The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1569: Revisit the old place

Chapter 1569

In a blink of an eye, it was already May.

Fang Chuan came to Chishui County on this day, outside a little-known clinic.

His mood is very complicated.

That is, today, a year ago, he went from a dying little security guard to a Xianzun II. Since then, he has risen all the way to become a big brother of Yizhou City.

Moreover, this is just the beginning of everything.

He still has a more magnificent road, a more magnificent life to continue.

But here is his starting point!

In a small county, not only is the pace of life very slow. Moreover, change is very slow. What it looked like a year ago, it is the same today a year later.

Even the old man at the door who sells hand cakes at the stall has not changed.

Fang Chuan looked at the clinic with emotion. Sometimes life is an opportunity that can make people jump into the dragon gate.

This is, some people have a chance, some people don't.

He Fang Chuan is a happy person after all.

He stood here with a sense of life. His original intention has not changed at this moment.

Get ahead and step on the feet of everyone who has laughed at him.

Also bring his parents back from the ghost world.

He almost did the former. However, for the latter, he is still working hard. To enter the ghost world, it is not something that can be done during the foundation period.

"Dad, Mom, you guys are waiting for me. Be nice over there. One day, I will come to pick you up."

Fang Chuan looked up at the sky, his eyes penetrating the clouds, as if he could see the other end of the clouds, like another world.

Tears flowed from his eyes.

The scenes of the past flashed in his mind.

Then he smiled slightly. An anger lightly spread across his face. With a sneer, the tears on the corners of his eyes were completely evaporated.

Then, his gaze turned to the old man who was buying hand cakes.

He didn't seem to have changed, Feng Shuang had already written all over his cheeks. There is a kind of kindness in his smile.

Today's business does not seem to be very good.

However, he was not in a hurry.

Fang Chuan walked toward him. He still remembers that the old man helped him when he was too poor to buy a hand cake with ham.

Now that he is powerful and powerful, it is time to give back to this old man.

"Old man, your business isn't so good today?" At this moment, a bleak voice came from the side.

Following that, several bald-headed and tattooed rascals came over with a smile and surrounded the old man.

"Brothers, why are you here again?"

The old man's face also changed a bit, and then he frowned, "Today the business is very weak, and the total has not been sold for 100 yuan. Didn't you also give you 500 protection fees yesterday?"

"Does your business have anything to do with us?"

The headed bald hooligan was tall and strong, and he was very big, giving people a sense of depressive threat from a distance.

His face was not good, so he knocked on the old man's booth and sneered: "This place, you have to find out who owns this place!"

"I know it is the site of your boss Fangchuan."

The old man sighed, "I don't know your boss, nor can I see him. You say yes, I pay you a lot of protection money every month, but I can't ask for it every day, and I can't afford it. !"


The headed hooligan slapped the old man's car suddenly, and the whole car shook suddenly, with a loud noise.

The old man was taken aback and couldn't help taking a step back.

The headed bald sneered, "Is it coming every day? I was out of luck today and lost some money. If I lose, I can't cover you. If I want to cover you, shouldn't I bear it together? ?"

He spread his hands and slapped him: "Give me this number today, otherwise, I will smash the people who took you with your car, believe it or not?"

"you you……"

The old man was trembling with anger! Five hundred yuan, he usually can't sell five hundred yuan a day, not to mention the bleak business today.

He took out the box with the money on the side and put it in front of the gangsters: "Look at it, I'm really less than 100 yuan today, and I don't have any other money. You can take this money if you want. , I can’t do anything without taking it to my old man!"

He sighed: "Oh, there is really no law in this world, there is no king's law!"

"Tianli? Wang Fa?"

The hooligan snorted coldly: "Lao Tzu is the law of heaven, Lao Tzu is Wang Fa! I tell you, our boss Fang Chuan, you go to find out, talk to the county party secretary, that is the iron buddy. He is in the provincial capital, and he is also a first class Big shot!"

He said again: "If you want to go to the police, try it. See if you were caught or I was caught!"

He said, slammed and kicked the old man's car. The sign in front of the old man's car was kicked out of a pit.

"Stop it!" The old man was furious. "You beasts, Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu fights with you!"

As he said, he raised the spatula in his hand and slammed it hard at the rogue.


The hooligan was a young man with quick eyes and quick hands, and grabbed the spatula in the old man's hand.

He sneered: "You dare to do it! Brothers, smash me! I smashed his stall, see if he can still be proud!"


"This old guy dare not put us in his eyes!"

"Do it? Who does he think he is?"

These rascals were bullying and fearing hardships, relying on the large number of people, they swarmed over and started to smash the old man's booth.

And the hooligan who was in the lead also pushed hard, attached the spatula, and brought the old man out.


Wherever the old man could bear the push of this rascal, the whole person fell backward. Behind him is a flowerbed. There is a circle of steps around the flower bed! If he falls, he will inevitably hit the back of his head on the stone steps.

Don't say he is old and physically weak, even if a young man hits the back of the head, it is no small matter.

At his age, I am afraid he will die!

There was a sudden twitch in the old man's heart, as if he felt dangerous.


However, at this moment, Fang Chuan's figure shook, and suddenly he came to his side, and when he reached out his hand, he stopped the old man.


The old man felt he was being hugged from behind, and he was relieved. Then, he was straightened directly!

In a blink of an eye, he saw Fang Chuan.

This is a stranger!

A smile appeared on his face: "Young man, thank you."

"You're welcome, boss."

Fang Chuan clicked the corner of his mouth, he knew that the old man no longer remembered him, but how could he not remember the old man.

"Damn, where did the **** come from, dare to take care of your uncle?"

"Boy, do you want to die?"

"Brothers, go together, let him know, don't be nosy!"

As these people said, they bypassed the push cart, came to Fang Chuan's body, and started to do it.

Fang Chuan twitched the corner of his mouth, glanced at these people, and smiled: "You rubbish, you know, I've let you go before. Unfortunately, you still have to retribute!"

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