Chapter 1528 Can You Stop Me?

"I still know this. After all, it's not a big secret." Fang Chuan twitched his mouth and looked at Ma Yousan: "But, what I said here, even if you have two famous sects, it is also for me. It's useless."

Ma Yousan smiled bitterly and said: "Mr. Fang, you are such a strong person, how can we dare to violate you? Even if there is a famous door behind me, but the famous door will not easily offend you for my Ma family. Sir!"

He said again: "You can rest assured, no matter what, I will execute this contract. If there is a little mistake, you come to me!"

Ma Yousan's expression can be said to be very sincere. However, only he knows his heart. Whether he can accept the current situation, only he knows.

Fang Chuan glanced at him lightly, and the corner of his mouth tickled: "I don't care about this. You can do whatever you want, and you can bear the consequences."

He waved his hand: "Okay, sign the contract."

"Okay." Ma Yousan swallowed a mouthful of water, and he had nothing to do in front of someone as strong as Fang Chuan.

This reminded him of Li Qingniu! At first, although Li Qingniu was low-key, he did a few important things that Yosan Ma knew.

The people in the Medical Sacred Mansion are truly extraordinary!

Afterwards, Fan Youmei asked Ma’s people to print out three contracts immediately, and finalized the details with Ma Yousan. After about an hour, the contract was finally amended and the two parties signed the contract.

Fan Youmei's heart is finally fulfilled. With this contract, she can go back and talk to her father about her mother and her marriage contract.

Fang Chuan waited for Fan Youmei to sign the contract and looked at Ma Yousan: "Okay, that's it for this matter. Then, I want to talk to you about other things next."

"There's still something!" Ma Yousan frowned. Had Fang Chuan been so strong, he would have turned his face long ago.

Fang Chuan waved his hand: "Except for the owner of the Ma family, all of you from the Ma family, go out."

"How can this work?" Ma Yousan's son was not worried to let Ma Yousan stay here alone.

Fang Chuan smiled faintly and looked at Ma Yousan's son: "You think I have to deal with him. If you have twice as many people, can you stop me?"

"This..." Ma Yousan's son showed embarrassment on his face.

Yousan Ma sighed and waved: "Okay, you all go out. I believe Mr. Fang will not mess around."

"Yes." Everyone had to agree. They all knew that Fang Chuan was right. Even if they are here, Fang Chuan wants to deal with Ma Yousan, they have no way to stop him.

After a while, they all went out.

"Mr. Fang, look, what else is there?" Ma Yousan was very nervous.

Fang Chuan tilted Erlang's legs, looked at Ma Yousan, and smiled faintly: "Let's talk about it, why are you letting me go down that valley and enter that cave?"

"This—" Ma Yousan's face suddenly sank, this is his big secret, for this, he will kill people.

Fang Chuan's mouth twitched: "Why, don't you want to say?"

"This..." Ma Yousan gritted his teeth. He didn't want to admit this, but in front of Fang Chuan, it was impossible not to admit it.

However, admitting it, he doesn't know how to say it.

Liang Wenbo smiled and said: "Master Ma, are you not willing to admit it at this time? I had a recording before. If you admit it or not, the fact is here."

Ma Yousan's face was uncertain, looked at Liang Wenbo, then at Fang Chuan, and finally sighed: "Okay, I admit! I did let you jade-faced fox go to that cave to find something important. But , That thing was left by my ancestors. It has nothing to do with you, Mr. Fang!"

"Your ancestor?" Fang Chuan smiled faintly and pointed to Xiao Gao: "Could it be that your ancestor is the same as Xiao Gao's ancestor, who is the craftsman?"

He shook his head: "Don't be funny. Your ancestors are also members of a big family, how could you participate in the construction of that cave?"

"You--" Ma Yousan heard it, and suddenly felt helpless. This person is so terrible, it feels like he knows everything. It is very difficult to lie to him!

Fang Chuan smiled and stretched his hands: "Ma Family Master, you have also seen it. It is basically impossible for you to lie to me. Tell the truth!"

He paused for a while, his eyes drenched: "What clue did you get from Li Qingniu that you found the treasure map in Xiao Gao's hands, and then asked Liang Wenbo to help you find the things in the cave?"


Ma Yousan was so scared that he stood up all at once and looked at Fang Chuan with surprise. He felt that this person was terrible.

This is his secret!

How could this person know these things?

He stared at Fang Chuan fiercely: "You, what is your relationship with Li Qingniu? No, even Li Qingniu doesn't know about me. You, how do you know?"

Fang Chuan smiled: "I know a lot of things."

He paused, and Wang Changfeng's memory appeared in his mind. This memory is very vague, just a fragment. It was Wang Changfeng, a fragment of meeting Ma Yousan in private.

For Fang Chuan, this fragment was originally thought to be useless, a kind of discarded memory. But at this time, it is of great use.

He smiled: "Wang Changfeng told you something, right?"

Ma Yousan's face was sloppy, pale as white paper, and his whole body was shaking. This kind of fear is even more exaggerated than the fear when he saw Fang Chuan's powerful force just now.

This seems to be a feeling of being completely seen through by others!

He suddenly felt that in front of Fang Chuan, there seemed to be no secret at all.

He stared at Fang Chuan firmly: "You, how do you know so much? Who are you? Wang Changfeng came to see me, I am afraid he doesn't even know about it. How did you know?"

"Admit it?"

Fang Chuan's mouth twitched. He had guessed that Wang Changfeng's memory might have been erased. Therefore, his memory of meeting Yosan Ma is just a fragment.

Now, he knew that something must have happened back then.

"You, aren't you a human being, and one of them?" Yosan Ma was stunned, as if he had figured out something, and quickly said: "Haha, yes, that is! Only those things of them are so powerful! You, you must be Those things, aren't they?"

When Fang Chuan saw Ma Yousan's appearance, he immediately understood that Ma Yousan had seen people from the Demon Race, and he had also contacted the Demon Race and received instructions from the Demon Race.

Suddenly he stood up, took a step forward, his eyes drenched, his body was murderous, and he looked at Yo-san Ma: "Say, what do they want you to do!"

Yousan Ma felt his scalp tingling: "You guys, didn't you guys go all the way? No, no, the breath on you is wrong! My God!"

Yozo Ma is about to collapse!

His whole body was shaking more severely, looking at Fang Chuan, his eyes were bloodshot: "Tell me, are you they?"

"No." Fang Chuan's mouth twitched, "If you don't say anything, I will let you see them again."

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