afraid of time-solidified creatures, but they are not so particular.

When he finished all this, he felt a lot more comfortable.

Because he received the delirium and the impunity, it means that he has two more masters on his side, and he is out of sight, which has a great effect and greatly strengthened his strength.

At this time, he got up, called Leng Yiye, and asked about the activities of the Qinggang, Hongmen and Luo Xunhuan in Yizhou City.

He had received Fang Chuan's order before Leng Night and had been collecting information about these people. Therefore, as soon as Fang Chuan called, he immediately reported to Fang Chuan.

After Fang Chuan heard the news, his brows frowned.

"Ok, I see."

Fang Chuan hung up the phone, and a murderous look flashed in his eyes, "The Fan family dares to move the people I am covering, then, don't blame me for being rude."

As he said, he shook his figure and flew out of the villa in a blink of an eye.

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