The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1539: Nine Yin Magic Orb

Chapter 1539 Nine Yin Demon Orb

Nine Yin magic beads! Fang Chuan knew the name of this magic bead, it was a treasure of the magic way. It was a magic weapon used by the former Nine Yin Devil!

Moreover, he also knew that the demon altar here was built by the Nine Yin Demon King.

However, this matter can be traced back to ancient times.

However, Xiao Gao's ancestors were at best in the Ming Dynasty.

During this period, something must have happened again.

The years are too long, and many things are no longer known, and so many things depend on the speculation of posterity.

Perhaps, the Nine Yin Demon King used magic power to build this altar, then placed the Nine Yin Demon Orbs in it, and buried the body in the ground. Then, they look forward to being born again someday.

However, someone followed the clues and found here. Then, later generations used other methods to transform this place.

Perhaps, Xiao Gao’s ancestors did not come here to build the demon altar, but the lighthouse in the cave is not necessarily!

However, these are not important anymore.

What Fang Chuan had to do now was to find the Nine Yin Demon Orbs, then control the Demon Race, control the Demon Race's Qi, and rescue Tie Rou'er.

He just didn't expect the situation to become more and more complicated now. Li Qingniu hadn't figured it out yet, and another Blood Demon Sect appeared.

The most important thing is that the moves used by this blood demon sect descendant turned out to be the inheritance of the famous blood demon sect in the cultivation world.

This shows that the earth has a relationship with the Blood Demon Sect!

The earth is not so simple on the surface!

after an hour.

"Boss, we have rummaged here and we haven't found the magic beads!" Liang Wenbo used all his methods of stealing tombs and various treasure hunting methods, but no magic beads were found inside.

At this moment, he was panting and sweating from exhaustion.

Fang Chuan glanced at him and nodded: "Well, since there isn't, then forget it." He also searched for a long time, and even entered the lighthouse cave again, and there was no new discovery.

On the contrary, he faintly felt that the huge body of the Nine Yin Demon Lord under the ground was fluctuating from time to time.

However, the Nine Yin Demon King now seems to be just a fallen corpse after all, even if it has just been able to stimulate a devilish energy, it is probably the greatest limit.

Although this nine-yin devil is like a time bomb. However, Fangchuan did not have much influence.

After all, the Nine Yin Demon King, like the underground monster in the Ancient Cave of Wudao, is a threat, but it will not explode immediately.

"Let's go."

Fang Chuan came to the Ancient Demon Cave this time, although he did not find the Nine Yin Demon Orb, but the gain was not small.

He saw the people of the Blood Demon Sect, and he also knew that there was a Nine Yin Demon King buried in this ancient magic cave!

To him, it still makes a lot of sense.

After a while, they left the ancient magic cave. Fang Chuan used another blind eye formation to hide the magic hole.

Generally speaking, no one will find this place unless they are monks and have exact directions.

Soon, they got into the car and hurried to the Shanghai stock market.

"Boss, I have always had a doubt in my mind." Liang Wenbo sat in the car and looked at Fang Chuan nervously.

"Say." Fang Chuan smiled faintly.

Liang Wenbo nodded: "When we went to the magic cave, we found a batch of corpses. These corpses shouldn't be masters of the Blood Demon Sect, right?"

"Yes." Fang Chuan's mouth twitched, "I know what you want to say! You want to know, what is the origin of the people who died, right?"

"Yes." Liang Wenbo smiled, "I think that if we want to find the magic beads, I'm afraid the identities of the dead are very important."

"It's important, but it's not absolute." Fang Chuan waved his hand, "I have a complete understanding of the breath of the Nine Yin Demon Orb. Just give me a few days to know where it is roughly. At that time, I will fetch the Nine Yin Demon Orbs."

"Really?" Liang Wenbo was taken aback, then smiled: "Big Brother's ability, there is absolutely no problem, haha, Big Brother, you are really amazing!"

Fang Chuan glanced at Liang Wenbo lightly, smiled, but didn't say much.

Two hours later, they returned to the Medical Sacred Mansion.

The Medical Sacred Mansion is now well organized, even with a hint of prosperity. Not only has the environment improved, but the popularity has also become stronger.

Xiao Gao, Lao Wu, and Lao Lin seem to like this place very much, and they have a wholehearted attitude to stay here and do things for the Medical Sacred Mansion.

Fan Youmei also likes it because it is the site of Fangchuan. She would rather lead just a few people to take care of this medical sacred mansion, rather than return to the Fan Group to be a tool for others to make money.

Zhou Zhengfeng is actually okay. He doesn't have much antagonism with Fang Chuan, and it was just a small conflict before, so he also works here sincerely.

Only Yu Liwen, he hated Fang Chuan deeply, and gradually attributed his father's death to Fang Chuan. In this way, his sense of guilt towards his father was lessened bit by bit.

Fang Chuan returned to the Medical Sacred Mansion and had a meal with Fan Youmei, listening to Fan Youmei report to work.

It turned out that just a few hours after he left, people from the Bai family, the Ma family, and the Song family sent invitations to invite them to dinner at night.

Of course, the Ma family is an apology feast, while the Bai family is a daily invitation. The Song family, of course, wanted to establish a good relationship with Fang Chuan, so they sent invitations.

"Ha, Xiaochuan, just a few days after you came to the Shanghai stock market, you have become a guest of these famous families. It's really amazing!"

Fan Youmei said with a smile, "However, I suggest you not go to any one. Because, you are a person of identity, where can you go?"

"That's also right." Fang Chuan nodded and smiled, "Actually, I have no plans to go. I still have things to do recently."

"After that, did I push you directly for this kind of banquet?" Fan Youmei smiled.

"Good." Fang Chuan nodded.

"Oh, yes!" Fan Youmei said suddenly, "I always feel that Yu Liwen is weird. Today, he asked for leave and said he was going to visit relatives in Shanghai."

"Yu Liwen?"

Fang Chuan smiled slightly and looked at Fan Youmei: "Do you know the contradiction between me and him? Many people know about this."


Fan Youmei's eyes lit up, and she clapped her hands: "I remember! This incident was a lot of trouble in Yizhou City. I happened to hear it, but I forgot it before!"

She raised her brows: "You have such a contradiction with him, and now he seems to have a certain amount of power, why did you keep him by your side?"

"It's just a use." Fang Chuan smiled.

"Mr. Fang, someone sent an invitation outside!" Zhou Zhengfeng ran over with a smile, and gave a hot stamping invitation to Fang Chuan's hand: "It's from the famous Mo family!"

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