Chapter 1578: Let You Go

Luo Xunhuan regretted coming to this place! Originally, he was a member of the Qinggang who was working here. He came to negotiate with the Qinggang, but he did not expect to encounter this.

He thought that with his current strength, even if he couldn't completely defeat Fang Chuan, he could save people from Fang Chuan's hands.


It turns out that he thinks too much.

He doesn't have that ability at all.

But now, Fang Chuan even wants to stay.

He sneered: "Even if I can't beat it, it's still impossible if you want to kill me. Don't forget, I still have a lot of hole cards in my hand."


As he said, he took out a piece of golden talisman paper from the inner bag!

Of course Fang Chuan knew this thing. Last time, Luo Xunhuan used it once when dealing with prehistoric monsters on Skull Island.

This Talisman is invaluable and can greatly enhance a person's strength in a short time.

If Fang Chuan used the best refining demon mirror and used this golden talisman to fight Luo Xunhuan, he might win, but it was also a miserable victory.

Luo Xunhuan can't judge him with common sense.

Luo Xunhuan’s face showed a sneer: "You should also know what the things I am holding. I still have a lot of such things. I advise you one last time and let them go. Otherwise, you will only have a dead end."

"a lot of?"

Fang Chuan clicked the corner of his mouth and swept over his spiritual sense, and found that Luo Xunhuan was the last talisman.

He shook his head: "You still have one in the end, don't I know? Use it! Even if you use it, you can't do anything to me!"


He immediately activated the formation of the best demon refining mirror, and runes flowed through his body, conveying a terrible breath in his body.

This kind of breath makes people feel pressure on their breath.

It seems to be an invincible trend.

"This... is also terrible!"

"Oh my God!"

"What is this person?"

Fang Chuan's terrifying aura passed out, and the Iron Wolf trio were dumbfounded. They no longer had the strength to resist, and they had expected Luo Xunhuan to solve Fang Chuan.

However, as soon as Fang Chuan's breath was revealed, they were desperate!

This is simply an invincible object!


Luo Xunhuan almost didn't spit out a mouthful of blood! He originally took out the talisman to scare Fang Chuan, but he didn't expect that this guy still has such a powerful aura!

Of course he didn't believe that Fang Chuan himself had such a strong strength. He knew that this must be a powerful magic weapon.

In any case, he was beaten by Fang Chuan, and his heart almost collapsed.

He was naturally reluctant to use the last talisman.

Moreover, at this time, he reluctantly discovered that even if he used Talisman, he could not defeat Fang Chuan 100%.

The gain is not worth the loss!

Only he knows the aggrieved in his heart.

Fang Chuan's mouth tickled: "You know now that the gap between us can't be crossed with a single sword, right?"

"so what?"

Luo Xunhuan sneered: "You too underestimated my Talisman!"

He then waved his hand: "However, you don't deserve me to use Talisman. That's it for today. If you want to keep me, it depends on your ability!"

As he said, the sword closed. With a scream, his body was like electricity, and he touched the ground three times. In a blink of an eye, he disappeared.

His physical strength is also top-notch!

"he's gone?"

"I go!"

"It's dead this time!"

Iron Wolf and his companions are already dumbfounded! Their hope, Luo Xunhuan, had already slipped away at this moment.

Especially Iron Wolf, he was scared!

Fang Chuan looked at the Iron Wolf and smiled faintly: "There is no one to save you now, but you are also tired of me, just go to death!"


With a wave of his hand, a puff of anger hit Iron Wolf's head. Among them, the soul-storing power with the best refining demon mirror, and the chaotic magic skills he played out.

A bang, like a storm, entered the iron wolf's mind. The Iron Wolf immediately fell into a desperate illusion.

His spirit was breaking down bit by bit.

His life is passing bit by bit.

He let out a painful, screaming cry. He was trembling all over, bleeding from his seven orifices, he seemed to have seen the most terrifying thing in this world, and had endured the most terrifying pain in this world.

After about half a minute, he seemed to have gone through a century before finally fell to the ground.

"What a horrible person!"

"This person is really desperate!"

The two companions of Iron Wolf, they are capable people, and they have almost never had a chance to show their abilities, and they have already lost their combat effectiveness.

And now, they saw their companions end up so miserably, their hearts were pity and fear.

They could deeply feel what kind of pain and despair the Iron Wolf had experienced during the half-minute time.

And all of this was brought by the man in front of him.


The king Ma on the side, at this moment, hides here like an imp, shivering. By this time, he had fully understood.

Fang Chuan is not something he can fight against!

Even the members of the Qing Gang were so weak in front of Fang Chuan.

He is out of help!

"The two of you should have been punished by the iron wolf. However, you are lucky. You just said to help my brother. I can let you go."

Fang Chuan's mouth twitched, looking at the two companions of Iron Wolf, and waved his hands: "You go! However, I advise you, it is best not to continue to help the Qinggang. Because if the Qinggang continues to trouble me, I will let him die."


After hearing Fang Chuan's words, these two people couldn't help but feel excited. If placed before, they would definitely regard Fang Chuan's words as the funniest joke in the world!

However, now, they actually believed so little.

Because just now Fang Chuan showed the terrifying strength, even in the Qing Gang, few people can fight him.

Moreover, how terrifying this person's potential is, no one can fully estimate.

He said that he wanted to destroy the Qinggang, as long as he was given enough time, it was really possible!

"Thank you Mr. Fang for not killing."

"However, we are members of the Qing Gang when we are born, and death is a ghost of the Qing Gang. If Mr. Fang wants to destroy the Qing Gang, then next time, please Mr. Fang not to show mercy."

These two people are also sturdy people. After hearing Fang Chuan's words, how could they not be afraid. However, fear returns to fear, integrity returns to integrity.

They are originally loyal people, afraid, and do what they seem to do.

They respectively bowed to each other, then turned and left the hall.

"These two people are pretty good. Unfortunately, I forgot to ask them their names."

Fang Chuan couldn't help but sighed as he watched the two men leave. Then, he turned his head and looked at King Ma Yan who was almost sitting aside.

He couldn't help smiling: "Hammer, it's time to send you on the road!"

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