The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1556: Still persuaded

Chapter 1556


With a wave of his hand, a warning formation was placed in the entire room. Once someone broke in, Fang Chuan knew immediately within 20 kilometers.

Following that, with a wave of his hand, the imperial wind technique was used, spurring a strong wind, and sweeping the corpse.

Afterwards, he plunged into the night, came to a police station, and put the body in front of the police station. Then, he called Luo Zhengliang, told him about the situation, and asked Luo Zhengliang to check his background.

Fang Chuan will not forget the things he promised this person.

After doing all of this, he returned to the ward, sat cross-legged, and entered Wuwu.

Just now, Jiu Lizhu sucked the devil's fetus from the person's body, and then was directly sent into Wuwujian by Fang Chuan.

This is a space that exists and does not exist. Very mysterious! Fang Chuan didn't even figure out how the original refiner opened up this Wuwu and connected with the refining mirror.


His consciousness has also come to nothingness! He was condescending, looking at the two demons in front of him.


The demon before, tortured by Fang Chuan, has not recovered yet. When he saw Fang Chuan, his eyes were full of fear. He knelt on the ground almost subconsciously, shivering.

"Zhantai, why are you so unpromising?"

Then the demon came in, very angry. He couldn't figure out how Zhantai would be so spineless and kneel to a humble human!

Zhantai is the surname of a branch of the imperial family.

They came from the same demon realm, and they knew each other before accepting the task.

Zhantai looked at the demon afterwards and shook his head: "Wang Ming, I advise you not to talk to this adult like this, otherwise, you will be miserable."

It turned out that this demon later was called Wang Ming!

Wang Ming is also a surname. It was the royal clan where this Zhantai was located, under the rule of the demon domain, another powerful tribe, and also had the blood of the demon clan.

Zhantai is called Zhantai 酆.

Sui Ming is called Sui Ming Xing.

Hearing this, he sneered: "Zhantai, I really misunderstood you. He is just a human being. Even if we are caught by him, we will die. We Demon Warriors, are we afraid of death?"

Zhan Taifeng shook his head: "Wang Ming, you don't even know."

He paused: "Do you know who this person is? He is the reincarnation of Tiande Xianzun! Even if he is reincarnated here, it is not something you and I can contend!"

He said again: "I have already figured it out. I am afraid that Tiande Immortal Venerable is not reincarnated, but for the human race, reincarnated into the world we have come to invade! This is the starting point for our demons to invade mankind, and the most important position!"

Zhan Taifeng sighed: "He came here to destroy our plan!"

"Shut up!" Suddenly stunned, he hurriedly shouted: "Even if he is the reincarnation of Xianzun, so what, it's a big deal."


Fang Chuan waited for them to finish, and smiled faintly: "Do you think that death is so easy?"

Zhan Taifeng's expression changed abruptly, and he could fully understand the meaning of what Fang Chuan said. He hurriedly waved his hand: "Tiande Immortal Venerable, I know you are great, but don't count me too! What you want to do has nothing to do with me!"

Fang Chuan glanced at Zhan Taifeng lightly, and he understood very well that there was no Demon Race to deal with. Even this Zhantai 酆 is not in agreement.

He waved his hand: "Don't talk nonsense."

Afterwards, his eyes shook with a scream, and Jiu Lizhu rushed out of his hand and fell on the heads of both of them. After that, the black mangs became fierce and enveloped them.

"Not good!" Zhetai was shocked, and hurriedly ran the demon's secret technique, his whole body flashed with red light, causing the surrounding temperature to rise suddenly.


In this world of nothingness, no entity, Zhan Taifeng performed the demon clan secret technique, and a sea of ​​fire was still born around his body!

In the raging fire, the rising power, like a thousand hands, resisted the energy inspired by Fang Chuan's Jiulizhu.


Suspicion did not adapt to this space at all, and he knelt down before he could react. The whole person is like carrying a mountain on his back.

He gritted his teeth and struggled hard, however, he felt the original devil qi in his body being drawn out by these nine Li beads little by little!

He was terribly scared!

He was just like Zhan Taifeng before, and he didn't expect that this Jiu Lizhu could actually pull away the original devil energy in his body.

He finally understood why Zhan Taifeng was so courageous and so embarrassed of the demons!

"This bastard!" He cursed in his heart, "Obviously it is a very low-level world, why is there such a powerful magic weapon? Is this person really Tiande Xianzun? Could it be that he brought him from the immortal world? s things?"

He kept guessing in his heart, but the magic energy in his body was fading in the form of acceleration.

"Ha ha."

Fang Chuan couldn't help shook his head, looking at these two demons who were suppressed by Jiu Lizhu, extracted demonic energy, and frantically resisted without much effect.

He smiled: "So you are useless than this one called Zhantai, I thought you were a hero!"

"You--" Furious. And when he was angry, he felt that the devilish energy in his body disappeared faster.

Moreover, he found desperately that after their devilish energy entered the **** bead, the power of the bead would become even greater.

He was completely panicked!

All the bones, all the arrogance, all the disdain for human beings before, all disappeared.

He hurriedly shouted: "What on earth are you going to do? Can't I make a mistake? Let me go! My original devilish energy, let me go, please..."

He kept begging, but Fang Chuan did not relax.

Although Zhan Taifeng was also trying his best to resist Jiu Lizhu's extraction of devilish energy, he followed and gave Xu Mingxing a sneer.

Wasn't he very good before?

What's wrong now?

Think you are strong and others are weak?

He had to feel better when he thought about it this way.

Fang Chuan hooked the corner of his mouth when he saw it. However, afterwards, the world revolved around the world, and his problem was caused by excessive mental exhaustion.


He flipped his hand and put away Jiu Lizhu.

He had absorbed a lot of demon energy by Zhan Tai, but Zhan Tai was the real demon imperial clan, and compared with the inferior demon clan such as imprisonment, his natural origin was stronger. Therefore, his current devilish energy is stronger than imprisonment.

At this moment, the impunity is like a dead dog, lying in the space between Wuwu, breathing heavily.

It wasn't until Fang Chuan put away Jiu Lizhu that he felt the rest of his life!

"Let's talk about it, how did you come to the earth!" Fang Chuan's gaze penetrated through the hole, making the whole body agitated!

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