Chapter 1559 is so hostile?

When everyone heard it, the woman's voice was not small, and, vaguely, with a terrible breath, these people instinctively shut up.

This woman is not ordinary!

Suddenly, the entire restaurant was silent.

Ling Yan was very satisfied with a triumphant smile on her face.

She stood up and walked in front of Fang Chuan, her eyes drenched, and a murderous intent flashed through her eyes.

She looked at Fang Chuan: "You just looked at me, don't you admit it? Why don't you dare to see it?"

"Ha ha."

Fang Chuan shook his head: "If you say I look at you, I admit it. But what happens when I look at you? People, isn't it just for viewing?"

"You are molesting me!"

Ling Yan was arrogant and sneered, "If you dare to look at me, I will teach you a profound lesson!"


As she said, she suddenly started. A slap slapped the past, and there was a huge energy in the palm. If you hit an ordinary person, I'm afraid you can turn a person's head 360 degrees and die on the spot!

"not good!"

"Ling Yan!"

Wu Jian and others did not expect that Ling Yan would actually make such a cruel move. Although they are also used to killing people, killing people in the business center of Yizhou City is a big trouble.

"So hostile?"

Fang Chuan frowned. He thought this woman was just a princess temperament, but unexpectedly, she was a ruthless character.

This shot is meant to kill people!


Fang Chuan stretched out his hand, and the latter came first. He snapped and grabbed the woman's hand. His eyes drenched: "Get away!"

There was a bang. Fang Chuan shook his hand, and Ling Yan flew out. After a crackle, the table in the restaurant was knocked down by her five or six tables.

Everyone was stunned!

They did not expect that Fang Chuan would make such a heavy shot!

Teng Teng Teng!

Ling Yan fell to the ground, rolled a few times, followed, barely stabilized her body, looked embarrassed, and jumped up from the ground.

"court death!"

Ling Yan screamed, her aura became stronger, and even a faint red light gleamed, which ordinary people could not see, but Fang Chuan could see clearly.


Almost the next moment, Ling Yan's whole body rushed in front of Fang Chuan. In front of her, a faint flame burst out. The temperature rises sharply and the lethality is extremely strong.

But the speed is too fast for ordinary people to see clearly!

"Ha ha."

Fang Chuan's mouth twitched, and he could see the flames that Ling Yan had inspired. Obviously, this person is a natural fire attribute capable person, and, after special training, possesses powerful fighting skills.

Combining fighting skills with fire attribute abilities, the lethality is very strong. This is similar to Mai Shiranui!

However, compared with Shiranui Wu, her figure is so different!

Fang Chuan smiled, didn't get up at all, just punched and blasted away. With a bang, a puff of true energy smashed the air. With a bang, he directly collided with the flame sparked by Ling Yan. The ripples spread, and the surrounding tables were lifted a few more tables.

Bang bang bang--

The scene is messier!


Ling Yan let out a painful scream, and was directly blasted by Zhen Qi. She fell to the ground and rolled a few more laps, and her clothes were also burned out of several holes by her flames. She was extremely embarrassed and leaked the scenery!

She has almost no strength at the moment!

She did not expect that a man who looked very ordinary could have such a powerful force, which really surprised her!

"Do you dare to hit me?" Ling Yan was very angry, pointing at Fang Chuan, with a bitter expression on her face: "I killed you, so that you might die!"

She said, struggling to get up.


Wu Jian already came to Ling Yan's side, helped her up, took off her clothes and put them on, covering the beautiful scenery.

He smiled slightly: "I didn't expect the other party to be a powerful character, let me come, you have a good rest."

"Brother Jian, thank you." Ling Yan nodded, then pointed at Fang Chuan: "You must teach this **** well!"

"I know."

Wu Jian nodded, with a confident smile on his face.

"Brother Jian, you do it, or I do it." Another male companion of Wu Jian, named Deng Kai, was tall and handsome, and walked over with a smile on his face.

Wu Jian waved his hand: "I'm coming."

"Brother Jian, then don't kill him. We are in Yizhou City after all, so we should control it a little bit." Deng Kai smiled, full of confidence, and walked to Ling Yan's side and supported Ling Yan. , To the side.

Wu Jian clicked the corner of his mouth and looked at Fang Chuan: "Friend, you peeked at my friend and beat her. This is too much. How can a man care about a woman?"

When he speaks, he reverses black and white. This person is sinister and cunning!

"Just her beauty, want me to peek at her?"

Fang Chuan shook his head: "Do you think too much? Sorry, I am not interested in ugly people. I am even less interested in people who are ugly and unconscious!"

"You beast, who do you say is ugly!" Ling Yan almost didn't get her nose crooked when she heard it, and yelled at her regardless of her image.


Almost instantly, Fang Chuan flicked his finger, and a burst of true energy blasted in front of Ling Yan in a spiral manner.

"Be careful!"

Wu Jian was furious. He didn't expect this person to attack his female companion in front of him. Where did this put his face?


His speed was also fast, almost instantly, he rushed to Ling Yan's body. He stretched out his hand, and there was a chill in his hand.

He is going to freeze Fang Chuan's innocence!

It turns out that this person is also a capable person.

"I miss you too much!"

Fang Chuan's mouth twitched and his figure shook, at least twice the speed of this man, and at almost the same time, he came to Wu Jian's side.

"The person I want to hit, no one can stop!"

He said, punching out. It seems ordinary, but the speed is extremely fast, which contains great power. With a bang, it banged in front of Wu Jian's belly.

"court death!"

Wu Jian felt the crisis, roared, and quickly stretched out his hand to block him. Kacha Kacha, almost at the same time, a thick sheet of ice condensed in front of him.

This ice is like a thousand-year-old ice, hard as iron.


With a loud noise, the ice shattered. The powerful force drove him back a dozen steps.

After that, there was another muffled noise. Ling Yan's lower abdomen was beaten out again by the spiral Zhenqi pill.

With a pop, Ling Yan lay on the ground and vomited blood.

Fang Chuan looked at Ling Yan with a tick at the corner of his mouth: "When you go out, you must learn to speak. If you think you are a woman, no one will fight?"

He shook his head: "Only a lovely woman can a man respect her. A woman like you can only hehe."

"You--" Ling Yan had a sharp pain in her abdomen, angry and angry!

"Boy, you really angered me!" Wu Jian walked over with a sullen face, his body exuding a bitter murderous intent.

He didn't expect that this kid not only didn't give him face, but also had certain strength.

If he does not take action to teach him, then he will not have any majesty!

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