Chapter 1565 You Remember Me!

"Let me go?"

Fan Youmei also stood up and looked at Fan Dongsheng: "Is there no one in this place?"

Fan Dongsheng frowned.

"Of course not for you!"

Luo Meixia raised her voice, appearing very sharp and harsh: "First, you are a woman. A married woman is like water poured out. Here, you have no share!"

"Second, you don't know if your mother is alive or dead. Moreover, she left for a while back then to find your dad! No one can tell whether you are your dad's own life!"

Her tone was extremely vicious: "So, what right do you have to be in this place and discuss with us whether you have a position in the Fan family?"

"Mom -" Fan Huang's scalp is numb! He didn't expect that his mother would even dare to say this!

"You!" Fan Youmei's face changed suddenly, and she was extremely angry.


At this moment, Fang Chuan's figure suddenly moved. Almost instantly, she came to Lo Meixia.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, he grabbed Lo Meixia's neck.

"Yeah--" Luo Meixia felt the crisis in her whole body and let out a scream, and goose bumps came out of her body.


Luo Xunhuan snorted coldly, he had already prevented Fang Chuan from making a move. Since he wants to lose Fang Chuan's face, he can't let Fang Chuan bully Luo Meixia's family.

At the same time that Fang Chuan made the move, he had already made it.


He slammed Fang Chuan's hand with a punch, this was to encircle Wei and save Zhao. At the same time, his other hand grabbed Fang Chuan's forehead.

With this shot, he used his stunt on Quicksand Island. Powerful and powerful!

"Hmph, you want to stop me, you are a little bit short."

Fang Chuan's mouth twitched, his hand was like lightning, and he grabbed Luo Xunhuan's fist. At the same time, he kicked Luo Xunhuan's waist with a faster speed.

This is called treating one's body with one's own way!

Luo Xunhuan surrounded Wei and rescued Zhao, and he also came here!

With his defensive power, Luo Xunhuan would not cause much harm to him at all! And if Luo Xunhuan did not change his moves and was kicked by him, then he would be seriously injured.

He knew that Luo Xunhuan didn't dare to gamble at all.


Luo Xunhuan yelled, turned abruptly, and grabbed Fang Chuan's feet with both hands. The speed of the two of them is reaching the extreme.

Bang bang bang--

At the next moment, Fang Chuan's heels hit Luo Xunhuan's hands more than ten times in a row. Every time there is a terrible shock!

The fight between the two of them is like a fight of steel.


At this moment, Luo Xunhuan confronted Fang Chuan, but he was still far behind. Fisted by Fang Chuan, he flew out!

"Do not--"

Luo Xunhuan was about to split. He was attacked by Fang Chuan just now, and it is fair enough, but now, he is simply defeated by Fang Chuan!

No one can understand his pain!


Luo Xunhuan was repelled in less than a second. Fang Chuan strangled Luo Meixia's neck in the next moment.

With a wave of his hand, Luo Meixia fell to the ground. After rolling several times on the ground, she fell in front of Fan Youmei.

He clapped his hands and glanced at Luo Xunhuan who was hit with blood stains on the corner of his mouth.

Then he turned to Luo Meixia and smiled faintly: "I want to catch you, kill you, no one can keep you."

He walked to Fan Youmei's body, and then took Fan Youmei's hand: "Sister Fan is my woman. If anyone dares to disrespect her and spread rumors, there is only one dead end."

He then shot a sharp gaze at Fan Dongsheng: "Even if you are her father, it is no exception!"

Fan Dongsheng trembled!

He didn't expect that such a powerful person as Luo Xunhuan could not stop Fang Chuan from attacking his family.

He has some regrets in his heart!

Luo Meixia was so angry that she cursed: "You **** little bastard! You dare to beat me, one day, I will kill you. Sell Fan Yumei this **** to Africa and let her be blackmailed. ghost……"


Fang Chuan slapped and drew it away. Infuriated, she hit Luo Meixia into the air and drew a parabola.

Luo Meixia screamed in pain, but her body was unusually sober!

Originally, she was going to faint with this slap!

However, Fang Chuan took on Qi therapy again to prevent her from fainting!


Fan Huang's face also changed drastically, his face was full of blood, and no one could bear to see his mother being beaten.

He rushed over, picked up his mother, and quickly said: "Mom, are you okay?"

"You get out of me!" Luo Meixia was like crazy, slapped Fan Huang hard: "I was beaten by someone who is not promising, don't you know how to avenge me?"

"Go and fight him hard!"

"You trash!"

Luo Meixia is really out of control!

Fan Huang was also stunned!

Originally, he planned to support his mother first, and then go to Fang Chuan. Even if he couldn't beat him, he still wanted to let him know that if he beat his mother, he would be furious.

However, his mother's attitude at the moment made him a little confused!

That's Fang Chuan!

Even if you voluntarily go to die, as a mother, shouldn't you stop it? Why did she become the **** she said?

He felt a sudden twitch in his heart.


Fan Dongsheng sullenly shouted, looking at Luo Meixia: "Leave your mom out of here now!"

"Fan Dongsheng, you are also a useless!" Luo Meixia also shouted, "You raised a bitch, you don't even know if it is your seed..."

"I said enough!" Fan Dongsheng roared with all his strength, his face flushed.

His eyes were full of murderous intent, and he looked at Luo Meixia: "I don't allow you to insult her like this! She left at first, but she never did anything to sorry me. Yumi is also my daughter! One more thing, I will Do not spare you lightly!"

His eyes were cold, like an angry lion going mad!

At this time, Luo Meixia suddenly calmed down. She knew that she seemed to have done something wrong today.

"Take it away!" Fan Dongsheng shouted.

"Yes." Fan Huang had never seen his father so angry. He quickly took his mother into the car and drove away.

Fan Dongsheng looked at Fang Chuan again: "You came to me, did you come to me for what I promised Yumi before?"

"Yes." Fang Chuan smiled faintly, "If you want to go back, I will demolish your Fan's Manor."


Fan Dongsheng was angry and looked at Fang Chuan coldly, but he also knew in his heart that Fang Chuan really could not be too irritated.

After all, Fang Chuan defeated Luo Xunhuan in an instant just now.

He turned his head and looked at Luo Xunhuan: "Master Luo, I have to deal with the housework today, should we make an appointment tomorrow?"

"You--" Luo Xunhuan's pride just disappeared in a flash.

Fang Chuan waved his hand: "Just as you said just now, get out!"

Luo Xunhuan's face was extremely red, and his anger almost came out of his eyes. He wanted to do something with Fang Chuan, but he didn't bring a sword!

He looked at Fang Chuan and gritted his teeth: "You remembered it for me."

With that, he turned and left!

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