The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1545: It's so scary

Chapter 1545


Splitting Feng's whole person was cut into two pieces. He let out a scream, then stared at Mo Yuan, and then fell to the ground.

He knew that he was dead!

However, he was not reconciled!

"Help me... revenge!" Split Feng made the final request.

Snapped! Snapped!

His body fell on the ground, making two tandem noises.

He died of anger!

This person who once made everyone on the road tremble, unexpectedly, this time, died in Fang Chuan's hands.

It is...too unwilling!

"Crack Front!"

Mo Yuan couldn't help but tremble! Splitting Feng is his only partner and the only one who knows his secret and is alive.

He always tells Li Feng his secrets. After all, if a person holds a secret for too long, it will be very uncomfortable in his heart.

Therefore, the crack front is almost a confidant of his.

Now, the cracking front is dead!

His eyes were a little red, and he looked at Fang Chuan with a trace of anger: "You actually killed him?"

"Didn't you let him test my strength?" Fang Chuan smiled, shook the black knife in his hand, and sprinkled blood on the ground.

Black knife, restored the darkness.

The corner of his mouth twitched and looked at Mo Yuan: "It was not me who killed him, but you. Don't you admit it?"

"Fang Chuan!"

Mo Yuan gritted his teeth a bit, he looked at Fang Chuan fiercely: "You make me so angry! I'm thinking about whether to kill you or transform your body!"

"Do not."

Fang Chuan shook his head and looked at Mo Yuan: "What you should consider is how to survive. Or, how can I not kill you."


Mo Yuan was really angry. He couldn't hold the kind of approachability and friendliness before.

He looked at Fang Chuan fiercely: "You are a nice young Toshihiko, you can even say that you are the best one among the people I have observed."

He paused: "Unfortunately, you are still not my opponent!"

His eyes flashed, and he seemed to have made up his mind: "If that's the case, then, I will kill you, let Cracking Feng know that he didn't follow the wrong person!"


Mo Yuan's eyes drenched, and then, a blood blade suddenly appeared in his hand. However, this blood blade has a unique shape, and its whole body is bright red, just like the devil's fangs.

There is also space for mustard seeds in his hands!


Just a moment, a bright red sword light in the shape of a half-moon slashed in front of Fang Chuan.

Fang Chuan's figure shook, avoiding this sword light. That suffocating breath conveyed Mo Yuan's power.

The speed of that knife is ten times the speed of the crack front!

His speed is almost the same as Fang Chuan!

"Unexpectedly, you, such a perverted person, would care about the life and death of a subordinate so much. Haha, interesting!"

As Fang Chuan said, a black knife appeared in his left hand. Following that, he displayed a sharp sword technique with both hands, and the blade light kept flashing, slashing towards Mo Yuan one by one.

Mo Yuan's sword light faced the sword light of Shangchuan River. At this moment, the two were evenly matched. The three blades collide violently.

Every collision will exude terrible power. The whole room was shaking constantly, and cracks appeared in the study.

The blade light left deep marks on the ground.


Mo Yuan's sword moves became more and more fierce, and their lethality became stronger and stronger. However, Fang Chuan's speed and responsiveness are not weaker than him.

He is going to break through to the super master of Zhuji Duo!

And the person in front of him, who is less than twenty years old, is so terrifying?

If let him continue to grow, how terrible will he be?

The more Mo Yuan thought about it, the more scared he became. He decided that even if he didn't kill this person, he would transform this person's body. Anyway, he would never let his soul continue to live.

"What's impossible?" Fang Chuan's mouth twitched, and the power of the double knives in his hand was also increasing.

Back then, with a single thought, he calculated this set of double-sword art without a name. After this, there are many powerful moves, suitable for the moves of the fairy.

However, Fang Chuan can't use it now, and can only use its simplified ultimate move.

However, the power is also extremely strong!


The speed of the two is dazzling. Two black and one red, as if in this space, painted a perfect pattern.

The violent collisions one after another caused the sparks to splash randomly and the air waves raged.

Both of them were really enraged by the strength of each other.

Although Mo Yuan's body was young, his physical strength was far inferior to Fang Chuan, who had integrated the magic mirror.

Their strength is not much different!

Fang Chuan can burst out the strongest power anytime and anywhere without attenuation.

However, Mo Yuan was a human being after all, the more he got behind, the more tired Mo Yuan felt.

"This person is terrifying! I can't let him consume it anymore!"

Mo Yuan's thoughts moved, and at the same time, he also sensed that someone downstairs seemed to have noticed the movement here.

Some people from the Mo family have already walked here.

He cannot be seen by the Mohists!


He displayed a killer move, fought against Fang Chuan, and separated from Fang Chuan briefly. Shaking with his body, he rushed towards the study window.

With a scream, he rushed out of the study, shot in the air, and almost instantly fell into a row of woods behind the Mo family.

Seeing him leave suddenly, Fang Chuan would naturally not stay here. Otherwise, he is here alone and there is no way to explain it.


He walked against the wind and rushed out at a speed of Mach two. A gliding, followed by the first, fell behind Mo Yuan.

Mo Yuan made a few points on the ground, and the whole person floated lightly and at a very fast speed. He shuttled through this piece of woods, then ran wildly and came to a lake.

Standing on the surface of the lake out of thin air, he raised the blood blade in his hand and looked at Fang Chuan, his forehead was sweaty, but his eyes were full of killing intent.

"You Mo family chose a good location."

Fang Chuan fell on the lake almost at the same time as him. The moon in the sky is reflected on the water. The whole picture has a sense of three-dimensionality.

He looked at Mo Yuan: "If you change to another place, the police may have been provoked. Haha, it's kind of interesting!"

"Fang Chuan, I admit that I underestimated you!" Mo Yuan's body, a huge energy, is constantly accumulating.

He looked at Fang Chuan: "You obviously didn't break through, why is there such a powerful force? This is impossible at all, why is this?"


Fang Chuan's mouth twitched: "How do you know the gap between me and you? After saying that, you won't understand."

He paused: "I'll just ask you a question, is Jiu Lizhu Jiuyin Demon Bead?"

He knew that Mo Yuan was accumulating a very powerful ultimate move. This ultimate move may reach the dual level of foundation building.

Generally speaking, Fang Chuan did not dare to let him accumulate so much.

However, he also has absolute confidence.

Therefore, he took this opportunity to ask Mo Yuan questions, and he would definitely get the answers he needed.

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